"well said"!

After hearing this, the corridor chief was stunned for a moment, and then slapped the table with his only right arm.

"People really should live for themselves, the daughter-in-law of the Zhang family is right"...

The old man sighed, as if recalling a certain past event.

"I think back then I had a friend. Back then, the mysterious world was completely different from what it is now. No warlock was allowed to interfere in the affairs of the mundane world. Those who violated this rule would be expelled from the family and become a commoner"...

"But that friend of mine was very persistent. He always believed that it was a sin for the Xuanshu world to let the living beings in the land of China go to waste. For this reason, he gave up the position of the first heir of the family, and only brought a few pieces of dry food down the mountain to participate in the war." .

"I think what you said should be Mr. Zhang Yan, right?"

Shen Meng asked aside.

"Yes, yes, I still regret it, why didn't I have the courage like him at that time?"

The corridor long sighed.

"I think your master's idea at the time was wrong. Killing zombies can only be regarded as saving dozens of people, but if you focus your energy on defending against Japanese pirates, can you only save hundreds or thousands of people?"

Huang Lan interjected.

"It's true, but the president at that time didn't think so. He firmly believed that the order of the ancestors could not be violated, so we could only stay on the mountain and watch silently, watching the iron hoofs of Japanese pirates stomping across the Central Plains, and wherever we went. There are bones all over the place, and the people are struggling to live”…

The old man stared at the foreign persimmon in his hand, how bright red it was, like blood...

"At that time, the people who dared to stand up and stand with the secular world were you three families who did not belong to the royal family"...

After a long time, the old man raised his head and looked at the three children in front of him with admiration.

"Come on, children, it's time to get down to business."

The old man shook his head, threw the guilty feeling out of his mind, then stood up, walked slowly to the front of the old TV cabinet in the room, opened the door, and took out an antique earthenware pot from inside. .

"Dang clang"~

When the head of the corridor was holding the jar and walking towards the Eight Immortals Table, there was a crisp sound inside the jar. It seemed that there was some kind of hard object inside, which was constantly hitting the earthen jar because of the tremors of walking.

"Come on, Miss Greengrass, what is your birthday and time of birth? The more accurate you are, the better."

The head of the corridor lifted the glasses on the bridge of his nose and said to Astoria.

"My birthday is September 2nd, born at 0:00 in the morning".

Astoria tilted her head to think for a moment, and then said to the head of the corridor.

"Zi Shizhen was born? This hour is quite yin."

The corridor chief frowned in surprise.

"Then, what about that kid from the Zhang family? Miss Greengrass, do you know that his birthday is still due?"

"His words are also on September 2. As for the time"...

Astoria frowned and thought for a long time, then hesitantly replied:

"If I remember correctly, he seems to be born at twelve noon"...

"Ah? No, why are you both so extreme?"...

When the corridor chief heard Zhang Qi's eight characters, his eyes widened.

"The two of you were born on the same day, and the hour is one of Yin and the other of Yang. Can there be such a coincidence in the world?"

"But the facts seem to be like this, or else, Grandpa Lou, you can count on this first"?

Shen Meng was also very surprised, but quickly calmed down.

What does such a coincidence indicate?

It shows that this is a match made in heaven!

"That's right, I'll just do the math here."

Although the director of the corridor was also surprised, he did not forget his own job.

He opened the crock pot, poured out a few copper coins full of rust marks from it, and spread them out on the table.


The head of the corridor tapped the table lightly. Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the coins actually bounced off the table, flew into the air and collided with each other, and then crashed on the table, sending out A crisp sound.


Just when everyone was sighing about the magic of Divine divination, the head of the corridor made a surprised voice.

Everyone immediately raised their heads to look at the head of the corridor, and then followed the head of the corridor to look at the table.

There are a total of six copper coins on the table, but looking at it now, there are still six copper coins...

Not right!

The head of the corridor grabbed the six copper coins in his palm, only to hear a light rattling sound, and the six copper coins were all split into two pieces from the middle.


The corridor chief looked at the copper coin that was broken into two pieces in his palm with an incredible look, and his heart was full of fear.

This is an antique that has been handed down since the Qin Dynasty. It has been used by Yue Lao in all dynasties to tell countless fortunes. Why does it suddenly happen today...

The corridor leader's face became more and more serious, which frightened the children next to him.

"Hey, Miss Shen, I shouldn't need to compensate for this."

Astoria grimaced and touched her small bag~www.wuxiaspot.com~ There really wasn't much money left in it.

When Astoria was recuperating at Hogwarts, she was gluttonous and often asked her seniors to bring back some food from outside.

Over time, her pocket money will naturally become clean.

"Should, no need"...

Shen Meng also said with some uncertainty.

"Come on, child, let's change the way."

The director of the corridor seemed to understand something at this moment, nodded, then walked to the TV cabinet, and took out an old bamboo tube with a few sticks in it.

"Just take one of them."

The corridor chief said.

Hearing the words, Astoria looked at the "Qin Banliang" that was split into twelve pieces on the table. She timidly put her hand on the bamboo tube, and gently took out a sign and handed it to the corridor chief. . One heavy river and one heavy mountain, although I know that the way to go is difficult;

"Everything happened because of fate, keeping the clouds open and seeing the full moon"?

The head of the corridor took the bamboo stick, looked at it, and frowned.

"Child, take another one."

The corridor chief continued.

"Fame, marriage, and marriage are inherent in the sky, so you don't need to think about it; if you ask about retreating and advancing in the middle, the opportunity is in front of you"...

The director of the corridor looked at the two signatures placed in front of him, and the contents of the signatures flashed in his mind automatically.

"If you can survive the setbacks, there will definitely be a good outcome, right?"

The head of the corridor stared at the two sticks closely, but he wasn't actually thinking about marriage.

At this time, he finally remembered something.

What the master taught him back then was a very important thing!

"Changbu, the unpredictable affairs of the country's fortunes".


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