The Ninth Secret Bureau

Vol 2 Chapter 25: Split rebirth

At first there were only fifteen paper people in the lanes. Judging from their crude facial features and distorted body contours, these paper people are as gendered as humans, and each paper person’s appearance is unique. , It's not the mass-produced products in the wreath shop...From a certain point of view, they are very human.

But in Chen Xian's view, they are not so much similar to human beings as they are some kind of weird and unknown giant cells.

Just like a real cell, it can divide by itself, and then continue to derive new individuals.

One divides two, two divides four, four divides...

The "newborn" born after the split of the ontology has a very low degree of similarity with the ontology. Both gender, appearance and body shape are very different from the ontology. It can be said that it is another creature independent of the ontology.

For example, a young and thin paper person will split into an old and bloated paper person, or a male paper person will split into a female paper person...

Each paperman split into a new individual, and the body will quickly recover from its injuries, so their total number has gradually changed from fifteen at the beginning to thirty.

"You can't kill anymore... at least you can't attack them at will at the physical level..." Chen Xian muttered to himself, his eyes were full of astonishment and puzzlement, because he couldn't imagine it at all. What is going on with the body structure of these paper people?

Judging from the physical details that can be observed with the naked eye, these paper humans are almost a replica of a certain kind of human mutation. Although there are no organs in the body, it can be seen that they have a complete blood vessel network and nerve tissue, and these tissues are transported. It should also be the liquid negative particles that circulate.

Compared with the delicately structured anomalous beings, the structure of these paper humans is slightly rougher, which can be said to be completely shoddy, but they actually have this ability that Chen Xian has never seen...

"How many paper people appeared in this area at first?" Chen Xian asked suddenly, as if he had thought of something, and looked back at Lu Yisheng, "Does the Investigation Department have any exact records?"

"Not sure." Lu Yisheng replied meticulously. Although he usually looks very unreliable, he will not drop the chain casually on such major events. The information that should be recorded in his head is remembered. "But as for the paper men they met, there are only four full-time and full-time calculations. There can't be as many as there are now."

"That's not right." Chen Xian suddenly smiled, as if he had discovered Columbus in the New World, his eyes flashed with rare excitement, "After the investigators withdrew from the premises, the butcher of the Armed Forces Division The leader brought people in, and they saw more than four paper people."

"Could it be that these paper people hid? The investigator didn't meet him?" Lu Yisheng cautiously hypothesized.

"I'm not sure, but I feel that they have a strong desire to attack." Chen Xian shook his head and said, "When we stepped into the area of ​​the house before, I felt that something nearby was following us. They should be for outsiders. It’s very sensitive. It’s unlikely to hide, but why didn’t those investigators see them...I don’t know."

Before Chen Xian and the others entered the premises, Tu Sen had provided them with a lot of information.

According to Tu Sen, after the Arms Division entered the housing complex, there were no accidents until they stepped into the garden square in the center of the housing complex...there were densely packed with paper people.

No matter what kind of weapon they use, after knocking down the paper people, they will quickly stand up again, seeming to have the self-healing power that is immune to most weapons.

The more paper people eliminated, the more paper people squeezed into the garden square, until in the end they could not withstand the siege of so many paper people, and they had to escape in embarrassment.

From this basic information, Chen Xian can summarize the following key points.

First, there are hundreds of paper people in the housing complex, and it is definitely not the only four seen by the Investigation Section.

Second, after the Armed Forces Division entered the housing complex and carried out large-scale survey activities, the number of paper people they encountered was closer to the real number, because there is an important point-

As far as the current situation is concerned, paper people have almost perfect splitting abilities, and the "newborns" they split can grow to the size of common paper people in a very short period of time. In just a few tens of seconds, it will be able to cross the new stage and enter the mature stage.

But the foundation of all this has to be established when the paper man is killed. At least Chen Xian speculates that only when an external force splits the paper man’s body, they will passively show the ability to split and regenerate. Under the influence of external forces, their bodies should not actively split.

That's easy to say.

The members of the Investigation Section are not combat members. There is such a clause in the internal rigid regulations of the Secret Bureau. If a member of the Investigation Department (section) encounters an abnormal life in the work of investigating detectives, then the abnormality should be recorded as soon as possible. The characteristics of life and some clues, but if there is no opportunity to record this information, and the situation is extremely dangerous, then they should choose to escape the scene.

Most of the investigators are ordinary people, so they do not have too strong combat effectiveness. They are only good at investigating and prospecting, and they are not responsible for the task of fighting anomalous life.

Because of this, Chen Xian can conclude...After the investigators entered the premises, they and the paper men should not have had a fight. Even if there were, it was just a small friction. The possibility of killing the paper men is almost possible. can be ignored.

Calculating this way, when the Armed Forces Division entered the premises, even if the Investigation Division had previously stood up, the paper men in this area did not undergo a large-scale split. That is to say, when the Investigation Division surveyed the scene, this At least nearly a thousand paper people are hidden in the studio area.

"Boss...what do we do now..." Lu Yisheng's voice was a little trembling, because he found that the split paper people had already stood firm, the same as the main body. Walking staggeringly in the alleyway, "Or let's withdraw first...I feel like these things can't be killed..."

"I want to try." Chen Xian squeezed the meat saw in his hand, his eyes quietly became more and more weird, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time but suddenly saw food. The hunger that hit him without warning made him want to rush to eat now, "You stand back, I'm afraid of hurting you by mistake."

" can be careful...I don't think these things are right..."

Isn't it right?

Chen Xian felt that something was wrong a long time ago, because all these phenomena were too obvious. After the paper men gave birth to newborns after completing the steps of splitting, their bodies and their split derivatives changed slightly.

The most obvious change is their eyes.

Originally, the eyes of these paper people were a layer of "skin", and there was no clear eyeball tissue in the eye sockets, only a layer of translucent plastic film-like things, which stubbornly blocked the holes in the two eyes.

But at this moment, those buttery films are covered by a layer of black liquid.

The liquid seemed to flow out of the paper human body, and did not flow down the corner of the eye, but gathered on the "eyeball" and kept squirming. It moved, like some kind of unknown liquid parasite, the black liquid. While squirming, there are many short and long fingernail tentacles stretched out, like eyeballs parasitized by fly maggots, making people look at goose bumps.

"Paperman disease seems to be caused by them..." Lu Yisheng's voice became smaller and smaller, as if he was afraid that the louder voice would attract the attention of those paper men, " If so, let's withdraw... if those paper figures hurt you, you can just..."

"Don't worry, I'm sure." Chen Xian smiled, "I can't figure out if I will take you to run again, there will be nothing wrong."

As soon as the voice of Chen Xian’s words fell, the two paper figures closest to him had already rushed up, as if they had been given stimulants, their movements were much faster than before, and the circulation of yin particles in their bodies also accelerated. Several times, it seems that their physical functions have improved after the split... and it's not just improved!

Chen Xian did not dodge.

Of course, he couldn't dodge in this narrow alley, so he could only ran forward head-on, but he didn't use the sawing knife to split them like before...

In a moment without warning, Chen Xian pressed the side-mounted metal button of the saw blade, fold the blade against the handle with lightning speed, and then slid his palm forward half an inch, pressing his arm against the handle. .

In this way, the long axe also turned into an arm knife, and the spirit activity was greatly improved.

Lu Yisheng, who was not waiting to watch, could see his movements clearly. Accompanied by a muffled sound of a knife cutting through the flesh and blood, the two abnormal beings that were supposed to be in the state of paper men spewed out a stench of "blood" at the moment their bodies broke. ", and their wounds are like fountains, and the translucent yellow oily liquid splashes out of them, emitting an extremely pungent smell...

Anyone who smells the stench in the air will probably be unable to help but vomit it out, but Chen Xian is not an ordinary person, and under this circumstance he only feels appetite.

Before the other paper men had time to rush forward, Chen Xian had already bent over to pick up the half-length remains that had been split by himself, and opened his mouth to bite on the neck of the remains without any hesitation.

Accompanied by uncomfortable chewing sounds, Chen Xian unhurriedly chewed the paper man’s cervical vertebrae, and began to gnaw at its head calmly.

Perhaps at this moment, Chen Xian is more frightening than those paper people, because in most people's eyes--

He is a human being more like a demon than a demon.

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