The People Walking in Dungeons are surely not Normal

Chapter 421: Tamed'Dragon'

Out of the city gate, there is an open land. The open land is covered with blue bricks and rubble. It is a road developed the day after tomorrow.

However, this avenue did not last for long. After only a hundred steps forward, you stepped into another environment—except for a bluestone road that forced you to move on, on both sides are undeveloped dense forests. shrub.

Once a businessman took a shortcut to go deep into the dense forest, but he was attacked by a monster and almost died. So far, rumors of monsters in the dense forest spread like wildfire.

According to Mi Lulu's directions, we really have to walk through the forest this time. It can be said that we have caught the saying: Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, we tend to walk towards the mountains.

I was very curious and asked Mi Lulu: "Why don't you walk along Yangguan Avenue, but take the forest trail?"

Mi Lulu was also very helpless, and said: "I also thought, but I was chased and killed so I had no choice but to run around."

"How many people were hunting you down?" I asked again.

She thought for a while, and shook her head again: "I can't remember, there are many anyway, and besides them there are some monsters I don't know at all."

"You say... a monster?" I asked specifically, "not a human?"

She nodded: "Yes, it should be monsters, because they don't look like humans in any way, and they are still chained by the human races who attack us."

Hearing this, I took a breath: This is a bit shocking...

According to Mi Lulu, the opponent is holding a monster she has never seen before. If calculated according to the monsters in the dungeon, it must be at least level seven.

Monsters above level seven...

The first thing I thought of was Amon, and then the walking piranha, but after thinking about it, I thought it was impossible.

The more violent and fierce monsters are, the more they yearn for freedom and unrestrainedness. Unless they have an absolutely powerful strength and aura, it is extremely difficult to surrender them.

Then, I thought of ground worms, sand worms, and ghost face spiders.

Ground worms and ghost-faced spiders are possible. They can still be caught by themselves, but sand worms are unlikely. Such monsters are not only big, but also deep underground. It is even more difficult to catch them.

As for the giant ghost-faced spider... it should be impossible. After all, it is the king on the nineteenth floor. When did Erie City gather so many experts to capture this thing? With that effort, it is better to It's real to kill a few more monsters.

While complaining to myself, I suddenly found a question: Why should I always compare the monsters in the dungeon with the monsters mentioned by Mi Lulu? What if it is not the same species, but is the natural species that grows in the wild?

All kinds of problems came to the fore and made me a little dizzy.

So I turned my head and asked Mi Lulu: "What do the monsters you see look like?"

Mi Lulu thought for a while and said: "It's kind of like a dragon..."

"Dragon!" I was stunned, and my mind instantly recalled the suffocating pressure and fear of the huge fire-breathing monster in the gap.

I couldn't help but shudder.

"Well, it's a bit like the dragon in the mural."

"Oh..." I was silent, nodded to myself, and said in my heart: If it was really a dragon, it would be bad. I am not an opponent of that thing at all. How did Mi Lulu escape? Could it be that their strength is already strong enough to escape from under the dragon's mouth?

I can't imagine it.

Mi Lulu on the side asked me: "What are you thinking about?"

I tightened my brows and said, "The dragon you are talking about...I want to know, how did you escape?"

"I just took Princess Princess and kept running, so I escaped." She replied very solemnly and couldn't fault it at all.

"Can you escape by running continuously...?" I asked emphatically, "It's really that simple?"

Mi Lulu pouted: "Yes, it's that simple."

"Uh...the dragon, isn't there any fire breathing?" I asked tentatively.

She shook her head repeatedly: "No."

At the end, she asked me: "Do dragons really breathe fire?"

I didn't answer. Even if I answered, she might not believe it, unless I felt the horror of despair in person.

The carriage drove for half an hour. It was really rare that Mi Lulu didn't even turn, but clearly pointed out the path.

Soon, when we came to a stone wall covered with weeds, Mi Lulu told us that the princess was in a cave covered by weeds.

President Aoli commanded the manpower to quickly clear the weeds, and looked inside, empty?

Could it be that the person has been found and taken away, or is it that someone was taken away by a passing monster and made a snack?

When Mi Lulu faced many doubtful eyes, she did not answer. Instead, she opened the car door and helped me down to the entrance of the cave. She picked a stone from the ground and threw it with force. The stone hit the rock wall with a crisp sound. The sound echoed in the cave.

After a while, she picked up the second one and threw it out again.

Repeatedly, five stones were lost in a row. At this moment, a timid female voice came from the cave: "Is it Mi Lulu?"

Mi Lulu's expression instantly became excited, she said loudly: "It's me, princess, we're here to pick you up!"

Not surprisingly, from the cave, a delicate head came out, with long hair and a baby face, like an SD doll, and it was indeed Princess Aurora.

All the dwarves bowed their heads at the same time to show their respect, and I curled my lips and gave a smile.

After Aurora shifted her gaze to me, she suddenly exclaimed and hid back into the hole.

My smile was stiff, with a black line: What is she doing?

Just heard the voice of Princess Aurora suddenly came out: "Ann, Mr. An Xiaoyi, you, can you turn around first, please don't look at me yet?"


Is there any problem?

Or is there something wretched look in my eyes that made her feel uncomfortable?

Because Mao wants me to turn over, hello? ! !

The corners of his eyes twitched, I really didn't want to do that, but since I was asked, let her go. Who said I was a gentleman, hehehe.

As soon as I turned around, I heard a rustling soft noise, and Princess Aurora must have crawled out again.

Under the shelter of Mi Lulu and the escorts of many dwarves, I didn’t even see Princess Aurora, so I was sent into the carriage. The door was closed and the curtain was covered. No one could see it. The scene inside.

Only our group of great lords were left outside the car. President Aoli and I looked at each other, and I asked: "The princess has also received it, or shall we go back?"

President Aoli paused and said: "Okay."

Turning around, just about to pull the carriage to leave, unpreparedly, there was a rushing sound, President Aoli's warhammer in his hand slightly lifted, and there was a crisp sound, and a crossbow bolt was shot out.

He snorted coldly, and slammed the frightened Marathi forcefully, and said in a deep voice, "I have been with us for so long, so it's time to show up!"

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