The Pioneer of the Rebirth Era

Chapter 1511 Single out the world?

361 browser blocked the words Xinlang, Ninetowns and Weibo for three days.

Lin Wei's move of retreating to advance is indeed very useful, although it is aggrieved to wait for the other party to judge with her neck stretched out. But the effect was surprisingly good. On the third day after they confessed, the 361 browser unblocked the three keywords.

Just as Lin Wei thought, their decisive confession made Rising Sun Technology unable to continue to kill.

After all, compared to the harvest that is not only reasonable but also has the upper hand now, it would be a bit of a loss if Ninetowns fights a turnaround in the future.

Especially if the higher-ups use this as an excuse to talk to Yang Dongxu, the loss outweighs the gain. So after Ninetowns confessed, Rising Sun Technology blocked them for another three days as if playing a petty temper.

But in the end the shielding was lifted, which made Sanjia heave a sigh of relief.

However, although the blocking was lifted, Sina and Weibo were not linked to the home page of the 361 browser.

In other words, Rising Sun Technology no longer engages in such sensitive topics as blocking keywords, but since you regard Rising Sun Technology as an enemy. Even if he admits to being cowardly, Yang Dongxu doesn't mean to smile away his grievances.

Since you dare to provoke, then you have to accept the price of your own provocation. I will no longer block you, but I will not lick my face and directly hang your link on the homepage of the website.

As for whether this is a bit suspected of monopolizing and suppressing peers.

The 361 browser made a company announcement at the same time as it unblocked the keywords, which roughly means that 361 is going to start charging.

Instead of charging ordinary users, they are planning to charge for the direct links on the homepage. The company's direct link products want to be listed on the homepage of the 361 website.

Then you need to pay a fee, and the fee is different for different locations. There are two fee models, one is the form of annual rent. In other words, if you pay for one year, then this position is yours for one year.

Not a single netizen clicks on this link to visit your home in a day, and that’s the same amount of money in a year. One hundred million netizens click on this link a day to create traffic for you, which is also so much money.

The second payment mode is to charge according to traffic, according to the number of clicks of netizens. For example, if 100,000 netizens click on the link to enter your home this year, then you will pay for 100,000 traffic.

If 10 million netizens click to go to your home, then pay 10 million traffic.

In short, it is just a sentence, I want to link on the 361 browser-give money.

This announcement can be said to have caused a thousand waves with one stone, if at the beginning everyone just watched Xinlangjia Ninetowns use Weibo's deterrence and Rising Sun Technology to tear it apart.

Now Rising Sun Technology has the intention of becoming an enemy of the entire Internet. After all, everyone is used to using free things before, who is willing to give money?

It's as if everyone was fetching water from the river for free, but suddenly one day, someone circled the river bank and charged them. Would the villagers be willing?


Do you feel that Rising Sun Technology has forced Xinlang and Ninetowns to submit, so that they can single out the world?

For a while, there was a lot of discussion on the Internet, and even several official media began to report on this matter, and the anti-monopoly voice became more and more loud.

In the face of these disturbing questions, Sunrise Technology has not made any response since the fee announcement was issued.

Just send notification letters of fee negotiation to those linked companies on the 361 homepage.

"Zi is a Zhongshan wolf. If he succeeds, he will be rampant. See if he is not dead this time?"

The Ninetowns executives, who were very aggrieved after admitting their counsel, couldn't help laughing after seeing the series of operations of Rising Sun Technology.

This wild laughter seems to be that they are Zhongshan wolves, not that Rising Sun Technology is Zhongshan wolves.

But what I have to say is that 361 Browser actually charges for the links on the homepage, which really offends all the peers.

It is true that Rising Sun Technology is currently the leader of the domestic Internet, but this leader is only one of them, not the only one.

For example, the portal website Rising Sun Technology does not have any, or the current popular shopping website is led by Taobao, or the search engine is dominated by Baidu.

So even though many people are optimistic about Rising Sun Technology, Rising Sun Technology is indeed a very good Internet company, and now it has a market value estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars by venture capital.

Not to mention the whole world, China's Internet market, which is a single round, is also a big market with a base of trillions. Rising Sun Technology does eat a very fat cake in this market, but it is not the overlord of this market like the Samsung consortium.

Besides, even if it is a consortium as powerful as Samsung, they dare not say that they can do whatever they want in South Korea. There are other consortiums in South Korea.

Even if Samsung is the largest consortium, if you want to say that everyone here is 'garbage', it still cannot withstand the joint siege of other consortiums.

And what Rising Sun Technology is doing now is to say, 'Everyone here is garbage', isn't this courting death?

So after seeing this news, many Internet companies are silent, and at the same time, many Internet companies are gearing up.

Rising Sun Technology, which has been making great strides since its establishment and has never made mistakes in various successes, has finally become mentally handicapped. The majestic mountain in this industry is about to collapse, and the company finally has a bright future.

However, compared to the excitement of other high-level executives in the company, other colleagues who had plans in their hearts were gearing up, but Lin Wei sighed inwardly.

Rising Sun Technology is going to become stronger again, and even the 361 browser, which has been free and seems to have no profit point, will turn around. In addition to advertising revenue, it will soon open up another way of making money.

And this way of making money is quite stable and long-term.

That's right!

Lin Wei feels that 361 will be successful, and it is not as dizzy as the various discussions on the Internet.

Because Ninetowns also had a link on the 361 browser before, although it has been removed now, it also received a notification letter to discuss cooperation.

And what this notification letter clearly states is to discuss matters related to the advertising space on the 361 browser.

That's right, advertising!

It's not like what was uploaded on the Internet, Rising Sun Technology felt that it was invincible, so it was going to blackmail all Internet companies.

Of course, in the eyes of other Internet companies, if I put a link on your browser, and you ask me for a fee, it is blackmail.

But anyone who is a little calmer knows that this is a normal business transaction, not blackmail at all. Not to mention the fact that the 361 browser, which is currently popular among netizens, has monopolized the market, so it began to open its bloody mouth for monopoly capital.

Of course, there is also a little monopoly factor, but it is a bit untenable to use this to counter Rising Sun Technology.

Because the 361 browser is a product of Rising Sun Technology, you want to advertise on other people’s products, and the other party wants to charge advertising fees. You say that the other party is playing hooligans, and use this reason to sue Rising Sun Technology for monopoly. Do you think the court will rule you win?

More importantly, the 361 browser only asks the companies that hang on its own page to pay advertising fees, and it does not use various means to kill all companies like you, so that he will dominate the world in the future.

If you don't pay for advertising, then don't post it on other people's websites.

Hanging on other people's websites and not paying advertising fees, who is playing hooligans?

At that time, not to mention not being able to get official support, even the public will not be on your side.

"Updated, updated."

Suddenly someone exclaimed, Lin Wei was taken aback for a moment, then opened the 361 browser on her computer, and found that the webpage was being automatically updated as soon as she opened it.

The update speed is very fast, that is, the update is completed in half a minute and the web page is opened.

Then one of the new 361 browser homepages appeared in front of you.

Compared with the previous website, on the left is the news recommendation page, and on the right is a list of links to various classified websites.

The updated 361 website is much simpler than before, and the reason for the simplicity is very straightforward, that is, 361 has removed all links on the website.

Previously, only the icons of Xinlang and Ninetowns were removed. Now even the icons of Sohu, Netease, Baidu, Shengda, etc., as long as they were previously linked companies, are all removed.

Now on the page, the top row is movies and TV series, two options.

Click to enter, click on the movie page to see various movies, but most of them are old movies, and there are also some promotional videos of new movies that will be released soon.

Click on the TV series, there are all kinds of TV series, mainly old TV series, and there are also some new TV series promotional short films and so on.

The column below the movies and TV series is a variety of links, but it is no longer the links of the previous companies. It's a link to the news website.

For example, People's Daily Online, Xinhuanet, CCTV, etc., all the official media that have an official website, and the links are all posted in this column.

Below that are links to various companies, not limited to previous portals, game companies, and other Internet companies.

Now among these links, the previous links to Internet companies and portals are basically gone.

There are links to other companies, such as the official website of Huaxia BMW. If you click on it, you can see the introductions and recommended prices of various models of Huaxia BMW, as well as the promotional videos of new models to be launched, etc.

In addition to Huaxia BMW, there are also links to universal intermediaries, real estate, 361 page games, etc.

Further down these links, the news feed page is still on the left, and it is divided into four different small sections, namely news, entertainment, military and people's livelihood.

The news page is the major event reported in the news today or yesterday, and even some content in the news network. The entire page is a link, and you can click on it to see and believe the news content.

The content of the entertainment news page is all kinds of entertainment gossip, as well as the dynamics of some celebrities.

Military news, which contains domestic and foreign military content, as well as some introductions of the latest weapons that have been announced.

People's livelihood is some small things about people's livelihood. For example, the issue of rural children's schooling in cities, which is hotly discussed in the news, or how to take care of working parents during the summer vacation is still waiting.

On the right are various recommended links, such as food, health, sports news, popular songs on the whole network, and other discussion questions.

There are various comments under the topic. If you are interested in this topic, you can watch the excitement, and you can also express your views below.

If someone thinks what you say makes sense, they will give you a thumbs up and retweet it, which is a bit like an upgraded version of Tieba, and a bit like a castrated version of Weibo for the entire network.

However, although there is no link, when using the 361 browser, the clicks are smooth when typing or searching for other portals or games.

You didn't pay 361 just to prevent you from being listed on the homepage of its website, but it didn't block you, which made it impossible for anyone who wanted to sue 361 for monopoly to find an excuse.

"Is this because of the current situation, or is this originally the 361 plan, but it just happened to happen?" Looking at the updated 361 browser, Lin Wei fell into deep thought.

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