The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 86: Divide up

"What kind of support does Yese Town need us to provide? What is your main problem now?" The advanced experience of Sentinel Ridge, Yese Town can't learn or copy it in a short time, so Vanessa asked the other party's current situation, knowing She needs to deal with some enemies before she can formulate targeted measures.

"In fact, our place is not as scary as the outside world says. I can only say that there are werewolves and undead, but they are all hidden in the dark. Our problem lies in the lack of food and medical treatment. These are our troubles. But the most important thing is people's hearts, and many townspeople lack the confidence to continue to resist." Miss Commander spoke in a very orderly manner, explaining the status quo in a few simple sentences.

"I understand." Vanessa nodded. This is similar to what she understands. If werewolves and undead were everywhere, their night watchmen would not persist for ten years. There are enemies, but not many. The key problem lies in the environment and people's hearts.

She quickly arranged for Miss Commander to go down to rest, and held a meeting with the old knight, and the two exchanged information they had learned.

Lakeside Town faced the Blackrock orcs head-on, and their problems were more urgent, while those in Night Town were slower.

How to protect? Where to start? It all needs to be negotiated.

The old knight had a stern face, but he was actually very relaxed inside.

Finding the enemy and defeating the enemy was the life principle he had followed in the past few decades. He was used to this kind of life, and he was more used to helping others than being helped by others.

In modern society, this old man is a character who owes favors and can’t sleep. Vanessa continued to support Sentinel Ridge at first. The old man didn’t sleep in the middle of the night and went out to kill wolves, not only to pay off his debts, but also really unable to sleep .

It's much better now. Facing his familiar old opponent, the orc, his thinking has never been clearer.

He is not afraid of this kind of enemy, he can see and feel it, a tough fight with real swords and guns, you will die if you cut off your head, and you will bleed if you stick a gun. He has been fighting orcs for more than ten years, and he is used to it. Orc, what's the matter?

The undead is not so optimistic. It is true that the undead do too much harm to human beings and are too destructive. There are countless strong men and heroes who are overwhelmed by the undead, and stand up as undead at the next moment, brandish their swords, and kill them Former friends and lovers.

In front of the undead, the most likely to change is the human heart. Bolvar sent his daughter away, Archbishop Benedictus shook his original belief in the Holy Light, and even the old knight returned home after the battle.

They will all have a question in their hearts, where is the holy light when the undead are raging? If everything is the will of the Holy Light and the test of the Holy Light, then this test is too cruel and ruthless. Are those who become undead also expected by the Holy Light? What bad things did they do that Holy Light should treat them like this?

The impact of the existence of the undead on these clergy is far beyond imagination. People like Archbishop Benedictus went directly from one extreme to the other. The old knights are not yet pious to that point, and weak chickens are not without benefits. At least now he can make rational judgments.

Since there are still people in Yese Town asking for help, it shows that the enemy is cunning, but it has not formed the overwhelming scale in the inherent impression, which belongs to the stage that can be suppressed.

"Ye Se Town needs to do a lot of investigation and appease the people. This aspect is really not my strong point. I'm just a veteran. It's okay for me to fight wars. It's really difficult for me to do civil affairs work.

Let's bring 300 militiamen by ourselves. Let me rescue Lakeside Town. There must be a tough battle there. You go to Nightshade Town where you need to track down the clues of the undead. Miss Struy, what do you think? "

The old knight thought for a long time before opening his mouth slowly.

Although it's okay for the two to switch, he is worried that Vanessa has no experience in leading troops. A transcendent can indeed lead a local war, but after all, he is not as handy as a veteran like him.

The old knight thinks this distribution is more appropriate.

"Lakeside Town and Night Town, um... that's fine, I'll take people to Night Town." Vanessa nodded and agreed.

She really doesn't want to go to Lakeside Town. Beastmen are not only in the tribe, there are also some orcs who disobey the order of the tribe and walk around the continent of Azeroth. Now the group of Blackstone orcs in Lakeside Town is a relatively large group of people , They have a strict hierarchy, their own cultural heritage and a complete set of social systems, they are not beasts. Behind the Blackstone orcs is the Black Dragon Prince on the Blackstone Mountain. This matter is dangerous no matter how you look at it.

Contrary to the old knight, she has a prophetic advantage and is not afraid of hidden enemies. She still has lingering fears about tough battles with real swords and guns. Thieves are not suitable for legion battles. The larger the battlefield, the more disadvantaged it is. Among thousands of troops, surrounded by people, no matter how sensitive they are, it is useless. , her overall strength will drop by at least 30%, or even more.

Relatively speaking the troubles in Night Town are not that big, those respectable night watchmen are not corrupted now, they are still guarding their land firmly like a rock, these people are worthy of respect, Be trustworthy, help them, pull them into their camp, Vanessa thinks this can be done.

The next day, Vanessa read the order signed by the Regent of Bolvar of the Stormwind Kingdom in public, and the Southwest Mutual Protection Treaty became a reality from the original acquiescence.

After distributing all the equipment given by the kingdom, the militia has taken on a completely new look. The 1,000-man army left 400 people to guard their hometown, the old knight took 300 people to support Lakeside Town, and Vanessa took 300 people to Nightshade Town.

Most of the troops were recruits, but they were well equipped, with helmets, armor, spears, bows and arrows. Now the troops, officially renamed the West Wilderness People's Army, started their own expeditions to the north and east.

Leaving Sentinel Ridge, Vanessa used the old pharmacist, Gao Rusi, who was known as a bandage to conquer the world, as her adjutant.

The old pharmacist is also a veteran, and participated in all three wars. The qualifications are not inferior to the old knights, who set up the camp, who is in charge of exploring the road, who is in charge of logistics, and who is in charge of patrolling at night are all arranged in an orderly manner.

Three hundred people's morale can't be said to be very high, but it is definitely not low.

They are paid by the army. An ordinary militiaman will get fifty copper coins a month, which is more profitable than farming.

The old knight was a bit ashamed to talk about money, so Vanessa paid everyone the military salary every month. Like Yuan Xiangcheng in the early years of military training, she took the trouble to personally distribute the money to each militiaman, and sometimes encouraged Two sentences.

As a result, her prestige in this army is not low at all, and even the diehard old knights will not speak ill of her.

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