The Old Gods Are Whispering

Chapter 245 The History of the Ancient Protoss

Gu Jianlin vaguely understood something. This was originally a dead city, but it would only wake up from its long slumber when its monarch came.

By accident, he walked to the huge golden throne and sat on it.

He was so small in size that he seemed to be sitting on a giant's throne.

The illusory golden scepter was suspended in mid-air and landed quietly in front of him. Everything was so natural, as if the black supreme from ancient times had returned, sitting on the throne and holding the authority.

The illusory golden light curtain is condensed out of thin air, and countless ancient and mysterious lines are pieced together, twisting like living snakes, and grotesque and strange symbols that flash off from time to time, some are like planets and planetary rings, and some are like flowing The galaxy, and the pitch-black black hole, are bottomless.

who I am.

where am I.

what am i doing.

Old Gu was stunned, his eyes widened, his face full of bewilderment.

This proves that Gu Jianlin is completely unable to understand what this thing is with the knowledge he has acquired from his father.

After all, the ancient gods are advanced civilizations from the deep space of the universe, so they naturally have a unique way of transmitting information.

It's just that ordinary people can't understand it.

In fact, many modern scientists have been exploring aliens all their lives, but they don't know that they have come to the earth as early as ancient times. Ordinary people in ancient times still knew the existence of gods, but with the continuation of the tens of thousands of years of war and the artificial cover-up of sublimators, fewer and fewer people knew this secret.

Only incomplete myths, distorted historical legends, and clues of lost civilizations remain.

The current situation of Gu Jianlin is very embarrassing.

Because he can't understand.

It turns out, however, that he doesn't need to understand.

Because when he stared at the patterns and symbols on those light curtains, he heard ancient and mysterious whispers.

Not just whispers, but even bells.

Darkness filled his mind like a tide, and with the sound of the ancient low bell, the whole world shattered in his mind, as if he had fallen into the depths of the barren universe, surrounded by chaos and nothingness.

There is a faint light shining in the darkness, not so much light as the tide-like brilliance, it is so bright and hot, even more brilliant and hot than the sun. On the other side is the chaotic and deep nothingness, which seems to be able to swallow everything in, like a dark undulating sea, with undercurrents surging.

The two face each other, entrenched in the depths of the silent and barren universe.

If any modern astronomer sees this place, he will be so excited that he will go crazy, because this is an unprecedented celestial phenomenon in the universe, which can completely overturn all existing research results.

Until light and darkness gradually merged, the starry sky of the universe was violently distorted and turned upside down.

Like a bottomless vortex.

In the silent depths of the universe, a planet crashed and collapsed, and a huge dragon horn broke through.

The planet was torn apart forcefully.

It was a gigantic black dragon, entrenched in the dark universe, its ferocious dragon scales were rubbed red, as hot as a burning meteorite, so majestic and majestic.

The second planet was burned to ashes by the flames, and the crimson vermilion bird bathed in the flames and rushed towards the galaxy. Its wings were so huge that they seemed to be able to cover all darkness.

The third planet was divided into two, and a snow-white monster bathed in brilliance descended into the universe. It had a pair of huge horns and bright wings growing behind it, so noble and gorgeous.

The fourth planet was shattered, and a huge monster rose into the sky with a silent roar. Its body was covered in terrifying scales, like a heavy armor, with a strange and terrifying human face!

The last planet withered silently, and the black unicorn was filled with a gloomy ghostly aura, permeating in the silent depths of the universe. It was clear that such a silent world, but it seemed to be able to hear its roar.

This is the history of the ancient gods!

The history of the birth of the first five ancient supreme beings!

Venerable Zhulong, Venerable Suzaku, Venerable Bai Ze, Venerable Xuanming.

And Venerable Qilin was actually the last ancient supreme being born.

However, in the depths of the barren universe, there are still vaguely trembling planets.

Surrounded by a faint mist, they are struggling crazily.

The breath is extremely weak!

Huge horror exploded in Gu Jianlin's mind. After seeing this scene, he suddenly realized that there have only been five ancient supreme beings on the earth, but it doesn't mean that this is all.

Yes, if there are only five ancient supreme beings, then there should only be five inheritance paths.

But the fact is that there are actually quite a few ways of inheritance.

There are only five ancient supreme beings.

That's because other ancient supreme beings were not born.

It looked like it was blocked by something.

The next thing he heard were ancient whispers, broken and indistinct.

Gu Jianlin actually understood the meaning of these whispers. It was similar to the chants of religious sacrifices. Whenever the ancient gods had large-scale sacrifices, they would sing their history in the form of hymns.

The general meaning is:

The ancient gods are the advanced civilizations wandering in the depths of the universe. They are supreme, but they do not have their own homeland. Only the supreme have their own independent world, which can carry their clan.

Endless time, long wandering.

The five ancient supreme beings wandered in the universe, looking for the dream habitat together.

Countless galaxies were destroyed because of them, and countless civilizations surrendered to them.

The Ancient Supremes followed the original guidance and sought salvation in the dark.

Until one day, they descended on the earth.


As if waking up from a nightmare, Gu Jianlin panted heavily, terrified and inexplicable.


Old Gu murmured, "Boy, you discovered something extraordinary."

Gu Jianlin vaguely finally understood that the history of the ancient gods was so fascinating that even a person with his personality would have infinite yearning and curiosity, let alone this man in front of him.

Although Lao Gu is no longer there, after writing out his personality profile, it is as if he is still by his side. There is a very subtle sense of peace of mind, which can also eliminate loneliness.

"The number of ancient supreme beings is not many, but there are definitely not as few as five, but the other supreme beings were not born, but were swallowed by something like fog. It's really strange."

Gu Jianlin was out of breath, and said to himself: "What is the light and darkness I saw at first? What is the so-called original? It is understandable that the ancient supremes have no habitat, because they are devouring For life born on a planet, normal planets certainly cannot provide the energy to survive."

"So what's so special about Earth, why are they so attached to it?"

He pondered for a moment: "The five ancient supreme beings searched for a habitat together, that is to say, at that time, they did not fight among themselves, but they fought after they came to the earth. What is the reason for this?"

It seems that the earth is not the only civilization found by the ancient gods.

Countless civilizations have been destroyed by them.


Gu Jianlin sat on the throne and let out a long sigh of relief.

Suddenly, the golden light curtain in front of him trembled, and the light and shadow changed.

The tide of light and shadow passed by, fleeting.

Although it was only for a moment, the information could still be received.

The black Supreme sits on the throne, judging the sinners kneeling in the temple.

The huge monster was pierced by the black sword, the sea was stained red with blood, and the corpse sank in the deep sea.

The vast and boundless sea boiled, and the rich vitality was transpiring like mist.

All the people cheered and bowed to the ground.

Praise the greatness of the king.

These scenes are very impactful.

Gu Jianlin's heart trembled slightly, and he vaguely understood something. He was really familiar with that black sword, because a part of the unicorn wedge completely overlapped with it!

Venerable Qilin will use the Qilin wedge to pierce the clansmen who have committed serious crimes and sink them into the ocean.

As for the name of that sea, the Sea of ​​Eternal Life!

It turns out that this is the reason for the formation of the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. If this mystical place exists in every ancient god world, it proves that this is a tradition shared by the ancient supreme beings.

Or the civilization characteristics of the ancient gods.

Of course there are some absurd pictures.

For example, a black unicorn crawled on the barren sea, and countless huge black shadows descended from the sky.

This black unicorn suddenly raised its golden vertical pupils, and the whole world collapsed, and countless black shadows were annihilated.

Gu Jianlin felt a strong sense of déjà vu when he saw this scene.

It feels like fishing for law enforcement.

The ancient supreme pretended to be weak, and his clan gave birth to rebellion.

Then be beheaded again.

The corpses are sunk into the sea of ​​immortality, which serves as a sanatorium.

"Impossible, the ancient supreme should not be so hasty?"

Old Gu was shocked: "This kind of behavior is too immoral."

Gu Jianlin's eyes were a little empty: "Old Gu, does the ancient supreme have any morals?"

Lao Gu was silent for a moment: "Obviously there is no such concept."

"And I don't know why, but I feel that if it is Venerable Qilin, it is really possible."

Gu Jianlin murmured.

Venerable Qilin, the most mysterious ancient supreme, his image here is crazy, tyrannical and cruel.

Now it seems that there is still a bit of fun.

You said you wanted to kill your clan, so just kill it.

You have to pretend to be weak, and then arouse people's rebellion, and then kill them in turn.

It seems ridiculous.

However, for the crazy Qilin Venerable, it feels a bit reasonable.


At this moment, there was a roar of collapse outside the Golden Temple, as if a huge beast was rampaging in the city, countless buildings were washed down, thick smoke rose into the sky, and the roar was like thunder.

"Oops, Youzhu and the others are going to have an accident."

Gu Jianlin's eyes trembled slightly, no one could stop such a large number of ancient ghouls.

And his ancient apotheosis couldn't be maintained anymore.

As if sensing something, the illusory golden scepter lit up again.

This time, the golden light curtain changed and condensed again, and what appeared was a map.

Map of the city of Barenza!

And there is a blood-red coordinate on the map, which is the altar he saw before!

The altar that was tampered with by the ancestor of Kuilong.

When Gu Jianlin's gaze focused on this place, the surrounding golden temples distorted like mist, as if they had traveled through time and space and landed on this altar.

Hot blood flowed out, like lava, flowing in the blood river.

The strong smell of blood is so pungent.

It has to be said that the civilization of the ancient gods is miraculous. Gu Jianlin is clearly in the golden temple, but he can feel everything in the altar, whether it is the temperature or temperature, or even the biting cold wind.

He smelled the bloody smell, and remembered the short game experience with this guy when he was in the underground palace.

Well, it tastes the same.

The blood of the ancestor of Kuilong.


Gu Jianlin suddenly realized something.

This is the city of an ancient majesty.

The world of Venerable Qilin.

These ghouls were also created by Venerable Qilin.

It was just transformed and controlled by the ancestor of Kuilong.



The city of Balensa was under fire, and countless huge ancient gods were raging and roaring.

"Retreat collectively!"

"The loss of super-heavy armor exceeds 72 vehicles, and the loss is heavy!"

"The Seventh Combat Squad is seriously injured and urgently needs priest treatment! Please help!"

After the Eastern Front arrived at the city of Balensa, it was immediately attacked by a huge group of ancient gods, and the unstoppable dawn battle sequence was also unprepared, resulting in extremely heavy losses.

Fortunately, because of Gu Jianlin's timely reminder, the soldiers in the dawn battle sequence were on guard. So far no one has died, but there are too many wounded, and a lot of weapons and equipment have been blown up.

The accompanying Omegas have already acted collectively, but they are still unable to stabilize the situation.

"Nightmare! Why didn't you predict the crisis in advance!"

Li Hanting yelled in the communication channel, and saw that he was flying his sword through the sky full of artillery fire, the blazing sword light tore apart the body of an ancient god, green blood gushed out, and the stench was extremely strong.

"How do I know? Nine times out of ten this is left by an ancient god. If I can divination, I'm still an Omega here? Don't blame me for everything, I won't bear it!" Nightmare was also in the crowd Roaring in Li, he tried his best to interfere with the thinking of those ancient gods, buying time for the nano warriors.

Shuguang and Pharmacist also desperately rescued people in the crowd.

Of course, the reason why he was able to control the field was because there was a seventh-level Sanctuary present.

The Xuanming Saint is the path of the priest, who has stabilized the situation with his own strength, and released a strong holy light to heal the nano warriors. This is the reason why not even one person has died so far.

It's just that his face was extremely pale, staring into the depths of Balensa City.

The pupils trembled, and the eyes were frightened.

It was an extremely terrifying breath.

It's almost like the ancient supreme being revived.

But the breath is not strong.



The city of Balensa was crumbling, and the girls ran frantically from the ruins.

"Are we going to die here?"

Lu Zijin shouted: "Also, when your brother took me away, he was hugged by the princess!"

Even though he yelled so loudly, he was drowned out by the roars of the monsters.

Su Youzhu flashed like a ghost behind her back: "Why didn't I see that you talk so much before?"

"Hahaha, die for me!"

Ji Xiaoyu set up the bazooka and sprayed the poisonous mist frantically. The poison she carefully developed played a huge role at this moment, because even these berserk ancient gods couldn't stand the poison!

They may even be temporarily incapacitated by the smell!

"Stop laughing, run!"

Lu Qingqing glared at her, holding two guns in both hands and pouring bullets frantically, covering the retreat of the assistants.


Chen Qing just jumped onto a boulder, turned around and went back to pull his companions.


Just as Lin Wanqiu came up, she turned around and saw two alchemists being overtaken by a deformed monster.

In the crevice of the rock, that ugly dinosaur-like monster opened its mouth wide!

Terrifying energy gathered in his mouth!

Everyone turned around, their faces extremely pale.

【Recommendation ticket】

[monthly ticket]

Today the community is sealed off, I have been working hard all day to stockpile food, this is only 4000 words, come back tomorrow...

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