The Peasant Girl’s Splendid Manor

Chapter 756 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and gets beaten (1)

Xiao Ruiyuan worked multiple jobs and was busy with official duties. He didn't have time to come to Mo's house, but he couldn't resist the strong longing in his heart. After spending several nights to deal with the piled up official duties, he finally spared half a day. , found an excuse and came to Mo's house.

However, he never expected that he would actually hear his beloved girl say such...bold and bold remarks to a wolf!

In Xiao Ruiyuan's heart, the girl he likes is beautiful, intelligent, elegant and refined. Even if she occasionally makes a mistake, she is the most real side of her. What he saw and heard today completely refreshed his understanding, making him almost think that he heard wrong.

These words, not only for women, but also for men, seem vulgar and can make people feel uncomfortable. But Xiao Ruiyuan has been in the military camp for many years. What has he not seen and heard of? The person in front of him was the one he held dear to his heart. Witnessing her other side, so vivid and real, suddenly filled his heart with an indescribable joy!

This is probably the so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder! If you like someone, you can tolerate everything about her calmly, even her shortcomings!

Compared with Xiao Ruiyuan who was carried away by love, Mo Qingze, who saw his daughter's obscene side for the first time, didn't feel very happy. He closed his eyes, wishing he could cover his ears and brainwash himself, telling himself that what he saw and heard was not true. It was all just his illusion. How could his daughter say such embarrassing things?

But no matter how hard he hypnotized himself, Mo Qingze had to accept this fact. Fearing that his daughter would say something even more explosive in front of the guests, he suppressed the urge to reward his daughter with two loud bangs and coughed twice.

Hearing the cough, Mo Yan turned her head sharply and saw her dear father glaring at her. The tall and elegant figure standing beside her father was the man she liked, but... that What's the reason for that cold face and the suppressed smile in his eyes?

Mo Yan's doubts only lasted for a moment. When she understood why the two people had such different expressions, her eyes widened. She just wished she could dig a hole in the ground and get in, and never come out again to embarrass herself!

Shame on you! More embarrassing than ever!

At this time, Mo Yan's mood was broken. She stood up without tears and pulled the corners of her lips to make a smile. However, facing her father who had the same face as Bao Gong and Xiao Ruiyuan who had raised the corners of his lips, she really smiled. If you don't come out, you will almost cry, okay?

Xiao Ruiyuan looked distressed, put away his overflowing smile, and decided to come to the rescue of his beloved girl: "Jun Hejia is kind and virtuous, so he gets along so harmoniously with the auspicious beast. I admire Xiao very much!"

If he usually heard his daughter being praised, Mo Qingze would happily agree, but when he heard these words now, he couldn't help but think of his daughter's wretched look before, and the breath that was choking in his chest, and it was so violent. It went up, and his face turned a little darker.

Worrying that her father would be ruined by his anger, Mo Yan glared at the incompetent person and hurriedly stepped forward to calm his father's anger: "Dad, there are distinguished guests at home. Just ask Xin'er to come and call me. How can I do that?" Let you come here by yourself? It just so happened that my daughter found that wild tea yesterday, just in time to entertain Mr. Xiao!"

The wild tea Mo Yan mentioned was very rare Yunwu tea, which was not common even in the palace. She went into the mountain not long ago and found them on the edge of the cliff. There were only four of them. She transplanted two of them into the space, and it didn't take long for them to bear new tea.

At that time, she picked it and fried it in the space. She kept a small handful, and the rest was used to honor her father. Mo Qingze already loved tea, but he didn't expect to be able to drink the legendary Yunwu tea. Naturally, he was so precious that he wouldn't want to take it out to drink.

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