The sea-blue Gulf Stream 4 glided rapidly through the deep blue in the early morning, blending into the early morning sky like a hammerhead shark swimming quietly and shallowly in the deep sea, calmly elegant and quiet.

"Giant blue whale swimming in the deep sea". This is the heartfelt evaluation of Gulfstream's designers on their work. Above is the splendid galaxy, below is the dark sea, and the huge "blue whale" flying at Mach 0.8 can make you ascend to the throne in Paris, France at midnight... oh, boarding. Then I landed in Germany like a mental retardation, took a small box, and then had a bird's-eye view of the still-unawakened city of London at 3:00 in the morning.

But Zhang Qi just wanted to sleep.

After sleeping for less than 20 minutes, he was picked up from the bed and forced to go on a trip to France, Germany, and England on the grounds of buying a magic wand.

Is this shopping or prisoner abuse?

The plane first landed in Berlin, Hekmedia dragged him all the way to the lower city, and then kicked the door of Gregorovich's workshop.

Gregorovitch was kicked up as soon as he lay down, and then with a resentful expression on his face, he began to choose a wand for Zhang Qi, and finally faced the ground with an expression on his face that wanted to cry but did not dare to cry. The pile of overloaded and self-exploding wands froze.

"G...Miss Zirol," Hekmedia glared at Gregorovitch, he quickly changed his tune and said, "Are you sure this kid is not..."

"Have you ever seen a silent person who can live past the age of 10"? Hekmedia rolled his eyes, "That's called talent, understand?"

"Yes, yes..." Gregorovich said in his heart that the wand just now was custom-made for Credence by Grindelwald. Credence used it to blow up a magic wand. The mountain peak, the wand just now split in half because it couldn't withstand the child's magic power.

That is the hardest iron wood with the spinal cord of the fire dragon! In the past, this wand could even remain intact in the dragon's breath during the test, but it cracked so easily today?

Wand: "I cracked."

Is your child a human or a humanoid dragon?

"I'm afraid I don't have a wand here for this child, Miss Zirol."

With trembling hands, Gregorovich took out a small delicate silver box from the depths of the counter and opened it on the counter.

On the purple velvet cushion lay a delicate golden gauntlet. Gregorovitch picked it up and handed it to Zhang Qi. Finally, Hekmedia also came over, and the three of them looked at the golden wand cover carefully. .

The patterns on the handguards are exquisite and gorgeous, revealing a luxurious feeling. On the upper end of the handle is a black pictogram, somewhat like a cross with curved arms and a head. The 4 letters next to it surround the left and right, and the pictogram is wrapped in a semi-circle.

"SPQR", Hekmedia whispered these 4 letters out.

"SenatusPopuiusqueRomanus," Hekmedia continued after pondering for a while. "Latin, meaning long live the Senate and the people of Rome".

"As for that pictogram, it should be the symbol of Bellona, ​​the goddess of war in Roman mythology."

"Yes, this is a relic of the Holy Roman Empire." Gregorovich continued enthusiastically, "This wand gauntlet is entirely forged from imperial gold and has been enshrined in the Temple of the Goddess of War for hundreds of years. Later, by chance, your father successfully stole him from the underground of the Vatican. But because it was too conspicuous, it was finally stored with me."

Hekmedia snorted coldly when she heard the word "your father", but said nothing more.

Gregorovich also realized that he had made a slip of the tongue just now, and hurriedly continued:

"The magic power in this child's body is too huge. The magic wand specially developed for the silent person just now can't even withstand his magic power. This gauntlet can play a role in storing part of the magic power. With it, your Children should be able to accept some comparisons, um, stronger wands."

"Then do you still have a wand here?" Hekmedia nodded with satisfaction.

"I'm really sorry, the wands for this child are all broken." Gregorovich scratched his head embarrassedly, "So I might have to trouble you to make a trip to England."

"Although that Ollivander is always talking about wands and wizards. But his craftsmanship is indeed a little better than mine." Gregorovich said to Ollivander in his heart. I'm sorry, after all, it's not very honorable to pit peers.

"Tsk tsk tsk", Hekmedia looked at Gregorovitch with a look of extreme contempt, and then threw a check for 400,000 francs on the table.

"When you are so old, don't always run to the celestial beaches in France. Mr. Nicolemay has told me more than once that he saw you there."

"Yes, yes, you are right." In his heart, Gregorovich cursed Nicole May, an old and unscrupulous, obviously you took me there, but in the end, he ended up relying on me.

Then neatly put the check in the drawer.


The night in the West is actually not peaceful.

"The lower part of Berlin at night is very dangerous," Hekmedia said in a low voice, taking Zhang Qi's hand by the dim light.

"There were two people about 50 meters behind. If I guessed correctly, there must be a few people squatting in the alley about 150 meters ahead. They will jump out when we get close."

Zhang Qi poked Hekmedia's waist with his fingers, and a hard touch came from his fingertips.

"This is Germany," Zhang Qi said later hesitantly, "Not very good."

"There are at least six people squatting in the alley in front, but there are only two in the back, guess why"? Hekmedia did not answer Zhang Qi's question directly, but suddenly asked a slightly strange question.

"Because they're not afraid of us running away from behind"?

"correct"! Hekmedia snapped his fingers in satisfaction, "If I'm not mistaken, we're lucky today."

"Carefully feel the magic of the two people behind."

"Magic"? Zhang Qi thought to himself, could it be that the wizards in Germany have fallen to the point where they have to come to the secular world to rob in order to eat their stomachs?

The one on the left is normal, and there is no manifestation of magic on him. Then look at the one on the right...

"The one on the right is very strange. Normal magic power should flow in the blood vessels like clear water, but that person..."

"His magic is not like water, but as thick as yogurt, right?" Hekmedia rubbed Zhang Qi's head and continued:

"That person should be a vampire, but it should be the bottom one. After this kind of vampire lurking in the Muggle world is killed, you can ask the German Ministry of Magic to receive a bounty of 150 Galleons."

"Are you interested in making a fortune?"

"Whether we are interested or not, this windfall should be settled." Zhang Qi stopped, raised his finger and pointed to the street in the distance. During the time the two were talking, the gangster who was hiding in the alley had come out and blocked in front of the two of them.

"Hey, you two, please stay!" An elegant male voice came from behind, "It's very dangerous to walk on the street at such a late hour."

"Don't look into his eyes," Hekmedia warned in a low voice, "Vampires can control a person through their eyes."

"Don't you two want to turn around and talk? It's very tiring to talk with your back to you." A man's voice came from behind.

But before he could finish speaking, a harsh gunshot made him almost bit his tongue.

Hekmedia withdrew two Beretta 92 heavy pistols from under the black trench coat. The distance of about 30 meters was no different from face-to-face shooting for a retired soldier of the French Dragoons. The gunshots sounded, and the heads of the gang members blocking the front burst like a watermelon, and the splashed liquid showed a coquettish crimson under the dim street lights.

The street was instantly filled with the irritating smell of blood.

"is that a lie". Aben Tich's stomach clenched, his face was pale, and there was a severe nausea in his throat.

Aben Tich, the leader of a small gang, met a "hypnotist" two months ago. After the man joined his gang, the difficulty of the robbery dropped a lot in an instant. This "Master Hypnotist" can make people who are robbed willingly hand over all their valuables. The only fly in the ointment is that "Master Hypnosis" always gives a gloomy feeling, and no one in the gang even wants to stay with him. beside.

"what should we do"? Aben Tich turned to look at the man on the right, but found that there was nothing on the right.

"Are you looking for me?" A gentle voice came from behind, and then sharp fangs pierced through Abben Tich's neck. Fresh blood entered the man's body from the cavity formed by the fangs. Aben Tich felt that what he lost was not blood, but his soul, and his life seemed to be drawn away by the fangs.

"No wonder the taste is so bad after drinking and playing with women all day." The man disgustedly took out a white handkerchief from his clothes and wiped his mouth lightly.

"My name is Thomas Ecoste, and you two are wizards"? Thomas Ecoste asked gracefully.

"Don't look him in the eyes"! Seeing Zhang Qi turn his head to look at the vampire, Hekmedia immediately shouted loudly.

But she was still a step too late. Zhang Qi had met those blood-red eyes without reservation, and then her whole person became sluggish.

"I'm sorry, ma'am." Thomas Ecoste smiled slightly, "your child has been controlled by me."

"Throw away the gun in your hand now, I can smell the mithril on the bullet from such a distance." Thomas Ecoste said with a sullen face.

"Berlin's lower town is a good place". Seeing Hekmedia obediently throwing away the pistol in his hand, Thomas Ecoste said proudly, "I have lived here for almost 70 years, and the ugly humanity here can bring different pleasures to my life. ".

"You are an officer of the German Empire." Hekmedia said in a deep voice, "You are the head of the extermination camp, I have seen you in the book."

"Yes, yes, but that was a long time ago." Thomas Ecoste said with a little emotion. "The extermination camp is a good place. Even if a few more people die every day, no one will notice, and the guards will not mind how tragic the death of the Jews is."

"However, some prey have no sense of being a prey at all. I have been hunted by the prey as a hunter all these years. Especially the one named Abraham, oh, now it should be called Argus Filch. His silver sword grazed my throat several times."

"So you killed his wife, right?"

"Kill his wife? No, no, I think you must have misunderstood little girl. I just transformed his wife into my blood servant." The vampire shook his head quickly, with a cold smile on his face.

"The disgusting inferior race revives the corpse." Hekmedia stared at the vampire's face, thinking about the possibility of piercing his throat with the silver knife hidden in the cuff.

"It's a pity that you short-lived humans are so disgusted with the road of immortality so close at hand." Thomas Echoes spread his hands, "But I'm still very generous, and I'll give this child a while later. eternal life".

"Who gave you the courage? Liang Jingru?" A boy's voice suddenly came from the front left of Thomas Echoes.

The frightened vampire turned back suddenly, blood-red eyes facing the red-gold pupils, and the soft golden light instantly illuminated half of the alley!

Zhang Qi grabbed Thomas Echo's right hand, and the vampire was horrified to find that with seven times the strength of an ordinary person, he could not break free from the child's slender hand. And when he looked at the golden pupils, some ancient and mysterious voice actually sounded in his brain. In front of those red-gold eyes, Thomas Echos actually felt a strong urge to kneel.

In a trance, Thomas Echos saw a white figure sitting on a throne on the sea of ​​ice, and the dead black dragon was crawling at his feet with the smell of blood reaching the sky. His subconscious was praying frantically, praying that he would not be discovered by the tall white giant. Because even the slightest bit of his consciousness can completely shatter himself, and it will be irreversible.

"No"! Thomas Echo screamed frantically in the depths of his and prayed that he could wake up, but the white dragon finally turned his attention to him.

Thomas Echo's consciousness was destroyed by the supreme authority like a cockroach standing in front of a tank.

real world.

Hekmedia was stunned, watching the vampire slump to the ground after only a brief look at his son. The magic power of the vampire is still flowing slowly, but the direction has become chaotic.

"His spirit is dead"? Hekmedia couldn't believe what he saw. Just now, his son shattered the consciousness of a vampire with the purest magic.


"He woke up a little bit again." Lying in the large hot spring bathroom of Greenglass Castle, Xia Mi opened her eyes and said with a frown.

"What's wrong"? The white-haired girl sitting opposite grabbed the yellow rubber duck that was about to float away, and asked slightly strangely.

"nothing". Xia Mi replied softly, and then retracted her projection in reality back into the girl's consciousness.

"really weird". The white-haired girl had become accustomed to the existence of this mysterious person, and after complaining, she started to play with the rubber duck in her hand.

"Astoria! It's time for breakfast, how long will you be taking a bath?" There was a loud knock on the door accompanied by another girl's voice.

"understood". The girl came out of the bath and fell to the ground with a screeching sound.

"Damn, why is the ground so slippery"!


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