"Why do I feel that I'm a little nervous now?"

Zhang Qi's tone was very difficult.

"We feel more nervous than you. After all, you are only here on the first day, and we have been here for almost half a year!"

The students said with a bitter face together.

"But there hasn't been any injury incident in the port area. I think if there is no injury incident, there should be no major incident in general."

Zhang Qi asked uncertainly.

"It is true that there has never been any injury incident, so we say that there is no injury incident in such a large port area. It is a very unusual thing. It is unusual and a little strange."


Just when a few people were staring at each other, a plate with food piled higher than Zhang Qi was placed heavily on the table.

"Uh, girl, who are you"?

Those students stared with big eyes and small eyes, and asked uncertainly.

"Ah, this is Miss Shen, a German engineer who was just hired by slipway No. 3, so don't worry about her strange appearance."

Zhang Qi said quickly.

This German-born Miss Shen is naturally Tirpitz's fake identity.

In fact, the slipway that was allotted to her had no one else but herself.

Regarding the construction of a new ship, the equipment department next door approved it very happily.

Isn't it fast? There is no such expensive equipment installation and labor consumption, just need to provide raw materials, where can we find such good things?

Some people say that 50,000 tons of steel is not very precious?

Joke, China's steel production capacity is currently in a state of extreme excess. This list is enough to inject a boost to the weakened steel industry, so that those factories that would have been closed have time to slowly survive this pain.

"Uh, this girl is quite edible."

A student looked at the mountains of food on the plate and whispered to his comrades.

"What's the matter? Have you eaten your meal?"

Miss Shen raised her head and asked coldly.

"No, it's fine"...

The student with the ice-cold eyes trembled for a while, then he lowered his head and never dared to look this way again.

"Just got up"?

Zhang Qi asked.

"Well, your daughter-in-law hasn't gotten up yet."

Tirpitz said, then picked up the spoon and ate it in big gulps.

This girl was rejected by Shen Jian before, so she was upset, didn't she?

Zhang Qi thought silently in his heart, but he wouldn't be stupid enough to ask.

This is a real war machine, a strange girl who can lift the 40-ton Type 59 tank and throw it out for dozens of meters.

Zhang Qi said that he didn't want to make trouble now, otherwise, even with his physique and recovery ability, he might have died miserably.

And now, because she doesn't have her own hull, her strength is greatly limited. If you wait for her ship to be built...

Zhang Qi imagined that the 160,000-horsepower engine output was all condensed on that small fist, and then lightly smashed into the head of a two-hole socket.


It's almost the same effect.

Arvada eats a big melon?

Gouging out the bone?

Out of body?

Die of laughter, which of these things can move a 50,000-ton battleship?

People can stand there and let you fight. After the fight, they gently ask if you are tired?

Then use the beautiful 380 tube to directly slap it on the face, and gently ask if you have any last words?


Yes, Not Bad.

Zhang Qi thought to himself.

"What are you thinking about"?

The girl next to her suddenly stopped swallowing, tilted her head and looked towards Zhang Qi.

"I was thinking that these students just told me about a strange story in the port area."

Zhang Qi slowly re-told the story to her, but Tirpitz didn't seem to be listening very seriously. He used a spoon to put the beef in his mouth while listening.

"It should be the person I'm looking for."

After listening to the whole story, the girl thought for a while, and then said slowly.

"What do you mean"?

Zhang Qi didn't quite understand. But at this moment, a whistle sounded outside the cafeteria.

Those students and workers picked up their plates one after another, walked to the recycling area, and then reluctantly opened the curtain and walked out.

"It's now working time in the afternoon, and they're going back to work."

The old man who had already finished his meal came over. Several staff members of the cafeteria simply tidied up the table and finally withdrew.

There were only these three people left in the huge dining hall.

"Mr. Zhang Qi just seemed to have met the target we were looking for this time on the hull."

The girl took a sip of hot water from the enamel jar and said softly.

"You mean, the same existence as you is Liaoning"?

The old man frowned, then continued:

"I have heard of this strange news, but I didn't believe it at the time, so I took it as a joke. Now it seems that I was careless."

"Normal people would never think about this matter in that direction before seeing the ship's mother."

Zhang Qi also learned something from the conversation between the two.

It seems that the dark blue project that Huanmeng had not completed in the previous life actually became a reality in this world this time?

It seems that reality is always more magical than imagination.

"Aren't you looking for a second existence this time?"

Zhang Qi asked.

"That's true. This is what Xiao Lin asked us to cooperate with."

The old man shrugged his shoulders~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and turned to look at the pink-haired girl.

"Let me ask you one thing, if you have a confrontation with her, can you subdue her?"

"If the aircraft carrier is stunned by the battle line in actual combat, it will only have to wait to die."

The girl also shrugged her shoulders, her tone full of confidence.

"This protruding face means that we are within 20 kilometers. We are now less than 1 kilometer away from her. What are we afraid of?"

"Can you really do it"?

Zhang Qi asked with some uncertainty.

"Don't worry, the two of you will be watching carefully later."

After speaking, the girl got out a napkin out of nowhere and wiped her mouth, then threw the used napkin into the plate.

"Come on, let me show you what real strength is."

The girl stood up and walked out the door of the cafeteria with her head.

The old man and the young man at the back were stunned for a moment, then put down the plate and followed closely.


"I said, do you think she can do it?"

After submitting the approval document again, the three people boarded the huge hull again.

"I think since this girl is quite confident, according to the temperament of Germans, it should be almost the same."

The old man said firmly.

"Caught you"!

There was a surprise cry from the hull not far away, but then there was a huge scuffle!

"Ah, why are you so heavy"?

After a while, the scuffles ceased, and Zhang Qi's sensitive hearing seemed to hear the slightly crying voice of a girl not far away.

He speaks very standard German, not Russian...


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