The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 332: Wagguri Twins


Skadi grabbed the messenger Vrykul by the neck, and used his strength and height to forcibly lift him up. There were bloodstains on his face from the previous beating, and he looked hideous like a ghost from a distance. . r


"I tell you! Tell you, listen to me! Only women like gold, only women like the Howling Fjord! Real vrykul only need fists and steel, and those waste-like gold are nothing but The source of vrykul corruption!'r


Skadi is not without wisdom. He knows that there are still people in the group who are dissatisfied with him. Among other things, in Utgarde Castle, another warrior named Ingvar the Predator is enough to challenge his position. r


He has the title of cruelty, and the other side has the title of predator. r


In addition, King Ymiron's wife is also in the fortress at the foot of the northern mountain in the Howling Fjord. He needs to go there immediately to get rid of the old witch. r


Using war to establish his prestige, he prepared to take all the soldiers to kill the old witch. r


"Let's go! Let's go to the north!" He held up Ymiron's head. r


"King Skadi!" r


"King Skadi!" r


The fanatical Vrykul people love war very much, and they will support whoever can start a war. They just roughly packed up some supplies, and then left Utgarde Castle in a mighty way, heading north, towards the place where the Vrykul people's dreams began launched an expedition. r


Vanessa and Gianna hid in the dark and looked speechless. This result is actually quite good, so good that it is a little unbelievable. r


There are credits for their contribution to the flames, and more is the unique and wonderful thinking of the Vrykul. r


The huge castle soon became empty. The north wind blew through the courtyard, his nose twitched twice, and all he could smell was the corpse of Ymiron, who had already turned into a spirit. r


The Vrykul have abandoned their god-like former king. It is completely abandoned. No matter how many achievements he has made during his lifetime, after his failure, he will be spurned by the entire ethnic group. same as existence. r


This kind of value is cruel and barbaric, and there is no sign of civilization in it. r


But Vanessa and the others will not feel guilty. Ymiron has joined the undead army. They use some tricks to get rid of this guy and prevent the remaining Vrykul from becoming undead. Objectively speaking, it is also a good thing, at least according to human values. It's good to see. r


"Bury this guy, after all, he is a king." Jaina pointed to Ymiron's body and said. r


"Okay." According to the tacit understanding between the two, this kind of work of killing, burying and setting fires belongs to her, and a flame rose between Vanessa's fingers. r


Just give him a 'buried', and cremation is also a burial, which is better than exposing the corpse no matter how you look at it. r


"Wait!" As soon as Vanessa raised her hand, Jaina pulled her arm. So many sets of summons were not done for nothing. There is a big difference in strength between the two sides. If I didn't hold it this time, the fireball 'swish ' flew out with a bang. r


"Huh? What?" Vanessa, who was weaker in strength, also felt the strangeness at this time, and she felt a sudden chill in the air. Normally, with her physique, she should not be able to feel the cold of nature. . r


The fireball she sent out seemed to hit something invisible, burned violently, and then completely extinguished. r


"What the hell?" She was a little surprised. r


Although the Howling Fjord is an inseparable part of Lordaeron in her mouth, the natural environment here has not been destroyed by the undead, and she does not need to purify it. As a result, Vanessa's perception here is not as good as that of Lordaeron. Strong, intuition seemed to have something suddenly came to the courtyard, but the eyes of the two did not find anything unusual. r


"Get out!" Vanessa summoned a ten-meter-high and thirty-meter-wide wall of fire and rushed towards Ymiron's body. The flames burned the air and surrounding buildings, and the Vrykul remained behind. Many metal products were turned into molten iron, and the noisy and manic fire elements rolled towards Ymiron's body. r


The enemies hiding in the dark had to show their whereabouts. They were floating in the air, their wings made of light and shadow were beating gently, their faces were blurred, and some female features could be seen from the outlines. Their bodies were completely composed of a piece of pure energy. Far-fetched. r


Each of them stretched out one hand against Vanessa's wall of fire, and the other hand pointed to King Ymiron on the ground. r


Two beams of light blue energy quickly poured into the body of the Vrykul king, and the extinguished fire of undead in the opponent's head tended to be rekindled. r


"It's the Val'kyr in the Vrykul legend?!" Jaina recognized the true identities of these strange creations at a glance. r


"Why do you want to resurrect this guy? Even though he was once the king of the Vrykul, he has already joined the undead army. Are you going to resurrect an undead again? You?" She was stunned as she spoke, Wag Li's behavior is seriously inconsistent with what she learned from the ancient books. r


The pure white Val'kyr and the jet-black Val'kyr looked over at the same time, their blurred faces showed no expression, but they stretched out a hand at the same time, and after tearing apart the wall of fire, they once again gathered a strong force of death Call Vanessa and Jaina. r


The two also used spells to resist. r


"In the name of the Lord of Darkness, for the sake of the Lich King, you must die!" r


"In the name of the Lord of Darkness, for the sake of the Lich King, you must die!" r


Vanessa rolled to the side to avoid a death ray that looked rather sharp. The other party's self-reported family name made her laugh, "I know we have doubts in our hearts, so they directly reported their names, which is very good. This saves a lot of trouble.” r


"A minion of the Lich King? How did he control these strange creatures?" Jaina was a little puzzled, but no one at the scene could answer this question, and even Vanessa didn't know how the Lich King took the female Vrykul. Those who transform into Val'kyr only know that this is a technical job! r


Val'kyr wanted to revive King Ymiron, so of course they had to stop them. They couldn't tell what was true about Val'kyr, so the two used spells to bombard him from a distance. r


Vanessa takes on the jet-black Val'kyr, and Jaina takes on the pure white one. r


Two Val'kyr were sent to revive Ymiron The vrykul king is important to the Lich King. r


Val'kyr can transform the dead into undead without paying any price, it is completely a talent skill. But Ymiron was an undead before, so the operation of resuscitating is very complicated. r


The price of this resurrection is extremely high. The two Valkyrie need to bear part of the soul damage each, so as to awaken the soul of King Ymiron at this cost. This process cannot be interrupted. At this time, they can only stand in place and confront them. . r


Vanessa doesn't have Qinglian Earth Heart Fire, Nether Poison Fire, Guiling Earth Fire, Canghuo Pendant, Red Cannon, etc. Now she pretends to be a traditional mage, fireballs, rockets, fire walls, all kinds of spells are used The force of nature shaped it, and then threw it at Val'kyr. r



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