The President is Too Fierce: Sweet Wife, Be Nice!

Chapter 189 Injured and unconscious

"Quickly transfer the money!"

The kidnapper urged her on.

"Can I do this, I will definitely give you the money, but I..."

Cheng Lianxun was really worried that if they took the money, they would continue to hurt her.

So I want to discuss with him and change the trading location a little bit.


"Stop talking nonsense! Pay now!"

The kidnappers only had money in their eyes.

"Okay! I'll turn now!"

Worried that if they would annoy them, they would not even want her two million dollars, and just leave her dead in the wilderness, she echoed repeatedly.

She lowered her head and fiddled with her mobile phone, thinking about how to save herself.

"Transfer the account, why are you so slow?"

A minute passed, and the money hadn't been seen yet, so the kidnappers were in a hurry.

In this dark forest, no one spoke at night.

The tree shadows swayed and swayed, as if many policemen came to arrest them, it was scary.

"I'll log in to my WeChat first, and I have to verify it before I can log in. Don't worry, I'll be fine soon."

She was procrastinating on purpose.

Another minute passed.

"Old Liu, do you think that is a person?"

The rough kidnapper pointed in a direction to the front left.

"Who is there? Don't scare yourself, it must be the tree shadow."

Lao Liu, who had been frightened several times by himself, didn't take it seriously.

"Old Liu, it seems to be a real person! Look carefully, he is running towards us!"

The other kidnapper spoke hurriedly, a little flustered.


Cheng Lianxun heard the hope and quickly looked up.

"Really human."

She has good eyesight and mutters to herself.

"Let her go!"

In the cool and eerie night, a male voice full of murderous aura resounded in the forest.


Lao Liu thought his worries had become reality.

Gathering at a distance of about 100 meters, the night is too dark to see who is coming, but the more difficult it is to see, the more frightening it is.



The other two kidnappers thought that Lao Liu recognized the identity of the visitor.

The police came to rescue Cheng Lianxun.

They kidnapped her and raped her. Although the rape was attempted, she had so much money and her family background must be strong.

If caught, they will definitely go to jail!


In desperation, the three kidnappers, who were not smart at all, ran away.

"I didn't want to rape you out of good intentions, but you actually called the police!"

Old Liu, who seemed to be the most honest, was the most angry at this time.

He quickly snatched back his phone, and pushed Cheng Lianxun hard.


Her body fell backwards suddenly, and she waved her hands in fright, trying to grab something, but she couldn't catch anything.


When she fell to the ground, she hit the back of her head hard, causing her to grunt in pain, and she lost consciousness as soon as she closed her eyes.

When Lu Yanlu ran over, the three kidnappers all ran away.

Seeing Cheng Lianxun lying motionless on the ground, he didn't go after the kidnappers.

"Cheng Lianxun." He knelt down to help her, but found that she didn't respond at all, "Cheng Lianxun? Are you okay?"

In the silent black forest, no one answered him.

She was limp all over, and when she lifted her upper body, her neck leaned back as if she had no bones.

When supporting her head, Lu Yan paused.

The palm was wet and sticky, and I turned my hand out to see that the palm was red and covered with blood.

"Depend on!"

He immediately checked Cheng Lianxun's head, the back of his head was full of blood.

With so much blood, he had to be sent to the doctor.

When he was about to pick her up, he saw her shabby clothes that couldn't hide the spring on her chest, so he took off his shirt and covered her.

When he was about to hug him for the second time, he stopped suddenly.

Lifting his clothes to let her reveal the spring again, he took out his mobile phone.

Send Zhuo Dingding a photo of Cheng Lianxun's bare chest, bare breasts, and head full of blood.

Append a message.

[Guess what I'm doing? 】

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