Lan Xing didn't expect Ma Jichang to come to her suddenly today. Not only Ma Jichang, he also brought his 10-year-old son with him.

His son's name is Ma Haoxuan, he looks almost like his father, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. It is possible that for a long time lack of maternal love, Ma Jichang compensated him more materially by Wu, making him become arrogant, rude, and self-respecting little overlord.

Blue Star gave Ma Haoxuan the fruit. He glanced at it, and he was disgusted: "It's not imported fruit, I don't want to eat it. The fruit here is not delicious."

Blue Star: ""

"Auntie, your house is too small, it's not as big as my own room, so I can't get up when I sit here."

Blue Star: ""

"My dad said that you have a beautiful little sister, and I just came here. Where's the little sister? I left without me. Your house is gray and dirty everywhere."

Blue Star: ""

Ma Jichang was particularly embarrassed and said, "Blue Star, Haoxuan has been spoiled by me and the servants since he was a child, so I am also very worried. He was on vacation today and yelled to come out to play, so I wanted to let him and Yue'er played together for a while and learned some politeness from Yue'er. It is really embarrassing to cause you inconvenience without notifying you in advance."

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay. It's always late for boys to be mature and sensible. Yue'er went out to buy a book and will be back soon." Lan Xing said it was okay, but it was true to this ten-year-old child. Is worried. Just doting in this way, after waiting for a few years, the character develops, the child is really abandoned.

It was not too late, and Yueer bounced back humming a song. As soon as he entered the house and saw the shoes at the door, he knew who was coming again.

Although I didn't like Ma Jichang in my heart, he politely greeted: "Good uncle. Uncle, this little brother is your son?"

Ma Jichang liked Yue'er's sensibility, and after introducing Ma Haoxuan to Yue'er, he naturally praised Yue'er emphatically.

As soon as he came here, Ma Haoxuan, the very annoying brat, at the moment he saw Yue'er, it was as if Sun Monkey saw Avalokitesvara, and he immediately became honest. Looking up and down at Yue'er several times, the more you look, the better. He also took the initiative to say hello: "Hello, sister Yue, I am Brother Haoxuan."

Yue'er hates people with eyes on top of her head, so she is not very enthusiastic about him. Hmm, I went to the table to get fruit to eat. And Ma Haoxuan, who originally only ate imported fruits, actually leaned forward to get a banana, peeled a bite and said it was sweet.

This is probably because the legendary catching up is not a business. The more Yueer neglects Ma Haoxuan, ignores him, coldly dismisses him, and Ma Haoxuan wants to talk to her because of the base.

This kid's changes before and after are simply not normal, so Ma Jichang saw hope in an instant. Then he enthusiastically invited Blue Star to take the two children to the playground. He had a purpose. Not only can the two children communicate with each other, they can also enhance understanding and feelings. had such a big premise, so with this trip to the amusement park, there was a sneak peek among the Huo Yichen crowd.

On the merry-go-round, Yue'er was sitting on the merry-go-round, Ma Haoxuan immediately said gentlemanly: "Sister Yue'er, you are too young, it is not safe to do it alone. Let your brother sit with you."

Yueer Hengma Haoxuan glanced: "Whoever wants to sit with you, sit by yourself if you want to play."

Ma Haoxuan got on the merry-go-round next door with some irritation. After holding back twice, he asked, "Sister Yue'er, you don't seem to like me."

Yue'er smiled: "Why should I like you?"

Ma Haoxuan straightened up immediately and said, "Of course you have to like me. Did you know that I am a little prince at school, and all female classmates like me."

Yue'er asked again: "Then what do your female classmates like about you?"

Ma Haoxuan said triumphantly: "Those female classmates like me to look handsome, like to be handsome, like me to ride in a good car, like me to get to and from school with servants. They like me living in a big house. Anyway, they just love me very much. , They all say that they will marry me when they grow up."

Yue'er glanced at Ma Haoxuan with a foolish look, and then mocked: "Your looks are given by your parents. Without your parents' beauty, you might not even be able to catch up with Wu Dalang. This shouldn't be something you deserve to show off. .You have a luxury car, a servant, and a big house. You think you have a good dad. If your dad is picking up tatters, do you still feel like a slammer now? Master Ma, you Don’t be naive. Those girls say they want to marry you when they grow up. That means they want to marry money when they grow up. If you grow up, your daddy is bankrupt, and you have no money, you become a pauper, and you think those girls pay Will marry you?"

Yue'er's cynicism made Ma Haoxuan's face uncontrollable, and he hummed angrily: "My daddy won't go bankrupt!"

"That's your daddy's ability, but not yours. What do you show off with me? If you draw your daddy's money, there will be no capital to show off others. When did you make money on your own? It’s your ability to let countless girls run after you."

Yue'er counted on Ma Haoxuan. When a wooden horse turned a corner, he saw Daddy Huo Yichen. She immediately chuckled happily. Daddy can really bend and stretch on Blue Star. A big president who is worth tens of billions of dollars can also sneak into the crowd.

Naturally, Ma Jichang and Lan Xing didn't know that they had become the focus of others' eyes, and they were still talking while looking at their children.

"I found out that bringing the smelly boy to see your Jia Yue'er was really right. The boy was in front of me, in front of the servants, and he looked like a second-generation ancestor's bastard. But how weird you look in front of Yue'er. Probably it is the legendary bittern tofu, one thing will drop one thing." Ma Jichang said with joy.

Yue'er drank the juice, turned to look at the children, and smiled: "Yue'er, this child matures early, never pays attention to people and things he doesn't like, and doesn't compromise. Maybe she didn't please your son, your son. My heart is not balanced, so I can’t show off the young master’s shelf."

"It may also be the case. Anyway, I only believe in one sentence: near Zhu is red, near ink is black. Environment can really change a person. As long as the stinky boy can become polite and not so headstrong, I am satisfied."

Yueer whispered: "Children always need a process to grow up. Every child is a different flower, some are early in bloom, and some are late. Don't worry, the flower belongs to Master Ma. It always has to be open. Even if it doesn’t bloom, it might not bloom, but a towering tree."

Ma Jichang pushed a dessert to the blue star, "You can really comfort people. After listening to your words, I feel much more comfortable."

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