Chapter 142 Online message from Krypton

  Superman Clark helped his girlfriend Louise, who was almost collapsed, and walked down the stairs.

  Atlanna, who was guarding the first floor, saw that Louise was safe and sound, obviously relieved, and said softly: "Clark, she is also tired and needs to take a good rest. You can send her home first."

   "Okay, Aunt Hai."

  Superman Clark nodded, hugged Louise, wrapped in the biological force field, took off from the gate of the mansion, and flew in the direction of the metropolis.

  Atlanna watched the two leave, shook her head secretly, and looked back to the upper floor of the mansion worriedly.

  She did succeed, cultivating Clark into a hero with the potential of a land king.

  However, Clark's deep-rooted respect for the King of Destruction was not so easy to change since he was a child, but became more and more stable as the years grew.

  Atlanna knew that Clark even considered destroying the king as his adoptive father. This was the biggest mistake ever!

  She needs an opportunity to break the current relationship. Of course, Clark's strength alone is not enough...

  Atlanna racked her brains and kept thinking. Even though she knew that there was a Kaim who could read the mind at any time and was absolutely loyal to the King of Destruction in this manor mansion, she still did not conceal her calculations.

  Because, the King of Destruction doesn't care, if He cared, she would have died thirty years ago.

   Even, the rebelliousness and rebelliousness of the people in the mansion here is more fun for destroying the king.

  After thirty years of planning and calculation, Atlanta still felt that she was trying to use a crowbar to shake a mountain higher than the sky.

   In the face of absolutely powerful forces, all schemes are pale and powerless.


  Kilometers of sky in the outskirts of the metropolis.

  Clark held Louise in his arms, and flew to the urban area of ​​the metropolis at a steady flight speed just above the speed of sound.

  Leaving the private mansion that was like a combination of a temple and hell, Louise's pale face regained a little rosiness, and the heartbeat under the palm of her hand was no longer suppressed, and it beat evenly, but the expression in her eyes and the genes in her body were already filled with fear.

"Don't worry, you are fine and healthy, just stressed." Clark looked down at her and said softly, "I'm sorry, I should have explained the situation to you in advance, but if you didn't see it with your own eyes, I'm afraid you wouldn't have seen it with your own eyes." Will believe it."

   "It's me who should be sorry. I just...behaved shamelessly." Louise responded ashamedly.

   "That's not the case." Clark smiled and said: "You should be brave enough, so the king will recognize you."

  Louis couldn't help recalling in her mind, the bone spur king sitting on the main seat just now, and the pair of eyes that seemed to be burning with red flames that could destroy everything, her body convulsed and trembled again.

  She asked with a trembling voice: "Clark, your adoptive father... that king. Was it thirty years ago that the world called it the doomsday disaster, and for thirty years, it caused disasters all over the earth from time to time?"

  Clark and her looked at each other, and calmly responded: "Yes."

"how so…"

   After being verified, Louise covered her mouth, unable to accept it.

   Known as the world's strongest superhero, the **** of the world, and the superman who fights for justice and peace. The revered and beloved adoptive father turned out to be the world's most evil, moving and natural disaster-destroying monster!

  Don't talk about her, I'm afraid the human beings all over the world won't be able to accept it!


  Clark flew directly back to Louise's apartment, landed on the balcony, and said firmly: "I can't comment on the king's affairs. But not everything is as the outside world says."

   "With the strength of the king, if he wanted to, he could have destroyed the world as early as thirty years ago. Not only him, thirty years ago, the Steppenwolf alone was enough to cause the world's disaster and bring mankind to extinction."

He paused, and said softly: "Of course, Louise, I respect your choice. If you can't accept it, we will break up tonight. You can take my identity as Superman and everything you saw in the manor Forget it, it's good for you and me."

  Clark caressed Louise's messy hair, and took off on the spot gently but firmly.

  Louise was in a daze, with her clasped hands resting on her chest, watching Clark's figure quickly disappear into the night sky.

   What she felt oppressed and uncomfortable at this time was not the shocking identity of Clark's adoptive father, but Clark's attitude.

   Obviously, for Clark, the king known as the doomsday disaster is the first in his heart.

   This is not a good thing for her, or even for this world.


  Manor mansion.

  Atlanna came to the third floor through the stairs, but saw that the third floor was also deserted, without any figure or sound, and she was the only one left in the whole mansion.

   She was in a trance for a moment, and she felt a little lonely, but she soon came to her senses, and walked to the deep room at a faster pace.

  Looking along the open door, there is only a huge main seat left there, and there is still a heat wave in the air, but the king and other people on the seat are gone.

  At this time, the King of Destruction actually took everyone else out.

  Atlana still knows that there will be a few days a week, in order to vent the desire to fight, the king of destruction will combine the mansion personnel in twos and threes.

  For thirty years, the King of Destruction has won all victories, and almost every time it ends with the opponent half dead.

   I just don’t know where they chose to fight this time, Mars, the Moon, Antarctica, the desert, or the sea... or the hidden sea in the center of the earth.

   Wait, if they go to the Tibetan Sea in the center of the earth.

  Atlanna suddenly remembered something, her well-maintained body trembled, and her pretty face also changed.

   But at this time!


  When Superman Clark flew back to the manor mansion, he found that everyone in the family had disappeared, including Atlanta.

  Clark thought about it, but he didn't go out to look for it. Instead, he went straight to the basement of the mansion.

  The smart lights at the entrance of the passage light up sequentially, illuminating the empty space in the basement, covering an area equal to that of the manor on the surface, and the overall size is larger than two football fields.

  In the center of the huge basement, a black alien spaceship is quietly parked.

  As soon as Clark approached the portal of the spacecraft, the smart portal of the spacecraft opened: "Welcome, Son of Krypton."

   Walk through the corridor.

  Clark changed the Superman suit in the closet. He originally wanted to leave, but after a pause, he continued along the corridor to the cockpit of the spaceship.

  Clark sat down on the slightly overstretched metal chair, with a blank expression on his mature face.

  He knew that the two most important women in his life, Atlanta and Louise, didn't like the king, but he didn't think it was wrong for him to respect the king.

   It is precisely because of the king that there is the current superman, the perfect **** on earth.

  The only thing that concerned Clark was that the king had not mentioned to him about his biological parents and the situation of his hometown Krypton.

  Spent five minutes in the silent cockpit.

  Clark dismissed the chaotic thoughts in his heart, got up and left, but at this moment, there was a beeping sound from the driving platform.

   This Kryptonian spacecraft, which has been silent for an unknown number of years, received a signal message from space for the first time:

   "Exploring the spaceship, this is the Kryptonian warship, please reply..."

   "Krypton? Who are you?" Clark asked with his eyes wide open.


  The signal message from the unknown space was silent for a while, and then, a calm and powerful word came out in the feedback:

   "Hey, Al Carr? We'll be right there!"

  (end of this chapter)

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