The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 545: engagement

On the first day of Yang Dongxu's return, grandparents and uncle and his family came over to dinner at night. This is a practice that has gradually formed over the years. Because Yang Ma was slackened, Yang Dad also seemed to have changed his impression of his sudden son-in-law, so the atmosphere at the dinner table was not bad.

Although grandparents Yang Dongxu seemed to have some opinions about their granddaughter's marrying, their elder son's home has been better in recent years, and they have also helped their second elder and younger son's home. Therefore, Dad Yang's right to speak is becoming more and more important. His own affairs can be the master, the second old can also be the master, and his brother's victory can also be the master.

Therefore, the eldest son and the eldest daughter-in-law agreed, and the grandson who had a strong voice in the family also agreed that their two elders naturally had nothing to say.

At night, Hongying's younger sisters Dan Dan and Zhuo Qing'er slept in a room. Anyway, they had two beds in their room and they could sleep well. Liu Lihong naturally slept with Yang Dongxu. Two people and two quilts are warm to squeeze, so there is nothing uncomfortable. Old Man Xuan sleeps alone.

"Tomorrow I will take you to the city bank and call Uncle Qian and Auntie back. By the way, a big phone calls Ping An to make things clear." Yang Dongxu couldn't sleep and said after turning off the light.

"Isn't that good? Your sister will not be gossiped about when you get married without a gift?" Liu Lihong was still hesitant.

Although he was a little embarrassed when he entered the door, just as Yang Dad and Yang Ma's impressions changed to him, he also felt that Yang's family was getting along well, and Yang Dad and Yang Ma were very kind. Even the younger brother who was repeatedly reminded by his girlfriend not to get along well is much better than expected.

"Well, let’s save half of the money. The rest of the money will be returned to your parents, and the gift will be a thousand. The money will be brought back when you and my sister get the card. The rest is extra. Money, and buy some New Year's Eve gifts in two days. Since my mom and dad agreed, you will follow my sister to go with relatives at the beginning of the year, buy a better year, and we both have face."

My family is my family. Although Yang Da and Yang Ma feel that their son-in-law is reliable, they still have to talk about the etiquette.

"It's okay, but is it a thousand dollars less? And I don't have to bring it back. I'm still young and I can make money. I won't let your sister live a hard life." Although he was distressed to his parents, Liu Lihong took so much money. Come here, I really didn't think about getting Hongying back after getting married.

What he thinks about is as long as he can marry his favorite girlfriend home. As for the bitterness of his own life, he will work harder to make money in the future to make his parents live well.

"Just do it, it's not good to say, my family does not lack your money. Taking this gift is just like what you said. You can't let outsiders talk gossip. So you don't care about this, if you don't care about it, my sister Just better."

"I will definitely treat your sister, I can swear this."

"Okay, okay, don't swear, at the end of the year. You can do it in your heart, tomorrow I will drive you to the city, and then buy something back, I don't know if the snow is big at night, the big one It’s not easy to drive.” Yang Dongxu said with a smile when he heard his brother-in-law swearing.

Wrapped up in a quilt, the two chatted about something else, and fell asleep unconsciously.

When the morning dawned, Yang Dongxu woke up and found that his brother-in-law had already got up, put his clothes on his body and opened the curtain to look out. He found the sky was terrible, but it did not snow.

"Hurry up, why are you so lazy? Hurry to brush your teeth to eat, and send your brother-in-law to remit money in the city." Although the jacket was put on, Yang Dongxu still didn't want to leave the warm bed, so he sat on the bed in a daze, Mom Yang. Push the door and walk in.

"It's said that with a daughter-in-law, you forgot your mother, you have a son-in-law and forgot your son." Yang Dongxu started to wear autumn trousers in a funny way.

"Your brother-in-law is much more diligent than you. What have you done at home like your uncle?" Mother Yang snorted and turned her head out of the house.

"Why did I provoke someone, and why did my status at home plummet." Yang Dongxu said his lips without a word and jumped off the bed after getting dressed and getting dressed.

After washing down the stairs, Dad Yang and Liu Lihong walked in from the door with sweat. It turned out that Liu Lihong, who got up early, accompanied Yang's father to the pig farm for a morning. The two were really lazy than Yang Dongxu who just got up.

But Yang Dashao was obviously thick-skinned and didn't care about it at all. How much should I eat for breakfast or how much, or even an extra egg.

"Drive slower on the road." Yang Ma couldn't help but see her son and daughter get in the car.

"Got it. I'm an old driver who has been driving for many years." Yang Dongxu said with a smile.

Not only he and Liu Lihong, but also sister Hong Ying and sister Dan Dan, as well as Zhuo Qing'er who hesitated to keep up with him. Although listening to Yang Dongxu's advice, Liu Lihong decided to hit some of the money home, lest his parents would be too tight for the New Year this year.

But in addition to the 1,000 yuan gift and the annual gift, he also decided to sell clothes for his girlfriend, and also bought some gifts for Yang and Yang. The Yang family and Shantong should not be too stingy. The sisters Dan Dan and Zhuo Qing'er apparently came up to join in the fun.

But before he came out, Yang Dongxu also had some money in his pocket, so he would pay for what the little girl bought for a while, and it would not add any burden to Liu Lihong.

If Liu Lihong bought anything for the family after marriage, he wouldn't stop him from giving gifts to his family, and he would collect everything he gave. But before they got married, they must not be able to spend so much, even if Liu Lihong was willing, but after all, their family was not rich.

It was horrible and gloomy when I went, and the snow began to drift in the sky when I returned, and it was not small. After returning from the city to the village for almost half an hour, the road surface was almost covered with snowflakes, and the green wheat fields began to whiten.

Bringing a bunch of things back will naturally be blamed by Mother Yang, but this complaint makes the brother-in-law Liu Lihong laugh. Hongying took the younger sister and Zhuo Qinger upstairs to try on clothes, although the quality and style of these clothes were much worse than those sold in her store, not to mention the price of the dress. It seems that wearing clothes bought by her boyfriend makes her happier than wearing expensive brand names.

"Who was that man, just how familiar it looked." Yang Dongxu asked the woman who had walked away after moving things off the car.

I haven't been at home since I was a child, and I worked outside most of my life. So in addition to the names of the people in the village, only one in the neighboring village is familiar.

"Xiaowangzhuang's, you have to call your aunt. Come and talk to your sister." Yang Ma said.

"Dan Dan is still young, why do you worry so much?" I don't feel much about shouting aunt Yang Dongxu. It's because the ancestors lived in this land for generations. The distance is not very far. Can even connect to relatives, but telling the little sister that he made him frown.

"Where is it when I'm nineteen? Your dad married me when he was eighteen, and your elder sister was at nineteen."

"How can there be nineteen, it is a virtual year, okay, the age is just over seventeen."

"The rural people all say that they are vacant, and who told you about their first birthday?" Yang Ma glared at her son.

"Then you shouldn't be so anxious. The person you are talking about should be inquired. We don't want to have more money in a man's house, but his character must pass." Who can choose his sister or maybe he can say something However, the blind date is obviously the thing that Yang Ma is in charge of, and he can’t get in the mouth.

"It's still up to you to say this." Yang mother tilted her son and turned and walked out of the door. I don't know who went to talk about it.

Obviously, for her son to be so supportive of her daughter's love, Ma Yang was still angry. Although the son-in-law looks pretty good now, the son can't forgive easily, otherwise it will be really upset.

Yang Dongxu felt naturally about his mother's anger, but he obviously didn't care. There is no mother in the world who hates his son, the mother will be a little bit upset. After two days, it will be fine.

Naturally, if it snows heavily outside, you can't go to the wilderness with the five or more people. The brother-in-law goes to the pig farm to help. Older sister, Zhuo Qing'er and Dan Dan tried on new clothes upstairs, so he had to sit alone in the store.

Compared to the wholesale business of the Yang family in the past few years, it can be said to have In addition to being able to sell something at the end of the year, there are few guests throughout the year. Because most of their stores are closed, see how can such a small store raise pigs to make money.

Not only is the point of their family's uncle Shengli's home basically the same as that of his family, he has nothing to do before opening a store to do business. In addition to the two of them, the shops with vegetable greenhouses at home also have this trend, but I don’t know if these vegetable greenhouses are really pushed away, these people will not continue to open stores.

"Are Xuzi tomorrow?" Yinshan didn't know where to sway to the door of the store, and handed the cigarette to Yang Dongxu, but he waved it and refused.

Knowing that Yang Dongxu doesn't smoke, Yin Shan let the cigarette into his mouth after letting it in for a while. Compared with Yinshan, which wanted to develop second-raters in the past few years, Yinshan has also mixed a lot in the past two years, especially following the uncle's victory in sports cars for several years.

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Yang Dongxu asked, wrapping his clothes around him.

He considered whether to close the shop door and go upstairs to sit in the bed and read a book. This was when I sat in the shop for a while, and the cold wind kept pouring into the clothes.

"If you take the car tomorrow for nothing, how about you accompany me to the ceremony?" Yin Shan's face was unable to conceal his smile.

"Done?" Yang Dongxu asked with a smile.

"It's a gift tomorrow, so is there a run?"

"The girl in that family? Isn't it pretty?" Yang Dongxu continued to tease.

"Must be pretty, can I be pretty?" Yin Shan was a little bit ridiculous.

"Come on, you can see what your blessing is." Grandpa San also stepped out of the snow at this time, reaching for the back of his son's head and slap.

It's so big and I'm still the boss. Yin Shan's complexion is obviously a bit ugly, but he didn't dare to flip his lips.

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