
At the end of the day, Su Yicai opened his eyes, felt the head pillowed on his arm and the delicate body clinging to his sides, glanced at the two women with a trace of fatigue on their faces, and couldn’t help but show a smug smile.

The physical strength attribute is really a good thing, comprehensively strengthening your body’s defense and endurance, and allowing yourself to directly stun Gion who wanted to resist last night.

Su Yi looked at the sunlight shining into the room, turned his head sideways, gently kissed Gion and Ain’s forehead, carefully got up without making a sound, put on his clothes, and went out to prepare food.

After Su Yi walked out of the bedroom, Ain opened her beautiful eyes, her pretty face was dyed with a layer of red, and she shyly got into the quilt. She woke up a long time ago, but she didn’t know how to face Su Yi, the first time she was so crazy, it was simply breaking through Ain’s imagination, and she could only pretend to sleep.

Su Yi and they slept until the end of the day, but they did not know that the whole world was boiling at this time.

[The Defeat of the Four Emperors and the Legend] [The Age of the Navy King’s Reign] [The Tragic Song of the Pirates, Drought Jack and Plague Quinn were escorted into the Advancement City]

Various newspapers rushed to report, and the battle was a retelling of the navy, exaggerating the strength and image of the navy, what in the face of Kaido’s obstruction at the gate of justice, the Marshal of the Warring States was not in a hurry, the victory was in hand, and only one person easily blocked Kaido, so that the support troops could easily pass.

Anyway, exaggerating the navy from all sides simply destroyed the combined forces of Kaido and Bigumum.

“This broken newspaper is fake at first glance! When did the Navy have this strength? ”

“Although it may be partially exaggerated and untrue, since the report has come out, it means that the two big Kanban Jack and Quinn under Kaido have indeed been escorted to Advance City, and it also represents that the combined legion of Kaido, Bigumum and Golden Lion has indeed failed.”

“How is that possible? Two four emperors plus golden lions, how can the navy win? ”

This incident was discussed all over the world, and affected by this, countless naval branches were as elated as if they were celebrating the festival, and they went to sea to clear the pirates. Many pirates in the New World took this opportunity to storm the territory of Kaido and Bigumum, fighting with the remaining personnel.

At the same time, the Warring States hung two black circles and walked into the office building of the world government and came to the gorgeous living room.

At this time, in the living room, the five old stars and the commander-in-chief of the World Government, Steel Bone Kong, were already waiting here. Seeing the arrival of the Warring States, the five old stars with a two-handed figure-eight beard and a birthmark on their foreheads said:

“Sengoku, what is the important thing for us to wait for you here so early? Yesterday, you just repelled the joint efforts of the two four emperors, so there shouldn’t be a major incident that I need to deal with personally!” ”

“That’s right! The navy hopes that the world government will abolish the system of His Majesty’s seven martial seas, and that’s why I came. Sengoku replied with a stunned expression.

“Navy?” Everyone in the room was stunned when they heard this, and repeated it silently, watching the eyes of the Warring States become sharp.

“Yesterday, the combined army of the four emperors Bigumum, Kaido and the Golden Lion retreated, and the navy believes that the so-called balance of forces, the only three remaining kings, the seven martial arts, are no longer useful, and this policy should be eliminated.” Sengoku said stiffly.

“Sengoku! Pay attention to your identity!! ”

“His Majesty’s Seven Martial Seas is a policy set by the world government, and the navy is not allowed to suspect it!”

“It is enough for the Navy to be itself and follow the orders of the government! Don’t this useless heart! ”


The five old stars said in a cold voice, one after another.

Sengoku lowered his head, was silent for a while, and said:

“This is a decision made by the navy after collective discussion, intending not to recognize the status of His Majesty’s Seven Wuhai and treat him as a pirate!”

“Sengoku! What are you talking about? Do you want to rebel? Steel Bones stepped forward and shouted angrily.

“It’s not that I want to! I can’t help myself! Sengoku let out a wail in his heart, and he didn’t want to do it either. But he thought about it last night and found that his choice actually had little effect, because it was a collision between the collective navy and the world government, and no one would listen to him if he helped the world government; If he disobeys the world government, he is also a messenger, because the world government and the navy have almost no possibility of fighting, so between the overhead and the message, he honestly chose to pass the message.

“At the meeting yesterday, Su Yi proposed that the navy should have a certain degree of autonomy, and everyone present agreed, and the first choice of autonomy is the survival of the Qiwu Sea, and the navy will not retreat!” With a mouth in the Warring States, he sold Su Yi.

Although it was just a few simple words, the five old stars and the steel bone sky immediately understood the seriousness of the situation. The navy they want is just puppets who follow orders, and now that the puppets have their own opinions, they want to resist the controller and achieve a certain degree of independence, which is absolutely impossible to allow.

Because once the world government takes a step back, it is equivalent to setting a precedent, and the navy will have to step in, want greater autonomy, and even reverse the world government, want to be independent.

The five old stars with curly white hair and a fluffy white beard said:

“Sengoku, you go back first! As for His Majesty the Seven Wuhai… That is the organization that the world government has become, and it will never stop the establishment of this organization, and it will recruit new pirates to join it again. ”

Sengoku nodded, knowing that the five old stars no longer trusted him, and turned around helplessly and walked out.

“This Su Yi, I said I would get rid of it, but you didn’t agree. You see now, it’s such a big trouble. The blond five old star said displeased.

“It’s too late to say anything! It is necessary to find a way to eradicate Su Yi and suppress this rebellious mood of the navy. The five old stars in the kimono held up their eyes and said.

“I agree with that too.” The five old stars with long white hair nodded and said:

“We should immediately recruit new pirates to join the Seven Warrior Sea, and at the same time show the strength of our world government, I remember that CP9 has not had the strongest in 800 years? Let him go to the headquarters of the navy to show the heritage of our world government, and at the same time send people to keep an eye on the warships that go to sea, and we must find a way to get rid of Su Yi as soon as possible. ”

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