Above the sea, scattered debris of ship planks.

The extremely strange scene is like being forcibly turned upside down by an invisible giant, and the dilapidated pirate ship crashed upside down on the raging waves, and then slowly swallowed by the merciless sea little by little.

The flag with skeletons floating on the sea is undoubtedly a symbol of the end of the pirate's journey that is not known whether it is a dream or forced by life.

Gotoki stood quietly at the bow of the deck and watched.

In the absence of a stronger opponent, Yushi did not make a move, compared to these who can be solved with a knife at will, it is more appropriate for the crew to hone their strength and state of mind.

Although the improvement as a strength training has only been for more than a month, it can be solved with ease just by relying on the strongest tornado in front of him, which is obviously from the Great Voyage.

However, in order to train the level of his companions, Yushi did not directly let the tornado destroy a ship until he solved the other party.

Although effective training can improve strength, actual combat is a better means of testing and promotion. For the most weak butterfly sisters on board at this stage, it can be said to be a very favorable opportunity.

Specially left a pirate who was fished back from the sea, facing the scrutinizing eyes of many bigwigs, the pirate was so frightened that he almost fainted.

He had no idea that their pirate group had offended each other there.

Although at the beginning, there was an idea that the other party might be a civilian ship and wanted to grab it, but before it could be implemented, it was fiercely attacked by a group of people on the other side.

"Eat this devil fruit."

Yushi threw the fused and deformed animal fruit in front of this pirate, causing a burst of surprise from the other party.

His pupils shrank sharply, revealing fear and strangeness: "Devil Fruit!? Why. "

"Lord Gotoki lets you eat it, you can eat it!" Helibel said coldly.

Looking at the other party's cold gaze, the pirate was agitated, as if he thought of the other party's young age and directly killed more than ten of his companions.

Although I don't know why, I didn't give him a choice, and he suddenly picked up the devil fruit, and the skin didn't need to be peeled off and bitten like this.

The indescribable nausea was instantly transmitted from the throat to the senses, and he forcibly endured the feeling of making it all out with his hands, and he closed his eyes and ate the indescribable devil fruit three or two times.

Suddenly, a wonderful feeling instantly gushed out from all over the body, and before he could feel it carefully, the voice of the tornado command sounded: "Hey, hurry up and change and see." "

He didn't dare to slacken, and immediately used the inexplicable extra energy in his body.

The body elongated sharply, and white and brown hair drilled out of the countless fine holes in the body.

The face grew an outward beard, the ears became soft cat ears, the hands and feet were replaced with brown and white animal feet, and the tail was a small mass of hair.

The face is extremely miserable. As if it was mixed, the rabbit face was sandwiched with the cat face, and the cat face had the rabbit face, scattered and messy.

That represents the rabbit's signature teeth, but protruding to the lower lip with sharp incisors.

Gotoki also understood that the fruits that Umit gave him were a common classification of cat fruits and rabbit fruits.

To be honest, although these two animal lines are relatively ordinary, they are not as garbage and useless as Yushi imagined.

"It's a little different from what you imagined." Gotoki said.

Tornado said more bluntly: "It's ugly." "

The combination of rabbit and cat, although it is biased towards the positioning of cute pets, but more than two meters in front of the eyes, with a cat with a rabbit, mixed and mixed appearance, with a miserable monster to illustrate more realistically.

Still intoxicated by his sudden change, he didn't see the disgust that everyone showed after he changed completely.

Especially the tornado that was most interested before, it was completely a change in the expression of extreme disgust like a glowing light in the eyes.

"Okay, the result is also complete, just send it back." Yushi looked at it thoughtfully, turned around and waved his hand.

The invisible power of thought quickly wrapped around the minions, and before he turned around, he was directly thrown into the ruins of the ship that had sunk, turning into a dry duck and sinking weakly and quickly.

Clean and clean, without the slightest hesitation.

No one present showed a pitiful expression, even if their hearts were inclined to kindness Ashi and Kanae, under the influence of the slow influence of the imperial time, they felt that this was a normal thing on this sea.

Is there still sympathy between pirates and pirates?

Although the Pirate Group has not yet been established by the Imperial Period.

After watching the tornado throw the pirate back into the sea, everyone also withdrew their gaze from overseas, and the feeling of regret.

Although it was true that they had fused the Devil Fruit, the appearance of those four dislike completely suppressed their previous interest in success.

It's the same with Gotoki, but it's not because of the appearance, but because of the actual effect.

This effect is not the "success" he wants. "

If you know that it is rabbit fruit and cat fruit, then the success imagined by Mitoki should be to be able to switch between cat and rabbit, or to combine the agility and claws of a feline and the strong leg muscles of a rabbit.

And the other party's big mixed appearance, although there are some advantages of inheriting two creatures, but the disadvantages of side effects are also a little big, fat and thin hands and feet are definitely a big discount to strength.

Sure enough, although it is easy, it is not so easy.

As for the reason, he has no clue for the time being.

And perhaps, the only Vegapunk who can create artificial devil fruits, who thoroughly understands demon fruits, will have a clue and is not sure.

"I've already decided on my next destination, let's go to the organ island of the Great Route."

Yushi doesn't know where the other party's illegal research team is, but it has certainly not been detected by the world government, and in the homeland of Vegapunk, he may be able to know some information.

Although it is more troublesome, this is currently the most effective than looking for a more extensive ocean lottery.

Compared to the thoughts in Yushi's mind, the tornado several people were amazed with their mouths open.

It was not because he wanted to cross a great distance from the New World to the great voyage of the Novice Village, but because Gotoki suddenly said a clear destination.

You must know that as a captain, Goshiki has always been drifting with the wind, roaming on the sea with chance, and naturally did not specifically recruit navigation skills that can lead the team to accurately go to one island after another.

In order not to lose his way, he specially learned the art of navigation, and when he encountered certain dangerous sea areas, he directly let the tornado fly up with the ship and cross.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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