The Omniscient

Chapter 715: Black hole energy

There are many types of death penalty, and each civilization has different methods. The higher the degree of civilization, the more you like to play tricks on it.

Cold refuge was full of enthusiasm, causing the First Star Shell Legion to create a black hole.

It is very small, with a field of view radius of only 200 meters.

This kind of black hole has a very low life span and evaporates every second, releasing a lot of radiation.

It can be said to be very environmentally friendly. Most of the material that makes black holes can be recycled eventually.

Numerous pirates, accelerated to near the speed of light by the Star Shell Legion, slammed straight into the black hole horizon.

I saw that the surface of the black hole was quickly filled with various figures, and the infinite redshift surface was densely ‘posted’ with one after another strange creatures.

"Your Majesty Han Bi, you are too inefficient like this." At first, everyone watched the death penalty with great interest, but after half a day passed, the pirates still had nearly 80% unresolved, and the faces of many civilization masters changed.

The execution of the ‘Dead Omen’s Star’ of Shacha Civilization is very famous, and it’s no problem for five or six people to solve it like this.

But five or six billion pirates are all killed like this? How long will this kill?

A small black hole that is only 200 meters away can shoot at most ten people and 500 million pirates at a time. Does it have to be shot for more than a year?

Han Bi quickly discovered this problem. The original plan was to use this execution gamma, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Now that there are so many prisoners on death row, it is a bit too inefficient to execute them with black holes.

To know this kind of death penalty, the prisoner must accelerate to near the speed of light, otherwise it will not be able to enter the black hole in a short time.

Because the surface time flow rate is too slow, depending on the quality and distance, the time difference can be as little as tens of times, and as long as tens of thousands of times.

If you throw it on the black hole casually, then you may not see the expression when the pirate is swallowed up for hundreds of years.

The lifespan of such a small black hole is not a few hundred years at all. That is to say, after a few hundred years, the black hole will evaporate, and there will be many pirates still on the scene...

Therefore, the pirate must be shot towards the black hole at the speed of light.

But this black hole is extremely small. What is two hundred meters? Almost all the pirates on the scene are about 500 to 3,000 meters tall!

The execution rituals of feeding up one by one were simply torturing the audience.

"Expand the black hole! Double the horizon radius by a hundred times!" Han Bi secretly ordered anxiously.

However, the Cabinet Minister replied: "Your Majesty, this is seriously beyond the budget... I'll tell you, the fiscal deficit is already in deficit, so it's better to switch to anti-material executions."

"What did you say..." Han Bi's expression was very exciting, and he quickly checked his finances, his eyes dull.

He found that since he became the throne, he has been spending money, the loss of the Orion Nebula, the loss of the people, he ordered the civilized finances to cover the bottom, plus the military expenses of repeated battles, and the creation of the abyss and even the dark stars. Star Project... and also for Ziwei's stars and scientific research cooperation, he also allocated a lot of funds...

Calculating one by one, the financial deficit of the entire Shacha civilization has actually been severe.

He spent all the wealth left by the first two generations of emperors to civilization... able to resist for so long, in fact, benefited from his defeating the chaebol.

At this time, the civilized government had almost no money, and it was unprecedentedly poor.

Interstellar civilization cannot print money to solve financial problems. After all, the currency of "Lang" is in the hands of Taiweihua civilization.

Han Bi was embarrassed on the spot, realizing that the emperor was not so good to be an emperor.

Originally thought to expand the territory, and at this conference, together with Ziwei, were so proud. Three thousand civilizations honestly respected him as the host, and watched him arrange the execution. The prestige reached the culmination of Shacha's history.

He thought that he was already a great master, but unexpectedly, he actually brought Shacha civilization's finances to an unprecedented low in less than a year.

For 100,000 years, the Shacha civilization has not had a deficit, and he has spent the savings of previous generations in one go.

"Why don't you report it to me early..." Han Bi sighed.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied: "Before it was a state of war, the deficit was allowed, and all Shacha people had to serve the war. If the situation is critical, you can unconditionally mobilize all resources in the form of an'economic explosion'."

"But now that the war is over and the Shacha civilization is safer than ever before, I have to remind you...we are out of money."

Han Bi said: "Don't be afraid, we occupy a large amount of dark interstellar territory, and these can be exchanged for countless resources."

"But that's after..." the chancellor whispered.

"I understand."

Han Bi is not a face-saving monarch, he even suddenly became scared.

What about occupying the abyss and negotiating deals with major civilizations. Looking back at the beginning of this conference, all powerful civilizations didn't put him in the eyes. Did he really win the game?

Whether it is technology or national power, in fact, he does not support his war with the leader of any faction.

He bears the pressure of all civilizations, and even offends the lonely, he bet the treasure on Huang Ji.

But thinking about this kind of thing, it's simply a gambling on national luck.

According to common sense, the rise of Ziwei is extremely long, and what Hanbi imagined is the power of Shacha.

But he helped Ziwei carry it, can he hold it? Facts proved that it could not be carried at all.

If Huang Ji did not miraculously defeated the lonely, then after the Warring States period, various civilizations could tear the financially tight Shacha civilization to pieces.

Even if the Star League order is still there, but with the overt and secret means, Shacha’s finances will inevitably collapse. I am afraid that the civilization will make a pot of porridge, and the chaebol will come back...

He couldn't imagine that if Huang Ji hadn't risen in this conference, even one or two years later, the future of Shacha civilization would be extremely dark.

At that time, this superficially beautiful execution meeting will be the starting point for the collapse of Shacha civilization, and his refuge will be nailed to the pillar of shame in the history of civilization.

The more he thought about it, the more he became afraid, the fate of the Shacha civilization was simply hanging by a thread just now.

Won the loss, and Huang Ji created a miracle.

"Stop this punishment." Han Bi ordered to stop, and he couldn't beat the swollen face to fill the fat man at this time.

Seeing that there were still hundreds of millions of pirates not executed, the Starshell Legion was ordered to stop.

The lord of many civilizations looked towards Han avoid, and many people had already guessed what was going on.

"Your Majesty Han Bi, why did you stop?" Rui Ji asked.

Han Bi opened his mouth and was about to say another way.

Suddenly, when he saw all the masters of civilization, he showed an expression of unbelievable horror!

Everyone's eyes were staring straight behind him, Han Bi looked back suddenly, but saw that little black hole, I don't know when, it has become a giant!

The mass is calculated to be four thousand standard stars through gravity!

"What's the matter? Black holes skyrocketed out of thin air!"

"When did the Shacha people inject so much material into it?"

"On the other side of the black hole, did the Shacha people send a lot of material? Why didn't I scan it?"

The masters of civilization are totally puzzled, only Miao Zun and Xianhua Tian Zun recognize it, this is the unique black hole skyrocketing technology of the truth society!

Through high-dimensional observation of the data in the horizon, the quality of the singularity can be increased in an instant. This is a technology that Jinrisha has proven several times.

However, to multiply black holes, the technology itself also consumes huge amounts of energy. When converted, it is several times the multiplication of black holes, which can be described as a blood loss. So this belongs to the category of weapons.

Even the truth society has only added the mass of planetary stars to the black hole several times.

Just like this, the explosion has proliferated the mass of four thousand standard stars, which is incredible.

"Huang Ji, did you do it?" Han Bi looked at Huang Ji.

This scene is exactly the same as the previous change of Death Omen. It's just that this time it only skyrocketed by one thousand, and this time it has skyrocketed by four thousand!

Huang Ji smiled: "Go ahead."

"Don't worry about the future troubles of this black hole. Truth Society has a black hole evaporation technology that can actively evaporate stable massive black holes."

"They often steal energy from the galactic black hole. This technology is very mature, and the efficiency has reached 50%. I improved it a bit and it has reached 80%."

"At Ziweixing, I taught this technology to the master of superconductivity. In the future, you can'collect' the energy of 3,200 standard stars from this black hole."

Han Bi was moved and said: "This...this is too costly and unnecessary. Execution with antimatter is the same. Why do you consume several times more energy."

Huang Ji shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's not expensive at all. This black hole is here for you, so let's use it."

Everyone was silly, this energy is not much, but it is also a lot.

Moreover, Huang Jihan avoids the creation of such a large black hole, which must consume several times the energy, which may be as high as the energy of more than 10,000 stars.

Everyone looked at the milk enemy and asked whether they were relying on the huge energy reserves of the ascending body?

Everyone can't see anything. It feels like the milk enemy hasn't moved, but everyone doesn't take it seriously. It just assumes that the other party's technology is too high to scan for quality changes.

But in short, no one would believe the nonsense of Huang Ji's ‘no expense’.

Even if the yellow pole has superb technology, extremely high efficiency, and low energy consumption, it will definitely multiply more than black holes!

Can't break the law of entropy increase! Mass and energy must be conserved. How much mass is produced will inevitably consume how much energy, it will only consume more, not less.

As everyone knows, the data inside the black hole observed by the Yellow Pole is completely non-consumable.

This is an ultra-environmental, ultra-clean energy that has never been imagined by the scientific community! Huang Ji can turn black holes into inexhaustible mineral deposits!

In the age of the eternal, the Milky Way had 400 billion stars.

Now there are only more than 200 billion, less than 300 billion, and more than a quarter of it has been consumed!

Nuclear fusion and anti-matter are simply super environmentally friendly energy sources in the eyes of the earth’s civilization, and they claim to be inexhaustible.

But when you really step into the interstellar age, you will find that civilization's consumption of nature is extremely terrifying, and nothing is inexhaustible.

The mass of the Milky Way is limited, and all the observable matter in the universe is limited.

The seemingly luxuriant and beautiful starry sky, if there is no greater energy to be born, one day it will be completely destroyed by civilization.

Of course, for the current civilizations of the galaxy, there is no need to worry at all.

At least it must be in the age of unified power to be qualified to start thinking about this kind of thing reluctantly.

In theory, black holes can be mined as mineral deposits, but this is essentially no different from mining stars, both of which reduce the total mass of the galaxy.

Like Huang Ji, increasing the mass of a black hole out of thin air and then mining it is simply ‘refreshing energy’.

It is beyond the imagination of the entire universe, an inverse entropy method.

There is no greater energy source than inverse entropy.

Huang Ji thought of this when he skyrocketed the universe for the first time. He didn't expect that he was born...with the ability to save the universe.

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