"Oh, yes, I think there is one thing you need to know."

After Xia Mi was assured, she had turned back and was about to leave, but suddenly stopped her steps and turned her head back again.

"whats the matter"?

The tall figure of the seventh master was also constantly dissipating, and finally changed back to that gentle and elegant shape wearing a white robe.

"I can feel that some new life seems to be born in the northern border of Shenzhou - I have never felt this kind of breath, but it should have a taste of alchemy."

"You mean, an alchemy creature was just born in the northern border of Shenzhou"?

Seventh Master's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"I think that's true, but it doesn't seem to be the work of the abyss. It seems that it was born by itself because of the condensation of some kind of consciousness."

Xia Mi looked to the north from a distance and muttered to herself:

"It's really interesting. There is actually the fact that there is a potential consciousness that condenses into a living being. I thought this situation only existed in theory."

"That alchemy creature"?

Seventh Master asked gently.

"I don't think I would know if you asked me this. The King of Bronze and Fire was good at alchemy, but unfortunately he was already dead, and he didn't even have a skeleton bottle left."

Xia Mi seemed to see what Seventh Master wanted to ask, so she answered very decisively:

"However, this creature doesn't seem to pose any threat to you until now. He is still very weak, but the longer time passes, the greater his power will be."

"So I suggest you find him in advance. If you can use it for yourself, keep it. If you can't, deal with it in advance... Huh"?

Xia Mi wanted to continue to say something, but she suddenly exclaimed in the middle of her words.

"What's wrong"?

Seeing Xia Mi's terrified look, the seventh master immediately raised his guard.

"I think what I just said was wrong."

After being silent for a while, Xia Mi continued quietly:

"Now there's more than one, it's two."

"What? Two"!

Seventh Master's face twitched fiercely.

"This should have been made artificially, etc.? It's not Wang's handwriting, but it's very similar to it"?

Xia Mi's delicate face suddenly distorted.

"Damn traitor"!

Xia Mi stomped her feet fiercely, gritted her teeth and said with some resentment.

"What are you talking about"?

Qiye looked at Xia Mi's distorted face and asked very defensively.

There are many rumors in the wizarding world in Shenzhou, saying that people with dragon blood are lunatics. Although these rumors generally have some elements to smear Xu Lin, they also reflect a fact:

Dragon blood does make people more belligerent and irritable, which is unavoidable.

As for the Dragon King...

"It's nothing, but I think things are getting more and more interesting."

After calming down his mood, Xia Mi continued to say to the seventh master:

"How to deal with those two alchemy creatures is your own business, but I think that if you use it properly, maybe Shenzhou can survive the war in a few years."

"Is the situation in the future so bad?"

After hearing this, Seventh Master murmured to himself.

"I've already said all the reminders that I need to do, and it's time to leave this hellish place."

Xia Mi looked up at the increasingly gloomy clouds in the sky, and shook her head gently.

"I can see that the dragon veins that once sheltered Shenzhou for thousands of years will be completely exhausted within a few hundred years. Don't you people who exist in mythology plan to find a way back for themselves?"

"The people of Shenzhou today no longer believe in our existence. The power of the dragon veins is naturally declining, but you have forgotten one thing."

The seventh master took out an enamel jar from nowhere, and filled it with warm tea.

Gently opened the lid, took a sip of tea, and the seventh master said slowly:

"Dragon vein is Shenzhou itself. As long as Shenzhou has not died out, no matter what kind of pattern it belongs to, the dragon vein will always protect its own people."

"If you don't believe in God's words, let them believe in yourself"...

The snowflakes outside the alley flew into the alley again, standing in the heavy snow of goose feathers, the two looked at each other silently, and let the snowflakes beat on their bodies there.


I thought I was dead when the goblet slammed through my sturdy armor and detonated the ammunition depot.

Maybe this way, I can meet my sister?

When I lost consciousness in the icy sea water, I thought silently.

But it turns out that I seem to be wrong.

After sleeping for an unknown number of years, I woke up in a void.

In the void, He stands before me.

His appearance is indescribable, but his authority can destroy heaven and earth.

"Ah, I really didn't expect that human things can condense such a powerful consciousness."

I heard the voice say so.

I wanted to open my mouth to speak, but in front of that existence, I couldn't open my mouth at all.

"Well, everything is complete, but the main body of the soul is missing"...

That being was looking down at me, and I could feel his gaze from top to bottom, because he could see everything clearly.

"There are still magical instruments made of human bones these days? Humans really do anything to pursue power."

I heard the existence whispering again.

"The girl's pure soul is trapped in a dirty instrument, do you want to give her and her a chance"?

The existence chuckled, as if it wasn't a big deal.

"God can't directly participate in things on earth, so you can go for me"!

"I, in the name of the ancient white emperor, give you a rebirth"!

Just after that existence expressed its intention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the space seemed to be crunching in that huge authority, and it seemed to be overwhelmed.

But fortunately, the void is strong enough.

A white light burst out from the pitch-black space, sucking me out like a vortex when I sank.

Something new appeared in my mind, and it was called emotion.

Along with it, there are also physical feelings.



There is also an unparalleled sense of hunger.

Grabbing a piece of metal on the table next to me, I stuffed it into my mouth with all my limbs, and swallowed it without chewing it twice.

The taste of metal is very good, just like the alloy that made my keel back then, but it is harder and more wear-resistant.

But still very hungry.

I moved my gaze to the door in the distance, and my new sense of smell told me that there was more metal behind the door with the words "Material Library" printed, which means more food to me.

I tore off the obstructive piece of paper attached to the door, and I bit the door in one bite.

The torn paper flew far away, and finally landed on the ground.

"Officer on duty, Shenzhou Army Special Talents Strategic Reserve Academy, Lieutenant Shen Jian".


My name is Tirpitz, the German battleship Bismarck II.

Died on November 12, 1944, and was reborn in this dark warehouse on an unknown number of days in January 1992.

Fortunately, there is no shortage of my food here.

It's just that there isn't a single piece of clothing...

Also, someone seems to be opening the door outside.

what should I do?

Waiting online, it's very urgent.



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