There were more than a thousand chickens in the orchard, and Mo Yan did not restrict the range of activities of these chickens. It could be said that there was no place in the entire orchard that the chickens could not reach, and there was no place where the chickens could not poop. Fortunately, chickens eat mostly grass, vegetable leaves and other vegetarian foods, so the feces they excrete are not that smelly, but they may cause some discomfort if stepped on.

Looking at the chicken manure scattered all over the ground, Yan Junyu, who had only one shoe left, refused to step into the orchard again. He only said that he would wait until Mo Yan picked the fruit back to taste it, and then asked Guanyu to get it from the carriage. I put on my spare shoes and hurried down the mountain.

Mo Yan didn't force herself, she picked one or two fruits of various colors, piled them up in the entire bamboo basket, and then carried the heavy basket back home.

Yan Junyu had been waiting under the vines for a long time. Not only had he changed his shoes, he had also changed all his clothes. He was also dressed in purple, looking handsome and elegant, with an air of nobility.

Yan Junyu's eyes lit up when he saw the colorful and plump fruits in the bamboo basket: "It seems that the feng shui here is really good. I even want to build a villa here to live permanently."

With a thought in mind, Mo Yan rinsed the fruits in a bamboo basket and suggested: "The feng shui here is indeed good, and the folk customs are also very simple. It can be regarded as a good place to cultivate body and mind! If the young master builds several buildings here, This exquisite villa should make a lot of money."

Yan Junyu raised his eyebrows and really thought about it seriously: "Your girl's suggestion is good. I will think about it carefully when the winery is built."

Mo Yan didn't expect that just by saying it casually, this man would really think about it. Should he be said to be courageous, or rich and willful?

But this is not bad. Building a separate courtyard is a big project, and we will definitely have to hire help from the village. This is indeed a good thing for the poor Liuyang Village.

After rinsing the fruit, Mo Yan carried it directly to the stone table and asked Yan Junyu to do it himself. Not only was it not peeled this time, it was also not cut into pieces. Freshly picked fruit, even the peel is juicy and sweet, so peeling it off would be a waste.

Yan Junyu washed his hands, put aside his previous strictness, reached out and picked a glowing purple-red grape, without even peeling the skin, and put it directly into his mouth. Just like the pears and peaches he had eaten before, his eyes were full of joy. Overflowing with surprise: "Not bad, not bad, better than the tribute from other countries! Humph, I want to see what those old guys from the Department of Agriculture have to say!"

At the end of the sentence, his triumphant look seemed to have crushed the faces of those in the Agricultural Affairs Department to the soles of their feet, and let out a breath of bad breath.

Like apples, grapes are also extremely rare fruits. They are brought as tribute from small southern border countries every year. Usually only the royal palaces and dignitaries can taste them. Ordinary people can't even eat them, let alone look at them.

The Agricultural Affairs Department spends a large sum of money every year to transport these rare fruit seedlings all the way from the south, but few seedlings survive, let alone bear fruit. Last year, Yan Junyu resisted the pressure of officials in the Department of Agriculture and relied on Emperor Hui'an's favor to get the fruit seedlings. If they didn't survive in the end, he would lose face in front of those officials.

Now Mo Yan not only keeps the fruit trees alive, but also produces big and delicious fruits. It can be said that he has earned Yan Junyu face, so he is naturally happy.

On the other hand, he was still worried about the winery he was about to build. But after tasting these fruits, those worries disappeared instantly. Even if the wine he brewed couldn't be sold, he could still make a fortune just by selling the grapes. In short, the hundreds of thousands of taels of silver invested could not be lost.

Maybe he felt that he had lost his temper. Yan Junyu touched his nose and said to Mo Yan arrogantly: "When I send these fruits to the palace, it will be of great benefit to you! You should also be more careful with those fruit trees. I hope to use them for the New Year." I’m going to slap those old guys in the face!”

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