The President is Too Fierce: Sweet Wife, Be Nice!

Chapter 151 Deceived by Pure Appearance

He didn't take the rumors from the school seriously after he heard them.

Because he felt that Cheng Lianxun's eyes were very clean and pure, unlike that kind of dubious girl.

But now, he seems to think highly of her too much.

"Bah!" Cheng Lianxun gave a mouthful of bluntness, "It's a boyfriend! A serious boyfriend is not the money owner!"

"Who is your boyfriend? He is so arrogant when he makes a move. A student is such a prodigal, no matter how rich his family is, he will have been suspended long ago."

Li Datian was a little curious about the identity of Cheng Lianxun's boyfriend, but more of a complaint.

His family background is not bad, but the pocket money his parents give him is a few million at most, tens of millions is difficult.

In Shanghai, he had never seen anyone of his age who was richer than him.

"He's not a student, he graduated early."

Brother Zhuo's family is very rich, but he doesn't need to take care of his family's needs when he spends money, he is very rich himself.

"Graduated? A successful boyfriend?"

Going around, Li Datian wanted to go back to the word "gold master".


She nods.

Although Brother Zhuo is only 27 years old, he is indeed successful in his career.

"He even said he wasn't the financial backer! A man with a successful career, who is not experienced and old? The bald, beer belly, middle-aged greasy man in school is the image of your boyfriend, right? You still deny it!"

You really can't just look at people by their faces.

It was because of Cheng Lianxun's innocent appearance that she was fooled by Cheng Lianxun, so she thought she was a serious girl.

"You are the middle-aged greasy man with a bald head and a beer belly!" She said this long series of negative words now, and she is getting more and more slippery. "My boyfriend is only 27 years old, so he is not middle-aged!"

These people are mentally ill.

She always said that her boyfriend was bald, had a beer belly, and was a middle-aged greasy man.

A bunch of neuroses.

"27 years old?"

With his face reddened by alcohol, Li Datian began to seriously search for a 27-year-old successful man.

27. Have a successful career.

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he was very excited: "Lu Yanlu is 27 years old, and he can be regarded as a successful career. Is he your boyfriend?"

"Fuck you!" The little guy couldn't help but explode, "That's not true! If my boyfriend gives big gifts to other girls in front of me, I will definitely kick him to death!"

Last time I saw that Lu Yanlu was dating other girls, and today I came to chase Cheng Liancha.

Brother Zhuo didn't care so much.

Of course, when it comes to kicking, she can't beat Brother Zhuo, that's just a metaphor.

"Isn't it Lu Yan Furnace?"


Li Datian continued to think.

After much deliberation, there are several successful men in their thirties.

The 27-year-old, except for Lu Yanlu, seems to be gone.

"Is it from the Devil's City?"

The search was fruitless, and Li Datian began to suspect that it was from another city.

Cheng Lianxun didn't intend to answer his question, fearing that if he continued to guess, he would be right.

"That's right!" Li Datian slapped the table suddenly, very excited, "Master Zhuo! He is also 27 years old!"

How could he forget about this mysterious big man.

Whoever you forget, you shouldn't forget this, the number one man in Shanghai.


Cheng Lianxun was expressionless.

I was worried that he would guess right, and he guessed it gorgeously.

"But I haven't seen Mr. Zhuo, is he bald and beer belly?"

A 27-year-old is definitely not a middle-aged person, and it is not necessarily oily or not.

Without even asking, he guessed right, and automatically brought Cheng Lianxun's boyfriend into Mr. Zhuo.

If it was Mr. Zhuo, everything would make sense.

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