The Only Male Protagonist

The Only Male Protagonist Chapter 272

But to a certain extent, it was very low. After obtaining the holy grail full of mana and judging that Athena was dead, Guinevia was still quietly looking for the sealed place of the King of the End in the neon.

Searching without a method, like a fool who plunged into a dead end, bumped into a wall again and again, and never gave up.

Guinevia was in the middle of the game without knowing it.

And Lancelot's temporary wish is to protect Guinevia, and he has no persistent pursuit of awakening the King of the End. Facing the slightly stupid Guinevia, Lancelot did not stop it.

For nearly half a month, Guinevia wasted so much time. The current situation where seven godslayers coexist in the world is extremely unsatisfactory for her. As the ancestor of the gods, she tried to summon the last As the king, she may end up facing any one of them.

Even with Lancelot guarding her, Guinevia knew that it wasn't absolutely safe at all.

Before he dies, he must at least summon the King of the End.

Such an idea inexplicably arose in Guinevia's mind, she did not doubt it, and acted with such belief.

Lancelot didn't have any intention of persuading him. He was obviously a hero of steel, but he didn't have the corresponding dignity. He cooperated with the actions of Guinevia, who was only a god ancestor.


Yuki Rito has completed her transformation.

At least physically.

The spell frenzy caused by the injury will no longer happen, Yuuki Rito did not stay in the Nether World for long, and returned to the mansion, quietly waiting for the King of the End to wake up.

As a result, there was no news after waiting for a long time.

It is obvious that today's Godslayers are all directly or indirectly influenced by him, and they have not obstructed Guinevia's search for the King of the End, and Yu Laogong also broke the seal because of his own words.

There are no obstacles in the way.

Could it be that the God Ancestor who claims to be the Witch King and stands on the summit of the Witch is actually a fool?

Yuki Rito, who couldn't laugh or cry, walked on the street.

In the world of godslayers, because of his identity as a godslayer, every time Yuuki Rito travels normally, there will be many magicians guarding him both openly and secretly.

In addition to meeting the requirements of the Demon King in a timely manner, it is also necessary to guard against possible hidden dangers—in case ordinary people who are short-sighted angered the Demon King and affected the entire city.

The conjurers would have dealt with the ordinary man before then.

In fact, Yuki Rito has no chance to play like an ordinary person in the world of Godslayer.

The long wait caused Yuki Rito to lose his original fighting spirit and expectation, and gradually became boring.

I even wonder if the so-called [fate] who is a shady person has fallen asleep, that's why there has been no progress for a long time. The existence of the Warring States class has a long life span. If some special races are considered, some of the Warring States class are even long-lived. Immortal.

As for the collapse level, it is even more special.

Maybe it is normal for [Fate] to sleep for thousands of years in the mortal world?

Yuuki Rito, who couldn't help but start to think wildly, still chose to quietly come to the street to relax.

Avoiding the eyeliner of the conjurers, restraining his own power.

Totally like a normal person.

As a result, even though it was Friday, the streets at night were very lively, and sometimes one or two conjurers hurried past among the pedestrians coming and going, but no one noticed that the terrifying godslayer was right next to them.

The possibility of encountering a conjurer who possessed spiritual vision and could detect the terror of godslayers and disobedient gods on the street was still too low.

Although there are many differences between the godslayer world and the main world, there is not much difference in the lives of ordinary people. Life, study, and work are monotonous, but they are still relatively stable.

The god of disobedience was blocked by the godslayer.

Watching the pedestrians coming and going, Yuuki Rito was in a daze.

But he was quickly attracted by an existence.

It was a beautiful girl who could stand out among the many passers-by coming and going.

A head of fluffy honey-colored hair was cut into a neat short hairstyle, with a slender figure and a very delicate appearance, and at the same time, with a special clarity.

As clear as a lake.

She has a completely different sense of nature from the bustling streets at night.

Like the wind blowing across the prairie, the light piercing the blue sky.

With such an appearance and temperament, she wrapped her body in a slightly scruffy cloak.

This wanderer-like attire did not reduce her charm strangely, but instead highlighted her beauty.

The beautiful girl is waiting for the traffic light at the traffic intersection.

However, the people around didn't pay much attention to what she meant, it was obvious that this was a more beautiful and temperamental existence than the so-called idols.

When Yuki Rito was looking at the girl, she suddenly turned her head and met Yuki Rito's eyes.

The girl smiled slightly.

Like a ray of sunshine in a dark place.

Then he approached Yuki Rito.

"Finally found you, man of my destiny."

The beautiful girl said so with a pleasant voice that matched her fresh and refined beauty.

Yuki Rito didn't recognize the beautiful girl in front of her.

And the body doesn't feel any excitement. Although the other party uttered the special word of fate, Yuuki Rito is not sure whether the other party is the god of disobedience, and he is not very sure whether it is because of his own transformation. Some of the qualities of the gods are gone.

The trait that will make the blood boil in the face of the god who does not obey.

It seems that there has indeed been a change in this regard before.

"The man in my destiny, the boy who deserves to share the same fate with me... Now, I am convinced that I traveled here to meet you."

The bold speech of the girl in front of her, as if showing her love, could have made the passers-by watch, but the others didn't notice what was happening here.

Yuuki Rito, who tentatively identified the other party as the "special God of Disobedience", looked at the girl and asked.

"May I have your name?"

"Huh? I don't know, maybe I should say I forgot."

The strange girl answered flatly.

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