Darkseid Island is an island located at the tip of the North Sea in the New World, also known as the Island of the Circus, which is a yearning place for those who are good at acrobatics and love acrobatics.

The inhabitants of this island can basically master an acrobatics, which can be imagined.

If you master more acrobatics on this island, the more popular it is with the local natives.

In recent years, an exotic circus, with superb technology, has shown a series of inhuman "magic", and quickly entrenched itself as the most popular team in the local area.

Even after three years of precipitation, the head of its circus, Ramolo, has become no less famous in the local area than the positive ruler of the island.

"Just land here." Looking for a secluded harbor, Gotoki suggested.

"It shouldn't be okay to stop here." Ah Shi saw that Gotoki had lowered the rope and looked around with some uncertainty.

Ah Shi needs to go on the boat to shop, and needs to buy some clothes, after all, although he can bathe, the female warrior clothes on his body have been worn for a few days, and he still feels a little uncomfortable.

And naturally, Imperial Time will not let Ah Shi go to the island alone.

Therefore, no one could stay and watch the ship.

"It's okay, it's not our ship anyway, if something really happens, just grab another pirate ship."

At another port, Gotoki saw one or two pirate ships docked on the shore.

The inhabitants of this world are naturally generally afraid of pirates, but unfortunately they really have no strength and means to prevent pirates from landing.

Although Darkseid Island is a small area, the city located in its center is not weak.

The streets are full of people and pedestrians, and on the way, I have noticed that there are occasionally masks worn, like security soldiers patrolling the streets.

Although he will be a little curious about new places in Wano Country, he will not be as excited as Ashi next to him.

I don't know if it's a natural shopping factor for women, or a new experience that is different from 800 years, basically Ashi hugged one of Gotoki's arms and walked towards each place of interest.

First, for the right time, I watched the largest circus on the island perform once every seven days.

The content is similar to that in Goshiki's memory, the only difference is that those with the ability of the Devil Fruit can perform inhuman operations, causing performers or props to suddenly float in the air one by one.

After the show, it's a normal process, from clothes to pillows and other daily necessities, followed by the island's more famous food.

Gotoki has also entered several weapons shops, but unfortunately he has not found treasures like Solon in the original work, and there is no one that can enter his eyes.

It was not until the accumulated living items were two or three times the volume of the horizontal development of the imperial period that they had to find a storage shop to store them temporarily.

Fortunately, the original pirate ship has sufficient savings, at least these supplies are still responsible.

Among them, there was also a small commotion caused by Ah Shi's beauty, but under the leakage of the royal time is a trace of overlord domineering, people also realized that the imperial time next to them was not simple, and they did not dare to step forward to talk, and only their eyes were very dull and moved with Ah Shi's movement.

The practice of protecting the imperial time like food undoubtedly made Ah Shi very happy, and the effect of this was that the arm holding the imperial time was tighter.

After walking through the streets for several days, Ashi, who seemed to have achieved his goal, began to take the route of the Goshi as the leader.

According to the idea of the imperial time, the two then went to the bar.

This is a good place to gather intelligence, and in the case of eating and drinking, there is usually a lot of information from it as small talk.

At the same time, this is also the place where the pirates are most likely to come after going ashore, and it is best to meet a few characters who can get their hands on.

Gotoki doesn't have the habit of not fighting because this is a town, and he can do whatever he wants.

It's a pity that it's not as Yushi expected.

There are no customers in the hotel.

Broken through a few large wooden doors, tables and chairs shattered into wooden blocks, glass slag wine bottles, and the thick smell of blood still wafting through, something must have happened here not long ago.

Also smelling the pungent breath, Ah Shi wrinkled his good-looking eyebrows and said, "What happened here." "

"Sorry, guests, just now this shop was dealt with by Lord Ramolo with a few intruding pirates, and now it is being cleaned up and closed for business." The owner of the shop quickly came out and said with an apologetic face.

At this moment, a younger girl with emerald green curly hair walked in from the open door at the rear, followed by two strong men who embodied a huge size.

The store manager, who also wanted to say something about the closure of business, immediately shouted with gold stars in his eyes when he saw who was coming: "Dragon... Tornado-sama! I'm a fan of yours! "

The girl named Tornado is the one who used the fruit ability to make everyone move through the air and perform in the circus that the two of them watched earlier.

"There's nothing wrong with you here, leave quickly." The strong man who followed behind him was more like a robber than a bodyguard, and after glancing at the store manager, he drank it back, and then looked at the tornado with a fawning face.

"Lord Tornado, this place is not suitable for someone of your age."

Indeed, from the body size, it can be roughly concluded that the girl is only ten years old.

"Then you say why first! I am not allowed to give gifts to my sister!! "

With the girl's gritted teeth tone, the debris on the ground slowly floated up angrily.

"But this was personally ordered by Lord Ramolo, and it has been guaranteed that Lord Blowing Snow can eat and live to the best extent on this island."

"I'm her real sister!"

"This is Lord Ramolo's order."

The guards are not afraid of the anger displayed by the tornado in front of them, although they call him an adult, but the real other party is just a little girl, and their allegiance is to the circus leader, Ramolo.

"Didn't you all say that you guys haven't left yet... Well?!! "

During the conversation between the two, the other one who had been scolding and looking at the guards of the imperial time suddenly made a surprised expression.

Let the other guard beside him and the tornado look over in unison.

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