Zhuo Dingding: 【Zhuge Liang is not as handsome as me. 】

The little guy was out of breath, and he simply didn't answer the question.

[Don't take you so narcissistic! 】

[Quickly tell me, my grandma is looking for a tutor for me, how do you know? 】

Zhuo Dingding: [Your grandma asked the housekeeper to find a tutor, your housekeeper told me. 】

【...The housekeepers of our house were all bribed by you? 】

Why is Brother Zhuo so scary?

His magic hand stretched too far, it was everywhere.

Zhuo Dingding: 【How can this be called bribery? The housekeeper also cares about you. 】

[I don't believe you. 】

The little guy spat, he must be using money to lure the housekeeper.

【Did you know that grandma wanted to find a tutor, and then let Chen Chen come? 】

She looked at Chen Chen, and found out in horror.

It took her more than half an hour to finish the test paper in just a few messages, but he finished correcting it!

Did he grow ten arms?

In less than a minute, he corrected everything, marked the wrong questions, and answered the correct answers.

She felt the blow deeply.

Are all Xuebas so terrifying?

Zhuo Dingding: [Yes. 】

【Why let him come? 】

He said just now that she didn't believe it because Chen Chen was good at math.

Zhuo Dingding: 【The Cheng family doesn't have a boy now, your father will take a son back to recognize his ancestors sooner or later, Chen Chen has the best qualifications, so get to know your grandparents first, there is no harm. 】

Cheng Lianxun read the information several times back and forth, and came up with several important information.

Take a son back sooner or later.

This is a bit casual, as if there are several sons, you can take any one back.

Chen Chen has the best aptitude, let's get to know him first.

So my father didn't know about this matter, brother Zhuo made the decision privately, and chose to let Chen Chen come back for his father among several sons?

She and Cheng Liandi are not interested in the Cheng family's company, nor are they capable of running the company.

According to the current situation.

It is certain that the father raised his son outside and brought him back to inherit the family business.

【How many sons does my dad have? Do you know each other? 】

She panicked.

Her father was so flirtatious, and when she thought of her mother's early death for a man like him, she became angry.

Zhuo Dingding: [Less say two or three, I don't know each other. 】

[Since you don't know the other sons, how do you know that Chen Chen is the best qualified? 】

The depressed little guy was about to laugh angrily at him.

Zhuo Dingding: 【Whether Chen Chen is the most qualified or not is not important. The important thing is that he treats you well. 】

After officially taking it home, it is a family.

After all, grandparents are old, and father, stepmother and stepsister are unreliable.

He didn't want her to go back to his mother's house in the future.

If Chen Chen is capable, he will be the head of the Cheng family in the future. With him around, the little guy will not be bullied.

Looking at the message, the little girl pursed her lips, thinking about it chaotically.

Misty eyes could not be restrained.

It turned out that Chen Chen was to be the tutor, and Brother Zhuo had arranged such a long-term matter.

He has been paving the way for her, letting her walk on a flat road covered with flowers, never letting her suffer from any thorns.

In this world, even grandparents didn't treat her so well.

"It's three minutes."

A cold voice suddenly sounded.

She raised her head in panic, just in time to meet Chen Chen's indifferent eyes.

In the big eyes, the eye sockets overflowed with crystal tears.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Chen frowned lightly, with worry in his eyes, "Crying?"

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