The President is Too Fierce: Sweet Wife, Be Nice!

Chapter 739: You Are the One Who Hit

"Cheng Lianxun! Don't go too far!"

Seeing that Zhuo Cherry had just stood up and fell into the water again, her aunt couldn't stand it anymore.

Who knows who took Cheng Lianxun's hand, and pulled it so hard that Cheng Lianxun almost slammed into the edge of the pool.

If it hits with this strength, it will be bloody.

This time, Cheng Lianxun was really angry.

Since they don't want to let her go, they should kill her.

She grabbed it with her backhand, and then dragged it hard, and the other party's well-dressed head and face were all buried in the water.

"Ah! Auntie!" the girl exclaimed and quickly hugged her waist.

This aunt was not dragged into the water by Cheng Lianxun.

"Cheng Lianxun! You're going too far!"

For a while, no one cared about Zhuo Cherry, and it was all about Cheng Lianxun.

They you pull, I pull, don't care, anyway, it's right to clean up Cheng Lianxun.

They came up with a pair of hands, grabbing, pushing, and dragging.

Cheng Lianxun's two fists were no match for her four hands, and she was a little embarrassed for a while. She was almost thrown into the water several times, but she managed to hold her own in the end.

"I'm going, so brave?"

Nan Nanxi stood aside and hid far away, she really wanted to help Cheng Lian find one.

But she lowered her head to look at her swollen belly, and then at the crazy women who bared their teeth and claws, she subconsciously protected her belly.

The scene is too chaotic, she is not suitable for battle.

If something happens to the baby, Yu Feng'er will have to fight her hard.

In the short time she hesitated, Cheng Lianxun broke through the encirclement and pushed the people by the pool into the water one by one.

"Hey, hello!" Nan Nanxi looked in amazement, and fell in admiration for Cheng Lianxun's small body, "The cow is dead."

Her eyes are scarlet, like a girl with brute force, she is not polite to the women of the Zhuo family at all, she knocks her head down when she catches one, and knocks her head down when she catches one.

Without much effort, the faces of the four women by the pool were all drenched.

One hit four is not her opponent!

Such a wonderful picture, it's a pity not to take pictures.

Nan Nanxi took out her mobile phone from her small bag, and quickly took a few photos of the fountain.

After shooting, I thought of Zhuo Dingding, so I sent it to him casually.

At this time, Zhuo Dingding was still talking about things in his grandfather's study.

When he saw the photo, he got up immediately and left the study room without delay.

He left the old man alone in the study without leaving a word.

"What are you doing?"

The old man looked at his back in a hurry to go out, and only had time to shout this sentence.

But this sentence did not call Zhuo Dingding back, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The old man thought for a while, felt that something important had happened, and then got up and left the study.

But from his slow pace, it can be seen that even if something big happens, he doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

This side of the fountain.

In the blink of an eye, the battle became more and more intense.

Besides Zhuo Cherry, two more people were dragged into the pond by Cheng Lianxun.

They pushed each other and joined hands to deal with Cheng Lianxun.

But Cheng Lianxun, who was small in stature, stood still under the siege, not being thrown into the water.

On the contrary, Zhuo Yingying and the others, who were so numerous, jumped into the water one after another.

But the more frustrated they became, the more they fought, the more angry they became, and when they stood up, they grabbed Cheng Lianxun even more angrily.

Although Cheng Lianxun didn't fall into the water again, these people had long nails and they scratched hard. Her two white arms had already been scratched with blood.

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