The Omniscient

Chapter 652: "Invisible Black Hole"

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The former site of the Paradise of the Ten Thousand Peoples is already a cloud of dust and rubble.

They are not ordinary stones, most of them are nanomaterials, such as graphene, or hexagonal silica.

This piece of gravel belt is not evenly distributed, but as if by an invisible wind, chasing the Shadow Killer Legion.

And in the more outer circle, there are countless soldiers who can't see the edge, and surround them.

In comparison, there are only a few hundred people around Wan Huajing.

But his face was calm, his command was determined, and he still had considerable confidence that he could take away the only elite.

"Although their technology is quite new, they have a clear bias."

"Except for the dark matter worm cloud, which can be regarded as the peak of trinos, the rest of the worms are just cannon fodder."

Facing the thousands of troops, Wan Huajing not only didn't panic, but was very disappointed.

If this is Ziwei's combat power, then when he finishes plundering the Four Queens, he will have a ten percent chance of winning.

I saw nine negative-quality weapons open their way, straightening out a broad blood path.

Hundreds of shadow killers, all with 2-star commanders, and a few or even 3-stars, can control millions of aerospace weapons.

Their weapons are all personally armed in the prime of the trio, and their local combat power crushes soldiers who only know how to fight against death.

Although the swarms of insects are as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, the enclosure is thick enough to stretch for millions of kilometers.

But the Shadow Killing Legion can still rush through the position at a speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second, breaking out of the encirclement.

As for Wan Huajing, as the boss, on the contrary, after the break, he tried his best to block and destroy the dark matter worm cloud pursuit.

Whether it is a physical attack or a frozen light wave, it is meaningless to Wan Huajing, it will only make him more and more brave.

"There is one million kilometers left, and we will be able to break through immediately!" The shadow killer said excitedly.

However, Wan Huajing suddenly keenly discovered that the outermost celestial worms began to merge with each other!

"Huh?" Wan Huajing thought slightly and said, "Get around there!"

The subordinate hurriedly said: "Boss! We are about to rush over, and we should make a big effort! If you make a detour, you have to slow down..."

"If you make a detour, just make a detour! Where's the nonsense!" Wan Huajing said harshly.

"Yes!" How dare everyone say more, quickly slowing down and changing directions.

The Bone Fan chasing in the rear, seeing this, said with emotion: "As expected of Anunnaki's strongest boss, he is so keen."

Obviously, the constantly merging celestial worms are naturally to come up with a killer.

Their worm-sea tactics are more advanced than the human-sea tactics because they can be turned into one!

No matter how united the army is, it also needs to rely on systems and training to unite. The greater the number, the higher the requirements for organization.

But the sea of ​​insects doesn't need it. It seems that there are countless insects, but they are naturally a whole!

The celestial worms with the same set of symbiosis models can merge from the physical, spiritual, and technical aspects into one force.

Hundreds of millions of insects are like one person, and it is a very simple matter for them.

However, Wan Huajing was very cautious. After noticing that the insect swarm had changed, he did not have the slightest chance. He directly believed that the other party was going to take out some kind of back hand he didn't know, and then evaded it.

However, where can the endless sea of ​​insects encircle the net be circumvented?

The Shadow Killing Legion soon discovered that the swarms of insects in all directions had begun to merge!

In the end, in the outermost layer of the encirclement, a giant insect star that was five thousand kilometers long condensed!

This can no longer be called a bug, this is a star of flesh and blood!

There is more than one, each occupying a direction, opening a huge mouth like a planetary rift valley, and roaring at the negative mass weapon.

Of course, it is not sound, but gravitational waves, which are also the speed of light, and they are washed from all directions, directly covering the entire Shadow Killing Legion.

The huge ripples visible to the naked eye, as if time and space swung into a tsunami, passing over the nine dark spheres.

All of a sudden, the negative mass weapon stopped in space, motionless!

"It's a gravitational wave of Otto!"

"Communication breakdown!"

"We have lost control of negative quality weapons!"

The shadow killers discovered that their gravitational wave communicator was damaged. Not only that, many precision instruments in the Starbreaker Mecha were also damaged by shocks.

The so-called European gravitational wave is a gravitational wave with a wavelength of only 1,000 meters, which carries a great deal of energy and is extremely destructive to precision instruments.

In addition, because it is a gravitational wave, it cannot be blocked by any object, and can only bear the baptism of this high-energy wave like a sieve.

Thanks to them all wearing micron-level suits, if they were replaced by an ordinary planet here, such super-strong gravitational waves from multiple angles would tear each other, enough to tear the earth apart, like a rolling pin kneading the dough. The earth's material stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers.

"Change to microwave communication! Damn, the other party actually knows how to target negative quality weapons?"

"The shadow valve is out of touch. Is the brain-computer connector damaged or is it directly killed by gravitational waves?"

"The shadow soup here doesn't move anymore. The shadow soup is only Neon grade. He won't be shaken to death, right?"

"Emergency repair mecha! Damn, my anti-matter energy furnace is leaking!"

"I can fight back! Those big bugs are too bloated to dodge our attack!"

The electromagnetic roars of the shadow killers echoed in space, and some quickly counterattacked, anti-matter cannons or creation death lights fired one after another.

Others urgently repaired the damage of the mecha. They were damaged in many places inside and outside, and they could no longer sail at high speed. Some weaker ones were even directly shaken to death.

Fortunately, gravitational waves are still too reluctant to be used for physical attacks. The wavelength is compressed to one kilometer, which is already the state of the highest energy level.

In the existing technology, it cannot be compressed indefinitely.

However, this wave of shock attacks greatly hindered the Shadow Killing Legion from continuing to break through.

Negative mass weapons even ‘evaporated’ on their own after being out of control for a long time.

Space-time has its own restraint, and once a negative mass object loses its maintenance, it will soon be suppressed.


After their delay, the dark matter worm cloud chasing behind them quickly overwhelmed.

With that, there is the majestic dust cloud of gravel that is attracted.

"Something's wrong...don't stop! Speed ​​up! Speed ​​up!" Wan Huajing's electromagnetic roar repeatedly sent.

"But... there are still many brothers... Yes! Yes!" The Shadow Killer gave up analyzing the situation, did not dare to question Wan Huajing's order, and acted immediately.

As a result, the few mechas that can accelerate the curvature quickly turned into streamers, leaving most of the teammates who suffered heavy losses and could not accelerate when stopped.

"call out!"

Suddenly, the diffuse dust and gravel belt seemed to be drawn by huge gravity and collapsed inward!

It is like the nebula accretion disk, converging into a planet at a super fast speed.

Everyone was stunned and realized that what this symbolized was the body of the dark matter worm cloud, which was shrinking!

"Gravitational density is skyrocketing!"

"Not good! The central threshold of the star has been reached!"

"Still shrinking!"

The dark matter worm cloud once again showed a new form of attack: an invisible black hole.

This technology is called an invisible black hole. In fact, it doesn't really form a black hole, or...that's too expensive.

The mass of this worm cloud is a bit larger than that of the sun. If its volume shrinks to the size of the sun, it is equivalent to an invisible sun.

Continue to collapse? Obviously, it can collapse to the density of a white dwarf star or even a neutron star.

It's just that it has only twice the mass of the sun and is not enough to collapse spontaneously. Therefore, to achieve the gravitational density of a neutron star, additional energy must be paid.

Conversely, it is not impossible to create an "invisible black hole" as long as a huge amount of energy is paid.

Of course, because of the particularity of the density of the black hole, it is not only energy that has to be paid, but also the dark matter worm cloud itself...this is all at once.


"Boss, we can't escape!"


Hundreds of shadow killers were trapped in the center of gravity, surrounded by countless gravel bombarding them indiscriminately.

More and more matter is gathered here, forming an asteroid with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers.

The shadow killers are trapped among the asteroids, bearing a gravitational density comparable to the center of a white dwarf star.

A few seconds later, the asteroid continued to collapse, glow, and burst into flames, followed by an ionic flame, like a star of hell.

This **** star got smaller and smaller, and finally it was compressed into a white dwarf star material.

To the naked eye, it was a white ball of light spinning and trembling at high speed.

As for those shadow killers, naturally the dust is back to dust, and the dirt is back to the ground.

In this regard, the few surviving shadow killers beside Wan Huajing left a lingering fear.

"Dark matter gravitational weapon..." Although everyone does not have this technology, they can recognize it.

The terrible thing about this gravitational weapon is that it cannot be stopped!

Dark matter does not participate in the electromagnetic interaction force, and it can't be touched. It seems to be collapsing in the dark, just like a realm, so that everyone is suddenly in an extreme celestial body, and it is impossible to prevent it.

"Have you finally shown your true skills?"

"This weapon can kill me theoretically, but how can I stop me from escaping?"

Wan Huajing said rather solemnly, but he didn't panic, and he even felt that he finally saw some useful information.

The combat power displayed by the Kunlun Zerg before completely prevented him from connecting it to the "Fleeing from the Fairy Nebula" in his mind.

For a while, Wan Huajing felt that it was unnecessary to be cautious.

Now, I finally saw a weapon like that.

By analogy, you can see the leopard in the tube. Wan Huajing saw at once that the opponent's weapon was already very mature, invisible neutron star...invisible black hole killing... this kind of blow could certainly be displayed.

However, the shortcomings are also obvious.

This kind of gravitational weapon has a process to kill, and it is very simple to escape in the process.

The Shadow Killing Legion, which was squeezed to death, was unable to escape because the mecha was "internally injured" by the previous Otto gravitational wave.

The combination of the two weapons quickly destroyed the Shadow Killing Legion, leaving only a mere six people.

But the gravitational waves of Otto are useless to his Wanhua Jing's body.

At his speed, he can easily escape the extremely dense area of ​​gravity.

"It seems that the threat of the Kunlun Zerg Legion is still quite big... but when I get enough energy, these are not enough to worry about."

Wan Huajing murmured in his heart, looked at the few people around him, and smiled: "Huang Ji, I probably understand your purpose. The goal of this battle is not me, but to eliminate my subordinates."

"It turns out that I was weakening my vitality when I was short of resources."

"Want me to have no energy when someone has energy, but no one when there is energy..."

"Hehe, but there are still 60 million troops in Tartalus, I want to see how many you can eliminate!"


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