
A stack of paper telegrams was slammed onto the wooden table, which was slightly shaken by the fast speed of the train, with a light snapping sound.

Everyone around the table trembled, as if the stack of documents was not slapped on the table, but slapped on their faces.

"The Western Suburb Meat Union Factory was attacked by undead creatures, and the same thing happened to the Headquarters of the Mystic Arts Association and the guardhouse... What? If I leave, you won't know anything."

Standing in front of a huge battle map hanging on the carriage, Xu Lin took off her big-brimmed hat and slammed it onto the table.

"The commander of the guardhouse, Bai Tingzhong, defected, and he also abducted a lot of rare materials in the warehouse of the headquarters. That's what the garrison does to protect it? And what about the Teco people? When did this **** traitor start to defect? ​​Why? You didn't provide any useful information"!

Xu Lin asked a few people in office clothes in a cold voice.

"The other party is very covert, and Bai Tingzhong has a very strong anti-reconnaissance ability. We did not find out the fact that he had defected in time. People in the analysis department speculated that he may have been in contact with others a few months ago. But the exact direction is not yet clear.”

A middle-aged man said expressionlessly.

"In addition, our recent strength is almost all focused on capturing the intelligence personnel of the Magic Congress and the Magic Institute, which is why this serious negligence is caused. This matter is indeed our responsibility, and we are also willing to be responsible for it. ".

"Even if you want to be responsible now, it's useless. The whereabouts of the traitor is unknown. Let your people move. Be sure to bring him back alive. Of course, if he resists, he will be killed on the spot."

Xu Lin rubbed her temples a little tiredly. The previous day's battle at the Suifenhe anti-aircraft artillery position consumed too much of her physical and mental strength. Logically, she should have rested for a while, but now it seems that Completely impossible.

"Then, what if the traitor has already left the country?"

the middle-aged man asked.

"Mr. Zhang Yan's grandson Zhang Qi has returned to China, don't let people see the joke."

Xu Lin snorted coldly. Although she didn't answer his question directly, it was a reminder to the middle-aged man.

Or rather, it gave him real authority.

"Got it, Teco will do whatever it takes to find him and kill him."

The middle-aged man immediately stood at attention and said.

"What about the people from Institute 406 of the Shenzhou Academy of Sciences? The on-site collection should have been completed, right?"

Xu Lin looked at the map for a while, then circled a few locations on it with a pen, frowning in thought, and asked casually.

"The people from the 406 Institute have completed the collection work, which is indeed abomination, but it is not exactly the same as the samples we collected in Africa in the past few years. This time, the original liquid of abomination seems to have been improved in a targeted manner - vitality. The assimilation ability is stronger, but the toxicity is weaker. If it is the original version, I think the price of pork in the entire Beijing-Tianjin area will increase in a few days.”

The only young man in the entire carriage wearing a white researcher's coat shrugged his shoulders and made a little joke.

But he was the only one left in the whole car who was in the mood for jokes.

"I almost understand, it's probably their ghost again!"

Xu Lin slapped the table fiercely in anger, and the violent vibration almost made the enamel water tank on the table fly.

Sometimes, it is normal to suffer some losses in foreign affairs. This situation is actually more suitable for the current situation.

The power of great powers is basically in a state of equilibrium. No one has the ability to break this balance. The possibility of a hot war is infinitely close to zero.

But big powers will definitely use some bad moves to block their opponents, and there will definitely be this.

"Everyone, what happened this time is very slap in the face, really."

After being silent for a long time, Xu Lin spoke.

"The enemy sneaked into the heart of Shenzhou with dangerous undead creatures, then launched an attack on us, and finally caught us off guard, and then successfully retreated from here"...

Xu Lin stood there quietly and let out a long sigh.

"I just wanted to ask everyone, don't you feel a burning pain on your face?"

Xu Lin's eyes as sharp as knives looked at everyone present, her eyes were full of anger.

"When the Shenzhou Empire collapsed a hundred years ago, this situation once appeared on the land under your feet. At that time, we were very weak and could only survive in the cracks of powerful countries, so this situation can also be said to be a last resort."

"However, a hundred years later, the same thing actually happened again on the land of Shenzhou-appeared on the ground of New China!"

Xu Lin patted the table hard in anger.

"Don't you feel humiliated?"

"Everyone, there is a saying that is well said - one punch is opened, so that a hundred punches will not come"!

After being silent for a while amid the rattling sound of the train~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xu Lin said leisurely.

"The chief instructed, this time we don't have to hold back. We must beat the traitor and the forces behind it hard, and beat them to death. The harder the fight, the better! Because only in this way can we tell the black hands behind the scenes, now The Shenzhou of China is no longer the precarious Shenzhou Empire a hundred years ago!"

Xu Lin continued in a deep voice:

"People who contacted the Air Force, didn't Bai Tingzhong like to run into the deep mountains and old forests? Although the wreckage of the door key on the scene can only confirm that he was teleported to an area of ​​the Taihang Mountains, I think he shouldn't be able to run much in such a short time. Far".

"Continue to send a message to the communication jade on him, but if there is no response after an hour"...

Xu Lin took off the cap of the pen and drew a circle on the map.

"Report the location of these four areas to the Air Force. If we haven't received any response after an hour, I remember that the Air Force still needs to destroy a lot of old ammunition. We have solved a problem for them this time- - After all, the annual maintenance fee is still very distressing when those old bombs are eating ashes in the warehouse."

Xu Lin said expressionlessly.

"what do you mean"?

A colonel took two steps forward, walked to the map, and looked at the four areas carefully.

"Let the air force in the Ji area send two bombing formations and use aerial bombs to blow it up for me."

Xu Lin snapped the cap of the pen, and then tapped the location on the map with the pen.

"Isn't Bai Tingzhong particularly fond of running into the deep mountains and old forests? Then let's let him stay there forever"!

Xu Lin said coldly.


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