"Not good! Goten-sama!! "

Mita, who was teasing his son Momonosuke at home, suddenly heard anxious voices outside.

Denjiro, one of the retainers, hurriedly knocked open the door of the daimyo's house and ran in from outside in tears.

"What's wrong, panicked."

Frowning and looking at the past without hurry, his pupils widened sharply when he looked at Denjiro behind the blood-covered Kinemon on his back.

Mixed with anger and surprise, Ota ran sharply towards the seriously injured Jinweimon.

"Hey! What happened! Why was Jinweimon so badly injured! "

Looking at a hideous bloody slash on his chest, Ota couldn't control his emotions and shouted loudly.

"Such a serious injury, why not take him to the doctor! Go call the doctor! "

Ota called out to the equally surprised and angry retainers, and then Kawamatsu immediately ran out and called out to the doctor in the house, and soon brought the people there.

"Stop crying! Denjiro! What the hell is going on. "

The Asura boy roared angrily, "Who the hell injured the Jinwei Gate!" "

"Don't get excited, let him speak slowly!" Although he was also extremely angry in his heart, Ota reached out to stop the Asura boy who was almost rioting.

Also forcibly holding back his sobs, Denjiro wiped his tears and said, "Nishiki... Brother Jinweimon was injured by Kaido's men. "

"Kaido, those bastards!"

"Lord Imperial Palace, the revenge of the eldest brother of Jinweimon cannot but be repaid!"

As a family member of the family, especially when they heard that the other party was still a villain who robbed their lord's country, the anger aroused in their hearts had made it difficult for them to resist the anger and killing intent that had been accumulated every day.

"Kaido's people, are you sure!"

Compared with the resentment in his heart, Ota had certain doubts.

"Absolutely, it's the symbol of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group printed on its body, and it is also with the Great Snake's Royal Court Fanzhong!"

"Because I heard the other party say bad things about Lord Goden, I and Brother Jinweimon rushed up without holding back, and as a result, Brother Jinweimon was cut down by the other party, and I hurriedly took him to escape from the enemy's pursuit, and did not find a doctor because the other party had been chasing and killing us when he came to Jiuli."

"Didn't I say to be patient, they want to say bad things about me, just let them say it!" Hearing this, the palace showed blame in his anger.

"It's not! Goten-sama. "

Denjiro hurriedly shook his head: "It's because they said that Kaido and the big snake lied to you, and only you will believe what about five years of shipbuilding." And they also said that they had recently taken another slave from Nozomi and given it to Kaido. "

"It is because of these things, even if I say bad things about you again, Brother Jinweimen and I did not hold back."

Five years.



These keywords sounded in Oda's mind, this was only the agreement made with Kaido and the big snake and others at that time, and there was no need to doubt whether it was Kaido and the big snake's people.

It was as if the tight strings in his brain were completely broken, and large tears flowed from Yushi's eyes, and he could no longer suppress the resentment that rushed out.

With a determination full of slaughter, he said: "I want to... Crusade against Kaido!! "

"We would like to follow !! together" The replies, too, were determined courtiers.

Not only to avenge Jinweimen, but also for the tolerance that has been accumulated over the years.

"Sorry, Judith, Momonosuke and Kinemon will be taken care of by you, and I will ask someone to entrust the Kang family to help."

This is the woman who once went out with Whitebeard to rescue on a pirate ship, and after so many years together, the deep affection between them made Ota look at each other and Momonosuke in his arms with reluctant eyes before leaving.

But then he gritted his teeth, holding Yan Demon and Tianyu Feather Slash, and led the eight retainers beside him to walk out together.

It was on the way to prepare to go that the Black Carbon Great Snake also received a message from Black Carbon Kanjuro using his ability to fly.

Immediately dialed Kaido quickly with a phone worm, and said in a dissatisfied tone: "Kaido, look at the good work you did!" How did you educate your men! "


With a loud burp, Kaido stared at the phone bug in front of him: "Huh? How Lao Tzu manages his subordinates, you can't teach it! Big snake. "

"Don't think that by cooperating you are qualified to educate me!"

- Boom!

A huge sound came from the side of the phone worm, and also felt the anger of the object he relied on, and the big snake hurriedly put away his dissatisfied expression, and forcibly smiled and apologized:

"I overstepped it. However, because your subordinates injured the opponent's retainers without permission and taunted Ota for believing in the deception of the five-year agreement, the other party is now rushing towards your direction with the retainers. "


The phone worm seemed to be drunk, and the confusion in his eyes suddenly disappeared: "I have never told my subordinates these things, it's the ghost of the people on your side of the big snake!" "

"I haven't told anyone here, I have a deep cooperative relationship with you!" The big snake hurriedly denied it, definitely not allowing Kaido behind his back to doubt himself.

"Hmph, cooperative relationship, how long can it last without absolute interests."

Kaido's words made the big snake's head can't help but break out in a cold sweat.

"Is it only their retainers!"

"Only their retainers." The big snake nodded his little head and said with a look of assurance.

"Only such a few people dare to attack me?! Are you looking down on me! "

Kaido said, standing up from the main fort: "But since the other party is here, it is exactly four years in advance to destroy them, anyway, now they have completely lost the help of the warriors of the Wano Country." "

The big snake who hung up the phone exhaled, but then shouted: "Where are the royal court fans!!" "

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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