In the early morning, I got up from bed early, finished washing neatly, and awakened other people from their sleep.

After the meal, the courtyard door was locked and we went straight to the street.

Master Hall once told me that the world boss may appear in any place, so expanding the search area is the right way.

But the most important thing is the way the world boss is born.

Master Hall calls this birth method ‘appear out of thin air’.

As for the effect of appearing out of thin air, Master Hall did not explain, he just said: "I also heard from those adventurers who have seen the world boss. The previous moment, it was still empty ground, the next moment, suddenly A monster that was huge and described as terrifying appeared."

After I shared this information with other members of the guild, I warned them: "You must be cautious and cautious. If you encounter a world boss, you must inform each other as soon as possible, and quickly avoid it, and at the same time, open the formation and prepare for battle. , Remember that the first attack after the appearance of the world boss is the slowest, but its power is the most terrifying."

Billy was dismissive of this, Godot stared at Billy's **** and looked obsessively. Jackson was staring at the busy boss in the opposite cafe with a wretched look, and Zac was secretly throwing at Florence. Feiyan, Kunna and Maggie are dozing off, Susan and Belle are watching them closely, for fear that they will fall directly, Taylor secretly took out the wine bottle he was carrying, opened the lid, and quickly He took a sharp sip, then plugged the stopper casually, and habitually touched his mouth. The two girls, Lily and Lizi, were smirking and watching him. Behind them, Loki had an unclear expression on his face. Stared at Lily.

Apart from these people, among my three fiancées, Phoenix is ​​rubbing my arm around, with a happy expression on her face. Kagali is staring at Phoenix with a smile, which is a sign of her jealousy.

And the only one who listened to me attentively was Barbara, who had nothing to do with the adventurer.

She nodded without understanding, and said: "Xiao Yi, I will definitely rush to tell you the first time!"

I smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "You don't need it, remember, you must take your short sword, and you can't leave for a moment!"

She said obediently, rubbed her small nose on my chest, and ran to the cafe quickly.

Then, four shocking gazes all hit Barbara's back, it was Phoenix and Kagali.

The number of adventurers on the street gradually increased, and soon they gathered into a turbulent stream.

I took everyone and walked among the shuttled crowds and watched around to see if there was a world boss.

Just at this moment, I heard Kagali's ‘ah’ behind me, turned my head and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Weird girl is gone!"

"What!" I was stunned, and I looked around and said, "It's gone, when?"

"Just now" Kagali was also very anxious, and said: "After the flow of people shuttled past, I turned my head to talk to her, and she disappeared."

"Find!" I thought about it, and said, "I shouldn't go far, but I should find it as soon as possible!"

"It's not a strange place. Is it necessary to be in such a hurry?" Billy said to the side: "Maybe if you can't find everyone in a while, she will go home."

I turned my head and glanced at Billy, suppressing the anger in my heart, and said, "No, as long as Phoenix leaves me, she won't take half a step. She will only choose to wait for me in place, even if the strange tide comes. Now, she will never leave."

My tone was very serious. Billy didn’t speak, and everyone else didn’t speak. Weird tide, known as one of the three major disasters in the dungeon. They understand my character and know that I will never make jokes with this kind of thing. , They should also know that I usually laugh and laugh. Once I get serious, it means I am angry.

Kagali took my arm and said, "Well, Billy is just unintentional, so don't be angry."

I let out a heavy sigh, turned and looked for the direction I had walked before.

On the streets, the number of adventurers has gradually increased. I must take advantage of this to find Phoenix as soon as possible. Once it is too late, no one knows what kind of situation Phoenix will encounter.

You know, a considerable part of the adventurers who live in Ai Ruicheng are greedy and sinful.

After walking for a while, I turned my head to Kagali and said, "You and the others, take good care of Lily and Lizi. Don't let these two children be swept away by the crowd. As for the Phoenix, I will find it myself."

She nodded, anxious on her face, and said: "You must find the strange girl!"

With a ‘um’, I turned and rushed into the crowd.

After searching for more than ten minutes, but still did not see the shadow of Phoenix, my heart became more and more restless, irritable, and instantly rushed to the top of my head.

"If something happens to the Phoenix, I must slaughter this city by myself!" I thought viciously in my heart, and the straight sword in my left hand trembled again and again.

"Phoenix, where are you? Where are you?"

I kept talking about it and inquired around more frantically.

The adventurers around were all attracted by my action, and they slowed down to look at me. However, I didn't have any thoughts about them.

Before finding the Phoenix, let alone them, even if the world boss stands in front of me, it is not worth even a second of my time.

"Phoenix, Phoenix, where are you! Please come out quickly!"

My whole person was about to reach the critical point of madness, and my right hand unknowingly touched the bandage on my left arm.


Looking around, I bumped into an adventurer, and I was shaken back slightly.

Looking up, it was a tall male adventurer with a wild face and a pair of ugly eyes, staring at me viciously.

"Sorry, please get out of the way." I dropped these words and continued to move forward.

The voice peculiar to male adventurers sounded, with a high-profile provocative taste: "Hey! You want to leave when you hit someone, don't you?"

Then, I felt my shoulders being held down, turned my head slightly, and saw a fist swung at me, and hit my face severely.

I was slightly overwhelmed by this force, and there was a clear pain on my cheek, but I didn't care at all, I only thought of one thing, that is, finding the Phoenix.

With a strong shake, the man's hand was shaken away, and I continued to walk forward.

The man pressed my shoulder with my hand again, I shook him again, and I was about to give him an angry look, but at this moment, I saw a petite figure, it was— Phoenix!

Beside Phoenix, there was a man standing with a frivolous smile on his face, and he kept talking to Phoenix, and he wanted to reach out and grab Phoenix's arm.

And the Phoenix opposite him, at this moment, was backing back with a frightened look, and looked around in a panic.

"I **** uncle! Dare to move my woman!"

With a roar, I rushed directly, and with a wave of my right fist, I slapped the man in the face severely.

People who like to walk in dungeons are not normal, please collect: ( People who walk in dungeons are not normal. The literature is updated the fastest.

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