The Ninth Secret Bureau

Vol 7 Chapter 4: Base 32

Chen Xian is not only the gate to the "kingdom of the gods", and his pious belief in him is the key to open this gate. Any creature can reach the kingdom of gods by believing in him...on the utopian continent established according to Chen Xian's imagination , All races are equal, there is neither high or low, nor any hostility or food chain relationship.

No hunger, no sickness.

Any life there is free.

They no longer have to struggle to survive for the low-level desires of creatures.

In this kingdom of the gods, not only the believers lived happily, but even Chen Xian was fascinated by "playing"... Yes, he found that this world is like a sandbox game that can be built freely, and everything can obey him. He wants to make changes, and even the continental shelf can be tossed out by him.

Under the guidance of Chen Xian's thoughts, the original continent took on a completely new look, and even the continental shelf has also changed a lot. If you look at it from a high altitude... the whole continent is an impeccable circle.

"Are you obsessive-compulsive disorder?"

"A little bit."

"As for making it so fine...I was not so particular about you..."

Hearing this, Chen Xian immediately realized something and asked in a low voice.

"You mean... you have changed the world like me?"

He smiled and said nothing.

"Could it be that the earth we are on is also the dimensional space in your body?!"


He said, his tone became serious.

"That world was not born because of me... On the contrary... I was able to be born... That world is indispensable..."

Although Chen Xian couldn't fully understand what he said, listening to his sincere tone does not seem to be lying...If the earth is the kingdom of God in the body created by this ancient creature, it would be really outrageous.

But from a certain angle, isn't this seemingly virtual dimensional space just another earth that actually exists?

Climate environment, topography, natural ecology... All these are so similar to the earth, although they are in two different spaces everywhere, but apart from the factors that have been deliberately altered by Chen Xian, what is there between this planet and the earth? What's the difference?

"This world is constantly changing with your thoughts... what your ideal world looks like... what this world will become..." He said with a smile, and Chen Xian's unhurried tone made Chen Xian listen to it. He was very comfortable, "It seems that your ideal world... is still this earth..."

"This is my hometown, of course I like it." Chen Xian replied without hesitation.

Hearing this, he smiled and said suddenly.

"The destination has arrived, you should wake up."

"Then you guide me to wake up..." Chen Xian closed his eyes. After all, he was able to come into this world because of his guidance. Since he is about to return, he naturally needs his help.

But this time, He refused.

"Go back by yourself."

He smiled and said, although his tone was very relaxed, it didn't sound like a joke.

"If you can't go back, then your body will belong to me."


"You don't think I'm joking with you?" He said in surprise, "If you can't even leave this world and return to reality... The body was taken away..."

"Then you have to tell me what to do!"

Chen Xian said angrily, only thinking that the **** was teasing himself.

"How can I go back?"

"Thinking about the world in my heart... I went back naturally..."

After saying this, he smiled and stopped speaking. No matter what Chen Xian asked him again, he didn't answer any more, as if he had completely disappeared.

Can you go back thinking about that world?

Is it possible to rely on mind to travel through?

With a wry smile, Chen Xian closed his eyes again, and kept reminiscing about the familiar world in his mind...In addition to those familiar sights, Chen Xian also instinctively recalled those close to him.

Perhaps no one in this world understands the principle of traversing space better than him, especially in this special space born of "divine nature"... The only way to return from this world to the original real world is to build it yourself bridge.

That's right.

Memory is the bridge.

If Chen Xian does not have a deep memory of the original world, or if he does not remember the original world at all, he would not have any chance to go back...

After a long time, when Chen Xian opened his eyes, he realized that he had returned.

"Look, it's not difficult for me!" He said with a grin.

"It's really not difficult...As long as you keep thinking about this world..." Chen Xian nodded and couldn't help but smile. "I thought that you must be guided by you to travel between these two worlds..."

"How is it possible!" He sneered at Chen Xian unceremoniously, "You are a god! It's just that you are a growing god... You must have the basic ability to return to reality from that world. , It’s just that you don’t know."

Chen Xian said, feeling very happy, because to him that world is like a big toy, and the whole planet can be transformed by his own ideas. If no surprises...maybe to that ideal kingdom of God Will become his daily entertainment.

"This is the first time I have come to Base 32..."

Sitting on the shoulders of the blasphemous dog, Chen Xian curiously looked at this barren land where no grass grows. This is the "sea of ​​death" spread among the people, and it is also one of the most important military sites of the country... The base was built here. Although at first glance, no modern buildings could be seen, Chen Xian knew very well that the No. 32 base was underground.

If it is so easy for people to find it, the Secret Service will fail the concealment job.

Chen Xian took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Zhou Tuan's number. This was also agreed with Zhou Tuan in advance. As long as he called Zhou Tuan when he reached his destination, Zhou Tuan could have someone come out to pick him up.

After ringing twice, the phone went through.

"Are you here?" Zhou Tuan asked in surprise, "Why are you so fast?"

"I've deliberately slowed down..." Chen Xian sighed, "Grandpa Zhou, let them open the door, I can't find the entrance while flying in the sky, so I can't just hit it with my head..."

"You wait."

As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Tuan hung up the phone.

About two minutes later, about two kilometers away from Chen Xian, a deep pit suddenly sank in the desert... No, that rectangular pit looked more like the entrance of an underground garage, as if the door was just there. Hidden under the desert.

When the door to the 32nd base was opened, Chen Xian let the Blasphemy Dog begin to land slowly.

It wasn't until it landed on the ground that the Blasphemy Dog returned to the state of a parasite, returning to Chen Xian's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Your base is really interesting!" He exclaimed in Chen Xian's mind, "There are tens of thousands of energy auras hidden underground...Is this the sample you collected from the secret bureau to various places?!"

"have no idea."

Chen Xian was not very familiar with Base 32, only a general idea.

"But there are a lot of live samples here, especially in recent years. I heard from Grandpa Zhou that there should be thousands of live samples imprisoned here on the 32nd base."

"Thousands of anomalous lives?"

"Not only anomalous lives, but also anomalous vectors, anomalous viruses, anomalous appliances..."

"How do you divide it so complicated?"

He expressed his incomprehension to Chen Xian’s remarks, because in his opinion, everything in the world is life, even the televisions and refrigerators used in ordinary people’s homes... All of these are life, but theirs. Life forms are temporarily incomprehensible by humans.

"It's not mine. The countries in the world are divided in this way... Don't talk to me, someone is coming."

Walking to the entrance of Base No. 32, Chen Xian stood patiently outside the door, waiting for the people inside to pick him up.

Before that, Zhou Tuan had seriously told him not to walk into the gate of Base No. 32 without permission. Even if the upper party had agreed to let him enter the base, he must be guided by the internal staff. Step into this place.

This is the rule.

Including Zhou Tuan, Director of the Secret Service, is no exception.

Even if he arrives here, someone must pick him up to get in.

Chen Xian was also curious about who would pick him up, so he stood outside the gate and waited for a while, only to see an old man wearing gold-rimmed glasses walking out with a cane, followed by a group of Wuyangyang staff...

"Who is this person?" He asked curiously, because he could sense that the old man was an ordinary human, and the other staff were foreigners.

An ordinary person's appearance in such a place will inevitably make him feel a little surprised.

"His name is Pei Huai and he is the top director of Base 32. Many people call him the old dean, but I remember he is retired..."

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