The New Order of Azeroth

Vol 2 Chapter 358: Kingship and Religion

The private tour of the three Menethil sisters officially began. They hired a carriage, and Vanessa used her druid ability to remotely control the horses, and drove the three of them away from the royal capital of Lordaeron leisurely.

"Finally came out!" Jia Liya stood on the carriage and made a gesture of stretching her arms. I have to say that this eldest sister's demeanor is really dignified. She is wearing a rather wretched thief's clothes and a red mask. Such a cover-up can make a particularly temperamental movement.

This lady seems to be suffocated.

Vanessa is completely relaxed. Before setting off, she found a cowboy hat, and now she covered her face with the hat and lay down on the horse's back to rest casually.

A vine grew out of one of her hands, wrapping around the little wild boar's tail.

This guy thought he had been released, and was about to run away as soon as he left the palace kitchen. Vanessa had to tie a rope to it to prevent it from being caught by some wild wolf or brown bear and eaten for lunch.

Yes, bears can be encountered on the avenues in Lordaeron now, and there are more wolves, as evidenced by the fact that the lucky rabbit feet have not been sold out so far!

Jaina was riding a horse, galloping in the wilderness constantly, with a sky blue blouse and a silver breastplate outside, coupled with that blond hair and seven-point cold and three-point cute temperament, it looked like nothing Great quilts like Artoria's.

As if she felt that her temperament was not ladylike enough, Jia Liya quickly put away the posture of stretching her arms and shouting loudly.

"Vanessa, where are we going first?"

Someone is about to fall asleep, but she doesn't have Jiajing's ability to balance while cultivating immortals. Recently, she works during the day and practices at night. She is extremely busy every day, and now she takes time to rest.

She hummed twice before answering: "Let's go to Andorhal for the first stop. Farmers lack a lot of farm tools and cattle. There may be some problems with wheat seeds. Some merchants are shoddy. Let's go and have a look."

Jia Liya frowned tightly. Although she is not a character of "Why don't you eat minced meat", she also doesn't know anything about farmland. Terenas II must understand it, but as a daughter, she has never received education in this area.

"Is the situation serious?" she asked hesitantly.

"It's not serious. It can even be said that the problem has been solved. The Holy Light Church has provided new wheat seeds and some agricultural tools, but the details are not yet clear."

Jia Liya was very happy with this answer, and she prayed devoutly: "Thank you for the help of the Holy Light."

Vanessa laughed a few times and said nothing. It was because of the participation of this church that she wanted to go and have a look, or even secretly observe.

It's no small matter when it comes to beliefs, but she is still a druid. If she investigates with great fanfare, it will easily cause conflicts.

Holy Light Church! This is a special existence that cannot be circumvented by the human kingdom.

They have their own land, have their own armed forces, and do not pay taxes. Not only did the church not pay taxes, but it also collected taxes from all the citizens when it was strong. However, under the pressure of the kings of mankind, the church gave up collecting taxes. Farmers and believers donate various living materials!

This is the same thing as the holy light voucher that Vanessa got last year. I gave you some living supplies as a gift, and you will return it to me in the next year according to your conscience and belief. There is no transaction in it, it is all a gift! So no tax!

Last year she was the beneficiary, but this year she sat on the other side, the one whose interests were harmed.

The money of the church has no borders. According to the investigation of the thieves under Vanessa, money from the Kingdom of Stormwind, money from Gilneas, and even money from some churches in Alterac are slowly flowing into Lordaeron. What do the people lack? Whatever the church provides, you can do as much as you like when you harvest next year!

Vanessa wanted to go there to see for herself what the church of Lordaeron was like and how deep their control over the countryside was.

These words cannot be said to Jia Liya. This eldest sister is a pious person, and it is not good for all parties to bring things up.

"That's great! The Church of the Holy Light helped a lot." Vanessa said insincerely.

They stayed in Andorhal for two days, and from time to time, they went to the farms around the city for a couple of laps. The farmers here expressed their gratitude to the Church for its selfless assistance, but relatively speaking, the royal power can still be demonstrated here.

The royal family of Lordaeron is a deterrent, while the Church of the Holy Light is a gift. The perceptions of the two are different. The fierce one always makes people more impressed than the kind one.

"They don't know your hard work at all, and they think that the royal family of Lordaeron is exploiting them? Ridiculous!" Jaina was a little dissatisfied. She felt that Vanessa worked hard and did not get the respect she imagined.

She is also a ruler and knows very well the difficulties of ruling a country.

Vanessa sighed: "It's enough to remain in awe. Bolvar of the Stormwind Kingdom and King Genn Greymane of Gilneas are often scolded, and the blood elves scold a lot of Lor'themar Theron. Horde Thrall over there is often assassinated by orcs. Tyrande seems to have been assassinated by her "sister". It's not easy for everyone. Now the people are just complaining behind their backs. I think this is very good Already!"

She continued to tease bitterly: "I guess the only leader in this world who is not scolded now is the Lich King?"

Since hearing the voice of the Lich King in Utgarde Castle, Jaina has completely abandoned her past feelings, and she can chat casually about Arthas without any problems.

Jaina couldn't help laughing, and she pointed out charmingly: "Archimonde's subordinates didn't dare to scold him, at least not when they were alive."

"Ha ha-!"

Andorhal is just the first stop rather than the final stop.

Vanessa is quite satisfied with the status quo. As long as she persists for two years, the church's reputation will plummet when the true face of Benedictus' old Yinbi is revealed. At this time, the more money invested in Lordaeron, the better. All the time will be confiscated by them!

She thought fiercely in her heart, the carriage drove around the Western Plaguelands, and the three finally abandoned the carriage, dressed up as standard mercenaries, and entered the School of Spirituality.

The psychic academy was very famous in the previous life, but it is actually not famous in the real Azeroth.

The location here is remote, at least dozens of miles away from the main road, just like a big country villa in the previous life, hidden and unknown.

Back then, Kel'Thuzad chose this place as a base because he valued the fact that it was concealed enough!

Before the restoration of Lordaeron, this place has always been the place where the undead army trained psychics and necromancers. Some time ago, the general Abbendis led the army to break through the academy and took away a large amount of seized and materials. After that, this place was wanted The gold-crazy mercenaries take over.

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