The Omniscient

Chapter 773: Miracle in sleep

"The All-Knower (!

There are large and small black holes floating in the white glow world.

The yellow pole floating unconsciously, and the ruthless straw hat dominated, separated 1.7 million kilometers, moving and static.

The voice of Huang Ji, the constellations are in sync.

Countless creatures contemplate the double pupils of the purple micro pupils, one thought.

The Straw Hat Master felt the trembling from the soul, and even though he was extremely calm, he knew that something was wrong.

He never imagined that someone could still gather the divine consciousness of the entire galaxy group without being aware of personnel.


The Straw Hat Dominator shook his body, and then...

He fought back!

There was a roar in time and space, drawing a twisted trajectory of time and space, like a plow cart galloping across the ground.

Yake was the first to react, cutting out a sword first, and the miniature black hole flew away.

Occasionally, strangely, he also took out the big guy, and the black hole bullet shot directly, forming a barrage!

However, it doesn't make sense, the mass is too low, and no matter how many black holes with particles, it can't stop the straw hat from dominating.

Before it hits the opponent, the body of unified matter easily evaporates those small and poor black holes into energy.

This also fully shows that Huang Ji is really unconscious.

In this state, he can't make the black hole skyrocket.

"The combination of divine consciousness and force failed!" Rui Ji's eyes were splitting.

Everyone was shocked, Huang Ji's series of operations, excellent rhythm control, and everything was counted, creating a chance to win with one blow, and even this blow that was even comatose failed?

Then... Isn't it over?

It is impossible to have such an opportunity again, I saw that the straw hat dominates the rush, and the flying saucer-shaped small straw hat is separated from the head, which is his original personality carrier.

It is also the genius who dominated the first ‘first-line personality’ with a straw hat, who destroyed his civilization back then.

At this point, the opportunity to defeat him instantly passed. Right now, it takes two strikes together to completely lose his combat effectiveness!

"It's really dangerous, it turns out that you have divine consciousness resonance technology."

"Not only that, but such a large number of individuals have been connected in high-dimensional series...Unimaginable database, just like that unreasonable black hole skyrocketing."

"Unfortunately, I was almost lost in your wild world."

If the straw hat rules indifference and fortunately, everyone will be desperate.

Regardless of the collision of 90,000 massive black holes, he chose to evacuate the first time, but that was not because he could not win.

On the contrary, it is impossible to lose in normal calculations. It was only because Huang Ji repeatedly broke his deduction and chose to maintain stability.

It's a simple insurance mechanism. After all, he is not an ascending body known for fighting. He doesn't want to face head-on with unknown enemies. Anyway, his face is indifferent.

Objectively speaking, he is still the strongest combat power in this constellation, and he is invincible because of his ‘unified and immortal’ body.

Being forced to stay and fight at this moment, he still has a strong confidence to kill Huang Ji.

Theoretically speaking, at the moment he took the lead in using the power of consciousness to strike, he had already won, and Huang Ji could still fight back without being aware of the situation. He simply ‘stunned the straw hat master into a cold sweat’.

Fortunately, the wave of divine consciousness impacted, scattered, chaotic and weak!


Huang Ji suddenly moved, pushing everyone around him away, and at the same time manipulating the 120 black holes around him, slowly drifting towards the top of his head.

Almost the next femtosecond, a large group of immortal death light came out of thin air!

There is no ballistic path, as if refreshing in place, wiping Huang Ji's nose.

High-dimensional descending strikes, also known as ultra-range attacks. Break the speed limit of light, so that the energy seems to be suddenly transmitted to the target area.

This technique was also used by the Shinrisha Shrine before, but the front swing was very large, and although it was over-distance, the range was actually limited, often just a few light seconds away.

Obviously, the same technology is in the hands of the straw hat, and it is surprisingly efficient.

"Do you know you will fail?"

The Straw Hat Master was a little surprised, but then he continued to attack from a distance.

Huang Ji predicted everything, and used the extreme distortion of the black hole to deflect the ultra-range attack that should have killed him.

Coming back out of thin air, the technology and data accuracy behind it are very rigorous. The Straw Hat Master must have an extreme understanding of the time and space where Huang Ji is standing. If the data is wrong, there will be an error in the hit area!

At this moment, Huang Ji was taking advantage of this error, flying around, dodge the immortal death light that had no trajectory and was refreshing in place.

While expanding the error as much as possible, it moves at a high speed in the opposite direction of the error.

The end result is passing by!

Every blow was perfectly avoided!

With a sleepwalking posture, the straw hat dominates frequently miss!

"It's an incredible opponent. Has he predicted the current battle before he loses consciousness?"

"How did it happen? It seems that I have a high-dimensional eye, and I see through all the disturbances on the high-dimensional scale."

"And still... see it in advance?"

Although the Straw Hat Dominator pressed Huang Ji to fight at this moment, he was beating himself into doubts about life.

However, Huang Ji, who was unconscious, had no means to fight back at this moment.

The only thing that moved the rest of the battle at this moment was to give a slight boost to morale.

"Unexpectedly...Can you still fight..." Rui Ji was overjoyed.

The Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha stretched out his huge palm to support the people and stretched away so as not to drag Huang Ji: "Huang Ji expected the current battle!"

Huang Ji is still fighting, which means that he expects that the combined attack of the divine consciousness will fail, and he is implementing plan B at this moment.

Yin Lan's tone was dumbfounded: "But after all he is unconscious, how long can he hold on? At this moment, he is just being beaten."

"It's impossible to use the black hole to skyrocket now, and the time for divine consciousness to strike together has passed, it seems...there is no other way."

Lin Li said blankly: "Why did it fail? What happened?"

"Brother can't make a mistake!"

He has blind confidence in Huang Ji.

Rui Ji also quickly thought of something: "Up to this moment, Huang Ji still maintains a high-dimensional communication network."

"That is carrying the terrible computing power of billions of people, and it is still running steadily...Even the most difficult operation, he has set it in advance, and a simple combination of attacks cannot fail!"

"and so…"

Anger flashed on Rui Ji's face: "So... it's everyone... it's that everyone didn't lend him divine power!"

"What!" Everyone on the scene at the moment was mad!

There is no problem with Huang Ji, there is no problem with the platform, and the problem will only lie with each ‘client’.

Huang Ji has prepared all the conditions. Everyone only needs to visualize and focus on the pupil. What a simple task!

However, someone did not do it.

Even... many people didn't do it!

There were countless casualties, foresight, all operations were for that perfect moment, Huang Ji did everything.

Only can't think for others.

Although many people have worked together, there are always some people who are slow to respond; there are always some people who think wildly; there are always some people who are self-righteous; there are always some people who fish in troubled waters.

Some people stayed at the scene of the battle, and when they needed them, they had a mentality of watching a movie, and there was no sense of ‘this is talking to me’ burst in their minds.

Some people are simply too lazy to be obedient, standing on dry shore, without any sense of urgency, and feel that it doesn't matter if they are missing.

There are others who are suspicious, because they feel jealous and fearful of the unknown, and tell everyone what kind of conspiracy is behind this in a sober tone, which is ‘reasonable and convincing’.

What's more, realize that this is a god-given opportunity, and when everyone is paying attention to this battle of the fate of the constellation, take the opportunity to break the law and achieve the goal.

Just this, Huang Ji did not connect the primitive races, otherwise it would only be more chaotic.

It is so difficult to unite all the interstellar citizens of this galaxy group. The resonance of the divine consciousness, as the name suggests, requires a very high-precision ‘discipline’. If someone stubbornly fills up the numbers and fishes in troubled waters, the coordinated resonance waves will become a mess, and then become weak.

Everyone suddenly faced this battle of destiny, and it was mixed with various races and civilizations, and it was difficult for them to work together because of Huang Ji's command.

Even though various governments had promoted in advance, coupled with Huang Ji's live broadcast of the straw hat dominating the terrorist forces, that blow was still a failure.

In fact, Huang Ji is fully capable of connecting real sober people, and removing those who are still confused from the resonance sequence from the very beginning.

In this way, the strength of the divine consciousness is still enough to defeat the straw hat ruler.

However, he did not do that.

"Asshole! What are you guys doing, please be sober!"

"Three thousand years of accumulation of the Triangular Civilization was lost in one day! One billion floating corpses of Taiweihua Civilization! But this is not just a war of higher civilizations. In the entire constellation, no one person can stay out of the matter!"

All civilizations were mad at their previous failures. There were races with iron-blooded radicals, and they even began to eliminate the insurgents from within.

Especially the civilization of the Milky Way, the most hindered.

Three thousand civilizations, over ten thousand races, and a hundred flowers blooming culture also represent the most difficult to resonate.

At this time, no strong government can stand up.

Despair... At this moment, everyone understood that Huang Ji's so-called one thought was simply impossible to achieve.

The Straw Hat Master also realized this, and he said: "This is society, composed of countless individuals, with countless'Is'."

"Even if the so-called civilization is formed with a common culture, it is like unity, but it still cannot change the fact that'everyone has their own ideas'."

"The combination of fictitious concepts and cultural concepts can only give you the superiority of the so-called ‘civilized’ when facing primitive natural life, but in my are barbarians!"

"Fictionalizing things that don't exist in the universe, deceiving myself."

"They are still exercising the so-called laws, operating the so-called prisons... They are still exercising the so-called policies, operating the so-called propaganda... They are still exercising the so-called culture, condensing the so-called race..."

"These seem to maintain your society, but it is actually fragile. Individuals and individual wills are not interlinked, and it is impossible for people to be truly fair. Relying on identity and empathy to maintain this fragile balance, what is it? Behind the wild!"

"Only by unifying the matter of all life and the will of all life in physical form, can we go further on the road of truth."

Ascended bodies believe that they are advanced forms of civilization.

The society has been ‘evolved’ away, and in physical form, absolute unity has been created.

"If you say that killing is so high-sounding, don't do that kind of evil sublimation!" Rui Ji roared, her mane swaying like burning snowflakes.

Dragon culture is the pinnacle of collective identity. Naturally, it is impossible to accept this kind of social-elimination remarks.

The Straw Hat Master said in a compassionate tone: "Evil?"

"There is no cruelty, and there is no good and evil. The concept of nothingness can only deceive itself, not the universe."

He even felt that the so-called civilization behind him was very pitiful.

Yes, an ascending body that has ruled countless races in the constellation for millions of years, has no mercy at all, does not pity death, does not pity pain, but pity them still expounding the so-called good and evil.

In other words, he thinks this is something worthy of pity.

To measure the ascending body by good and evil is just wishful thinking of a social civilization.

"It's over." The straw hat master has already slain in front of Huang Ji.

The unified field completely covered Huang Ji and suppressed it instantly.

With the magnitude difference between the two, Huang Ji would be swallowed easily!


They collide together! The golden phoenix, like golden snow, blended into the dark green figure.

"It's over!" The whole star group was terrified! They feel the fluctuations of the high-dimensional communication network, as if this platform that connects the hearts of all people will disappear at any time.

Huang Ji is already their strongest individual, if he merges into the ascending body, the defeat of the constellation is doomed.

"Join Feisheng, Huang Ji, no matter what secrets you have, follow me on the path of real Taoism!" The straw hat dominates gently.

Everyone’s personalities are merged, and different thinking modes conflict with each other. There must be an axis, right? Otherwise, it is chaotic thinking.

That axis is ‘seeking the way’.

All wills, in physical form, no matter what kind of person they were in ‘being alive’, after being swallowed up, thinking will forcefully serve this path of seeking the way.

No culture, no recognition, no law. Except for a few non-mainstream types, the ascending body is a ‘integrated body of seeking Taoism’.

However, as the two merged, the Straw Hat Domination froze.

He got stuck.

In Huang Ji's brain at this moment, there is a miniature black hole hidden!

It's not just the brain, but invisible black holes are placed all over his body in a weird array.

During the fusion, Huang Ji himself was like countless needles, piercing the straw hat to dominate countless specific positions.

Acupuncture...the ultimate predictive flow of black hole acupuncture by piercing the needle into one's body first...

"Everything has its birth and its death. Ascending body is no exception..." Huang Ji said.

The straw hat dominates for a moment, Huang Ji did not wake up, at this moment he was speaking predictably?

What is even more incredible is that he is now subtly destroyed by the countless tiny black holes in his body, and the operation of the unified field is subtly destroyed.

The heavy body suddenly became a burden, and the unified matter was locked to each other and could not move.

Huang Ji and the straw hat dominate, floating toward another huge darkness with a half-merged attitude!


It turned out that the 120 black holes around Huang Ji's body had already merged into one and turned into a huge black hole.

They are too close and are falling with acceleration.

The high-dimensional images flickered sharply and intermittently, making the look of those who saw this scene sluggish.

laugh! The straw hat dominates one side of the body and touches the event horizon!

It was like an eraser, constantly engulfing them.

Not only are they falling, but the black hole is still getting bigger, because there is too much material around, and the body dominated by the straw hat itself is also a massive celestial body.

Being swallowed by a little finger is equivalent to adding several earth masses to the black hole! If an arm goes in, it is directly equivalent to swallowing a sun.

The black holes are getting bigger and bigger, and they are still falling.

"How could you know my body so much?" The Straw Hat Master realized that if he stiffened like this, he would be swallowed by the black hole together with Huang Ji.

Fortunately, he split out a small UFO straw hat before, which was his original personality carrier.

In other words, this is not all at the same time. Huang Ji would die, and he was only beaten back to his original state.

However, he did not want to give up this expensive body.

He immediately pulled back the small straw hat of the flying saucer that had been separated. While imposing escape speed on the body, it evaporates and eliminates all kinds of small black holes that have been pierced into the body.

Its deadly devouring program is also constantly recovering.

"If you die, what will happen to your so-called ‘physical unity’ of hundreds of millions of beings?" Huang Ji suddenly asked.

"Of course it's dead!" The straw hat master thought he was asking nonsense.

"So... why should we blindly believe that a system with a zero tolerance rate can chase the truth of the universe?" Huang Ji asked again.

"The path of exploring the truth is full of ups and downs and unknowns. Getting close to it as much as possible, and dying on the road is also value." The Straw Hat Dominator does not have any self-doubt, and is still eating Huang Ji in an orderly manner.

Huang Ji turned to pity: "Death on the road has no value. Only the forerunner who died on the road is inherited by the late ones, and the relay forward... is the value of the former's death."

"One die, another, fail once, and a second time. Thousands of different individuals will succeed in succession, and one will succeed."

The straw hat dominates indifferently: "It is this kind of falsehood that countless people believe and agree with, what a backward and unreliable fragile system."

"You could have defeated me, but you have lost to your own people. This is the limitation of society."

Countless people in many civilizations look sluggish, the world has the same strength, and the hero is not free. Huang Ji has reached the limit that an individual can do, but the result is still a failure. This is really a crime of non-war.

Huang Ji said with emotion: "It's really fragile... In the world that countless individuals maintain together, maybe the things you cherish, others just don't cherish... the person you love, he just doesn't love you... the person you believe just doesn't believe it. You...the success you want for all your hard work, it is unsuccessful...the object you give goodwill is to give birth to malice...the person you want to identify with, he just won't accept you...what can be done with this?"

"But this is the infinite possibility of the collective. Compared with death, you who die completely and fail completely. The collective can continue to try and make mistakes."

The straw hat master said indifferently: "So you are the victim of trial and error."

Huang Ji approvingly said: "Being a victim is also a value for the entire society. Mutual deprivation, mutual fulfillment, stumbling forward."

"If one day, there is a life that successfully controls all the rules of the universe. Then there must be a person with countless trial and error in front of him."

"This includes you, the so-called ascending body that destroys society... Are you not a member of the universe and life society, and why do you have to abide by the order of the blue sky? It is impossible for society to truly disappear."

"If you don't believe that you can hold the truth, you won't be where you are today."

The Straw Hat Master said: "It's rare that you prepared so many excuses before you fell unconscious, but it's a pity that you said that the miracle won't happen."

Sleepwalking Huang Ji seemed to hear his words: "Just believe me, I am a miracle."

In the eyes of adult citizens of major galaxies, high-dimensional communication networks have reached the limit of fluctuations.

It's like a display screen, which constantly flickers and is about to disappear.

After a violent flicker, they saw that the straw hat master almost completely swallowed the yellow pole, the golden phoenix, and only the last wing remained.

At this moment, countless people are frantically visualizing the double pupil, because once the communication network disappears completely and the connection is lost, they will have no platform to fight together.

More and more people are raising their hands, not to say that a giant hand is necessary to strike together, but to prove that they are visualizing, so as not to be thought to be in a daze and kill...

Even races without hands constantly send electromagnetic waves or gravitational waves to prove themselves in the form of appeals.

The major galaxies already have a powerful unified government, and they are all visualizing them.

The diversified Milky Way, also under the anger of Miao Zun's King Kong, wakes up one after another.

Yes, what the Milky Way can finally stand out is Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha... Her virtual universe is used by all civilizations...

In the screen, Miao Zun is cursing, claiming to be deleting the data in his body.

Some numb people who are still playing a single machine at home, thinking that Miao Zun's death will destroy all customer data, delete all personal virtual universes, and all virtual property will be reimbursed... Then they ran out of the house and joined the resonance.

"It's gone! It's gone!" Looking at the intermittent high-dimensional picture, the people who stood on the street or looked up at the stars exclaimed in despair.

"Resonance! Let it go! I have visualized, why is the enemy okay? Who else didn't raise his hand?"

"It's not useful for us to visualize. The resonator is on Emperor Ziwei. If he doesn't coordinate the release of the combined attack, it will be useless if we raise our hands!"

"That's bad, Huang Ji didn't predict the second blow? Or... at this moment, he is already unable to release..."

Always cherish it only when it disappears.

When people are most efficient, it is often the countdown...

You will not be desperate until the remaining blood, you will not be earnestly rushing to work before the deadline, and you will not bet on everything until the last minute.

Feeling the disappearing scene, countless people almost broke their hands, but Huang Ji didn't make any counterattack, and it seemed that he could not release the resonance blow.

Huang Ji even sighed in the picture: "I didn't create a miracle, which means that the miracle is in the rest of the people."

"Who would it be? Too Wei Chinese? Or Dragon? Or Tianxin civilization? Probably in the primitive race... Or maybe it hasn't been born yet?"

"Or someone who hasn't wanted to believe me until now, but is looking forward to the destruction of the world..."

"I am looking forward to it. I am looking forward to someone standing up after my death and completing an incredible reversal."

The crumbling high-dimensional signal conveys these last words.

Then the signal disappeared.

Now it's the turn of billions of sentient beings to be mad, why doesn't Huang Ji urge Huang Ji to release a second joint attack?

Why didn't Huang Ji fight it last? And choose to believe that the remaining alive can create miracles?

Everyone didn't expect Huang Ji to say what miracle was with them in the end. Isn't this poisonous chicken soup?

Huang Ji has achieved the ultimate, and has never united everyone in the past and present. That's it... the joint attack failed.

After Huang Ji died, who else could he count on?

At this moment, very few people who have not joined the resonance yet, and those who are depressed and world-weary, are stunned.

They didn't believe in themselves, Huang Ji actually felt that some of them might rise up against the dominance of straw hats?

"Should I believe in such a waste? But what can I do now even if I raise my hand?"

Some depressed people slowly joined the resonance.

"I hope that I don't even have freedom... I, who have been trapped in this Crab Nebula Hell forever and been framed until death, go to stand up for those high-ranking ones?"

"It's ridiculous. Others are hell. What is the difference between being bullied by a higher civilization and being tortured by the ascending body?"

"The signal is broken, so what if I lend it to you now? It doesn't make sense, tired...destroy it!"

Seeing the disappearing picture, some people raised their hands with a grinning smile.

But the moment he visualized the re-pupil culture, the whole world changed suddenly.

He stared blankly, because he saw the whole world vanish into nothingness in an instant.

Not only him, everyone...all the intelligent creatures raising their hands at this moment, there is a deep darkness in front of them.

In the darkness of the abyss, there was only one figure, and that was the straw hat ruler, and only half of his body remained.

Almost there is only the green straw hat on the head of the magnificent body.

Time seemed to freeze.

Yuan secretly cracked a gap, then... opened his eyes.

Heavy pupil, this scene is also all the straw hat dominator can see.

He lost his consciousness, he couldn't believe that Huang Ji had only a feather left, and even released this blow.

It turns out that the resonator is in the last feather? But how did he know that the feather left in the end?

Why can such a small processor connect countless people in series, and where does his data exist?

These, the straw hat ruler can't know.

Under the impact of the will of the fairy stars, he stopped thinking.

When the strength of the divine consciousness is high enough, there will be this kind of vision. All the people participating in the joint attack will have the same thinking and collectively fall into the illusion, as if the world has disappeared, and they see the same thing together.

But only for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, the citizens of the major galaxies returned to normal.

They stayed in their respective places, looking around blankly.


"what happened?"

"Release it?"

Many people don't know how to win, and the person who would rather die than watch the world destroy is even more daunting. He has always restrained himself from reconsidering his eyes, just wanting revenge on society.

It wasn't until I saw the signal was interrupted that I made fun of Huang Ji's last words and studied the double pupil. The result was a success?

Everyone wants to know how the frontline is going, but after a long wait, there is no news from the frontline.

After all, apart from Huang Ji's high-dimensional network, it is impossible for there to be anything on the scene that can spread across the mighty time and space.

This waited for thirty-two years.

In a corner of Taiweihua civilization, the starry sky where 90,000 black holes float is full of dangerous dead light and gamma-ray bursts.

In this dangerous starry sky, a group of survivors are escaping this area at sublight speed.

Among them, Miao Zun Zhi Wang Buddha held the crowd with one palm, and controlled by a coma straw hat with one hand.

When Huang Ji and the Straw Hat Master crashed into the black hole, everyone jumped on it.

However, there was a big time difference between them. When they arrived, the Straw Hat Master was already unconscious.

Not only that, Huang Ji didn’t wake up either. After all, he was sleepwalking very early...

Half of the straw hat was plunged into the black hole, and the part that went in was not saved, only the upper half could be pulled out.

Millions of tons of immortal matter, and a large amount of unified matter.

It is too wasteful to swallow a black hole. Since you are unconscious, drag it out and remove it.

However, it is not that simple to escape from a black hole, especially for massive objects, something must be left behind.

In the end, they sacrificed the straw hat to dominate all the unified materials, plus the general quality of Miao Zun, and brought everyone back quickly.

The whole process took more than four hours.

This came to a zone where the time flow rate was relatively normal.

Yes, time.

After they escaped, they thought about everything that happened just now in a flat time and space, and realized that Huang Ji dragged his straw hat to dominate the operation of falling into the black hole, not only forcing the straw hat dominator to retract the original personality that was released, but also successfully slowing down himself. time.

The time flow around the massive black hole is extremely slow. In the past one second, people on ordinary planets outside will have passed 60,000 seconds...

"The so-called high-dimensional picture... I am afraid it is not a live broadcast, but a recorded broadcast!" Rui Ji couldn't help laughing.

Miao Zun affirmed: "It's not that I'm afraid, it must be a recording. Although the high-dimensional communication network ignores the time and space scale, the people in it will be affected."

"If you want to broadcast live in real time, what countless Star Citizens see is not so smooth, but a slow battle that is 60,000 times slower."

"So, what everyone sees is actually Huang Ji's preparations before he fell into a coma...condensed pre-judged images!"

Yinlan said excitedly: "This also explains why he can predict so many operations in the future."

"After the coma, the sleepwalking battle is already very exaggerated. At the same time, it is necessary to maintain the high-dimensional communication network of countless citizens of the entire constellation. This load is too great."

"I was still thinking about how he could broadcast live to everyone after he was in a coma. It turns out that he played a virtual video he made!"

"So he only needs to predict a few major events."

Lin Li scratched his head. He knew that Huang Ji could directly predict it, even if it was a real live broadcast.

He thought for a while and said, "Recording? But since it's recording, why does the screen flicker violently and the signal is intermittent?"

Alan looked at Lin Li in surprise: "Because Huang Ji made a ‘flickering image’! Anyway, it’s made, so he flashes if he wants to."

"You can also omit a lot of content because of this... For example, after a flash of light, it is suddenly swallowed to the point that only one wing is left."

Lin Li looked at the surviving body of the Huang Ji, thoughtfully.

Fez looked at him and said, "Hmph, countless interstellar citizens have experienced high-dimensional communication network technology for the first time. They thought the signal was going to be cut off, but it was actually very count..."

"The Earth is now in 2045, but in fact, as early as 2013, the entire constellation had completed a combined attack."

"They watched a video packet of tens of minutes. When they thought the signal was going to be cut off, the Straw Hat Dominator had just hit the black hole with Huang Ji."

The so-called signal interruption is just that Huang Ji has not delivered the picture...

The picture is not directly related to the high-dimensional series. After the video was over, everyone actually completed the resonance.

Miao Zun sighed with emotion: "When the straw hat dominates the fusion of Huang Ji, Huang Ji used the countless micro black holes hidden in his body to interfere with his stiffness, so he connected the original personality that was released."

"I don't know that at this moment, everyone has completed the resonance of divine consciousness, and Huang Ji is waiting for him to merge."

"After that, all the pictures of what was swallowed so that there was only one wing and what was left with only a feather are all fake."

"At least half of Huang Ji's body survived."

Lin Li looked at the comatose Straw Hat Master again and asked: "Will he not know? Why didn't he choose to give up that body? Then the big brother will be killed by the black hole, and he still has a piece of ascending body left."

Miao Zunzhi Wangfo said: "He probably doesn't believe that Huang Ji can kill accurately? After all, Huang Ji is unconscious. It is a miracle to release precisely at the moment when everyone resonates..."

Rui Ji glanced at Miao Zun, shook her head and said: "The Straw Hat Master wants to save most of his body, and even wants to swallow Huang Ji. Of course, I don't want to look at these two'precious things' and just swallow them in the black hole."

"His move wanted to save not only himself, but also Huang Ji."

Everyone thought about it carefully and it was indeed the case.

The Straw Hat ruler was only stiff for a short time, allowing him to fall into a black hole. After losing more than half of his body, he could move naturally.

There are still a lot of residues left to escape, so Huang Ji is mortal.

He was eager to connect the original personality back in the first time, in order to resume the swallowing process as soon as possible and fuse Huang Ji.

Regardless of the anti-kill rate, UU reading www. still has a loss ratio, forcing the Straw Hat Domination to do that...

However, after all, this is a reverse inference from the result. From Huang Ji's perspective, the risk is simply huge, and it is simply life-desiring.

One link was wrong, or the choice of straw hat was unexpected, but the result was not the case.

Looking at Huang Ji, who was still not awake, Yinlan felt that this gambler was a monster.

"Huang Ji in his sleep gave his fate to everyone..."

"His last words, in fact, really feel that he is going to die."

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