The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 768 Du is released from prison and comes to ask for help (1)

The dark, damp and cold Prison Department Prison exudes a putrid smell. There are one or two prisoners in ragged clothes in almost every cell. These prisoners huddled in the corner of the cell, their messy hair covering their faces. If there was any disturbance, they would be frightened and their heads would shrink into their stomachs.

In short, compared with the cell where Mo Qingze lived before, the environment here is undoubtedly much worse.

The jails of the Ministry of Punishment are also divided into three, six and nine levels. Prisoners who have not been convicted yet or whose crimes are not serious and who want to be sent elsewhere live in cells with better conditions; those who have committed major crimes and have unforgivable crimes live in cells with better conditions. It's extremely bad. Once you get in, you can't get out again unless you die.

He was in a cell in the deepest part of the cell that faced the sun. It was surrounded by high walls and never saw sunlight all year round. There is only a human-height iron door leading outside. The iron door was locked all day long, with only a small window one foot square above, through which the daily prison meal was delivered.

At this time, the three members of the Chen family lived in this cell.

Suddenly, the door of the cell was opened from the outside. Two jailers dragged Chen Ji, who had once again suffered inhuman punishment, and threw him in as if he were throwing stolen goods. Then with a bang, the iron door was slammed again. Closing it also took away the only light in the cell.

"Brother Ji, how are you, Brother Ji?" Du Shi, who had already adapted to the darkness, crawled towards Chen Ji, who was lying motionless on the ground, shouting loudly and crying uncontrollably.

Chen Ji, who was hiding in Tibet in the East and slept in the open for more than ten days. After being captured, he was imprisoned in a dark prison. He only ate one cold and hard steamed bun every day and had to worry about whether he would survive each time he was tortured. The originally well-maintained Du Shi seemed to have aged twenty years, lost her smooth skin, and turned into an old and dirty old woman.

In the corner on the other side, Chen Shanshan watched indifferently, with no intention of stepping forward to care about her father. She seemed to be tired of Du's crying, and impatiently shouted: "You're not dead yet, you bitch, how can you scream?" funeral?"

Mrs. Du had already experienced her stepdaughter's ruthlessness and meanness. She seemed not to hear her insults and continued to call Chen Ji, fearing that Chen Ji would not survive this time and die in front of her, even though they would be beheaded in a few days. , but she still didn't want the man who had held her in his hands for several years to die in front of her.

Because it is unlucky to see blood near the end of the year, the death penalty for the three members of the Chen family has not yet been determined. However, Chen Ji, who knows what he has done, knows that neither he nor his family will escape death this time. Now, not only did he have to be taken to the torture chamber alone every day, he had to endure various punishments before he was released. Several days passed, and the tortured Chen Ji was thrown back every time, and his coma lasted longer and longer.

Perhaps Du's shouting had an effect, perhaps Chen Ji's life was too tough, and it didn't take long for him to actually wake up. Listening to Du Shi's heartbroken cry, he raised his right hand with difficulty, touched Du Shi's head and said breathlessly: "Lan... Lan'er, don't... don't cry!"

"Brother Ji, you're awake, you're really awake!" Du rushed into Chen Ji's arms excitedly and began to cry.

Chen Shanshan looked at the two people hugging each other and comforting each other, feeling extremely fed up and disappointed.

If one of them didn't make it this time and the other died in love, as long as they both died, she might still have a chance to get out and wouldn't have to wait anxiously to die.

She was still young, she still had a bright future, she didn't kill anyone or set a fire, so why should she die with these two people? She obviously didn't do anything! She was unwilling to die like this!

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