The Only Male Protagonist

The Only Male Protagonist Chapter 260

That cave is Madam Aisha's authority, and once she leaves, the cave will be closed. Although there are backers left behind, Mariya Yuri and the others have been instructed, but Yuuki Rito must avoid all risks.

"System, that cave seems to have existed for a while, but Mrs. Aisha has not returned. Can you confirm the time ratio between ancient and modern times?"

"Because the host came here, the original time ratio has been changed by the 'world'. Please rest assured, the host, before the host returns to modern times, there will never be any major events happening there, because the world..."

At the end of the system, it stopped silently.

It seems that there is only the king of the end in the modern big event.

Is that a test the world specially prepares for itself? Or does the world want to make its own choices?

Anyway, let's rest easy.

At this time, a carriage drove slowly across the road, and two white men sat in the driver's seat.

The clothes are plain, or crude.

The upper body is a long-sleeved singlet, which doesn't fit very well. There is a belt around the waist for restraint, and the lower body is loose trousers.

The sword placed on the driver's seat seemed normal, and it also showed from another angle that this was not an era of peace.

Yuuki Ritou used the wind to erase his figure in front of ordinary people, sat on top of the goods pulled by the carriage, silently listened to their conversations to collect useful information, and followed the carriage to the city where humans gathered.

As a result, the two drivers just chatted about some unnutritious topics from time to time, which was very boring.

Augusta Laurica is the name of the city where Yuki Rito is currently located.

The city seemed to have been attacked before, and the city was on alert, but it didn't notice that Yuuki Rito, who was filled with [wind], stepped in.

On the square of the city, there were more than a dozen wounded soldiers lying down. The bruises and even fractures were considered mild symptoms. Some were unconscious, some had burns and bandages all over their bodies, and some were on the verge of death.

In such an uneasy age, there were too many wounded soldiers, and Yuki Rito did not intend to show up and become a saint who saved the world and saved people.

But cheers came from the square.

"It's the saint! The saint is coming to heal us!"

Every soldier has the same thoughts at this moment, and their voices are full of loyal respect and faith.

There was a black-haired woman standing in front of the wounded soldiers on the ground. She was wearing a loose white windbreaker. Although she couldn't see her figure, her beautiful face showed that she was a young girl.

The slender features are a perfect blend of grace and serenity, giving a very gentle impression.

She has dark skin and is obviously not of European race. However, the soldiers stared at her with kindness and longing, and there was no strange look at all.

"Saint, please save them."

A soldier begged the girl to show a troubled expression.

She hesitated, as if saying "Well, what should I do?" After hesitating for a few seconds, the girl's face showed firmness.

"My ability is limited, and prayer may not be effective, but I will still try my best."

The girl knelt on her knees and clasped her hands in front of her chest.

She closed her eyes like a devout nun praying, when a gust of wind blew in the square.

Gentle and comfortable wind, with divine power in it.

After being blown by the wind, the wounded soldiers who were seriously injured and dying no longer had painful expressions, their wounds healed, and the unconscious ones woke up and all recovered.

This is power.

After confirming the girl's identity, Yuuki Rito walked past the cheering soldiers, let go of the wind around her, and came to the girl who had spotted her before.

"Lady Elsa?"

The sudden appearance of a stranger made the soldiers subconsciously want to protect the saint in their hearts, but they soon discovered that an invisible barrier appeared around the stranger and the saint, and outsiders could not get close at all.

"Since I came here, this is the first time someone has called me by my real name. Are you Yuuki Rito? The seventh godslayer."

Facing Yuki Rito's question, the girl showed a graceful smile, her gaze stayed on Yuki Rito's modern costume for a moment, and she looked at the surrounding wind barrier. The girl could feel that it was a terrible power.

"Can you not hurt them? It's just that your sudden appearance frightened them, so they will show hostility to you."

"I don't want to spend energy explaining to this group of irrelevant people. It's hard for them to understand that I am a godslayer in the future world, isn't it? Mrs. Aisha, can you tell me the purpose of your coming here?"

Yuuki Rito did not disperse the wind barrier so easily, and even because those soldiers tried to attack the barrier with weapons and manipulated the wind to crush those weapons, the soldiers who were still filled with righteous indignation showed panic expressions.

Yuki Rito looked directly into Aisha's eyes and asked questions. In his opinion, there may be some valuable gods of disobedience in this era, or some divine tools, that would attract Mrs. Aisha to come here.

Aisha lowered her head shyly.

"That...Actually...I, I can't control the power to activate the corridor."


"That corridor can't be done at all when I want to do it, but after I forget that power, that corridor will activate by itself every few years when I travel around the mountains and rivers, even if I don't want to go to other places Thoughts, the corridor will automatically connect to a certain era in the past or somewhere in the nether world, I can't resist the strong suction of the corridor, so I have to travel."

Chapter 0378 "Young" Aisha

The godslayer cannot control his own power, and is implicated by his own power.

This should be an unbelievable event for Yuki Rito, and for any other godslayer in the world.

From the moment the godslayer kills the disobedient god and gains power, in terms of the use of power alone, it should be full of proficiency. Even if you don't know the specific name of the power, you will have a rough outline. When it needs to be used, the power will appear according to the godslayer's will, let the situation develop as the godslayer wants, and turn the situation into a favorable situation for the godslayer.

Favorable situation for Godslayer...

"Mrs. Aisha, when you returned to the ancient times or entered the nether world like now, you should have gained something, right?"

"Ah? Well, you're right. In the world connected by the corridor, there are usually many people in need of help. For example, this time when the invaders attacked, many people were seriously injured, or they were oppressed by tyranny, etc..."

Mrs. Aisha frowned and clenched her fists as she said this, as if she felt aggrieved for the people in suffering. Even if she showed angry emotions, it was cute. Mrs. Aisha is a healing type.

Rarely, no, only in the Godslayer genre, would she be so helpful.

The soldiers who were outside the wind barrier set up by Yuuki Rito and couldn't hear the conversation between the two saw Mrs. Aisha's expression, thinking that there was some conflict between her and the new person. They who were crushed and fell into panic now seem to have some courage again, planning to stage a heroic rescue of the beauty with their bare hands.

As a result, after being glanced at by Yuki Rito, he sat timidly on the ground again.

Having slain the God of Disobedience, slaughtered the True Dragon King, and stained his hands with the blood of mortals, Yuuki Rito's killing intent is far stronger than that of a general who has achieved a world-famous reputation by stepping on mountains of corpses and seas of blood. Soldiers in the city have no capital to bear.

Affected by her mood, Aisha did not notice the movements of Yuuki Rito and the soldiers, showing a firm expression.

"I think it's the will of God to save the suffering people, and that's why my power exists."

Yuki Rito recalled that Mrs. Aisha has multiple powers, but she is different from other godslayers. The council of sages who walk on the tip of the knife is the source of Mrs. Aisha's powers. It is not very clear, and the magic circle does not know in which country Mrs. Aisha fought and killed the God of Disobedience. Now combined with her power, the uncontrolled cave may allow Mrs. Aisha to have A chance to step into the hideouts of the Netherworld or the Ancient World to slay gods who do not obey.

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