The New Order of Azeroth

Chapter 193: Conditions for dark iron dwarves to join the alliance

With a big face and a big butt, it is unclear what is so beautiful about this former bronze bearded princess who is now the Black Iron Queen. Vanessa and Jaina decided to ignore her previous identity and salute first according to the etiquette for a queen.

They use the queen's title, which is equal to the king: "Your Majesty."

As everyone knows, they don't think it's easy to address them, and the Black Iron Queen with a big face and big **** also doesn't think it's easy to address them.

Jaina's status is honorable enough, but she has already been expelled from the family. She rarely uses the surname Proudmoore in public. Fortunately, she is powerful, and it is not wrong to call her an archmage.

The Black Iron Queen can't understand Vanessa, she has no title, no official position, and she is supposed to be a folk girl who should farm and raise pigs at home, but this lady is so active that even the very closed Black Iron dwarves can't understand her. I have heard of her name. This Miss Struy represents Lordaeron today, Theramore tomorrow, and the Kingdom of Stormwind the day after tomorrow. Is this what a girl of the people should do?

Although she has severe Stockholm Syndrome, Queen Moira Thaurissan is still a very sensible and wise dwarf in normal times. It is welcome.

Seeing that Jaina is not going to get involved in this matter too much, Vanessa is walking in the middle again, and she knows who she should negotiate terms with.

"Miss Struy, Archmage Jaina, on behalf of King Thaurissan, I welcome you both to Darkforge."

The Black Iron Queen speaks the common language extremely fluently, and there is no obstacle in the communication between the two parties.

Vanessa spoke first, and handed over the ugly head of Exotus: "The Dark Iron Dwarves shouldn't be enslaved. The head of this sinister villain should be considered a gift from the Alliance to King Thaurissan."

Moira took the fire demon's head and looked at it. She felt that her husband had been bullied by the fire demon countless times. This guy had an inextricable feud with the black iron dwarf and her husband. Said it was exhilarating.

She wants to join the alliance, she really wants to, but she is not alone, she has to consider for the group of black iron dwarves, just the head of a fire demon is not enough, she must fight for favorable conditions for the clan.

"Miss Struy, you should also know my identity. I certainly hope that the Three Hammers can sit together again and restore the grand occasion two hundred years ago, but this means that the Dark Iron Dwarves have to make many, many concessions to be able to Obtaining the approval of the Bronzebeard and the Wildhammer, but if there are too many concessions, not only me, but even my husband will be criticized, can the alliance give us some support?"

What she said was very clear, that is, she wanted conditions and benefits. First, feed the clansman, and then bow to the copper beard dwarves. Even if the clansmen were dissatisfied, they would not complain too much.

The dwarves are more lax than the humans. For a ferocious race like the Dark Iron dwarves, the big foreman says they are independent, and they don't give face at all. Not to mention the Bronzebeard tribe. The Stormpike Guards were originally a group of expeditions. After exploring, they fought with the Frostwolf clan, and the scale of the battle became larger and larger. Not to mention that Brian Bronzebeard Prince who participated in the Westfall Wine Festival, that person belongs to the type who doesn't have any clues in his heart.

The tribe is too self-reliant, and it is not so easy to be a king. This is true of copper whiskers, and so is black iron.

Even if King Thaurissan was willing to be Magni Bronzebeard's son-in-law, he still had to settle the tribe.

Vanessa pretended to think for a while: "How about it, Black Rock Mountain, the alliance is willing to help clean up Black Rock Mountain, and then this will be the territory of the Black Iron Dwarves."

Incorporate the Blackstone orcs, and then these orcs will stay in Blackstone Mountain? Thrall didn't agree. As soon as he left, the Blackrock orcs would choose a new chief. These orcs had to be packed away and brought back to Orgrimmar for re-education by the tribe.

Vanessa drew a pie that looks beautiful and is actually beautiful.

The information was asymmetric between the two sides. The Blackrock orcs sold it to Thrall. This mountain was theoretically an open space, but now she said it was sold once again as a condition for joining the alliance.

Dominate Black Rock Mountain? !

This news made Queen Moira excited, she was still thinking about her husband, if she had a place in her family, she wouldn't have to go to Ironforge to see her father's ugly face!

"This... this..." Her face showed excitement and panic. She originally thought that the alliance was just giving some small favors in terms of assistance, but she didn't expect it to be such a big pie.

"But there are Blackstone orcs on Blackstone Mountain. I heard there is a huge black dragon army behind the orcs? How will the alliance solve this problem?" She forced herself to calm down, but unconsciously put herself into the perspective of the owner of Blackstone Mountain. Think about the problem.

Vanessa sold out Party A, and now she continues to sell Party B. She looked sad: "Black Dragon Legion? Don't worry, we paid a huge price, and asked a master to assist. That existence is stronger than Jaina."

In Queen Moira's mind, Jaina, the archmage, is considered to be the top figure in the legend, stronger than her?

She looked at the female mage in shock.

Knowing that Vanessa was talking about Thrall, Jaina nodded happily. She is indeed not as good as Thrall, so there is nothing to say.

Originally, I didn't want to enter the substantive stage so soon, but now the alliance's conditions are already very favorable, and Queen Moira's big face is full of thoughts.

Joining the alliance can get the Black Stone Mountain, and there are unknown masters to help them deal with the Black Stone orcs? Is there such a good thing these days?

"What price will the Black Iron Dwarves have to pay?" She asked this question, more like a detailed discussion under the big She thought that the alliance would definitely make the Black Iron Dwarves pay a certain price.

Sure enough, Vanessa raised three fingers.

"One, release all human soldiers immediately and unconditionally."

If everyone becomes an ally, it must be unreasonable to lock the ally's soldiers in the cell, which is the proper meaning of the question.

Queen Moira nodded directly, and she can agree to this matter.


"Second, return the armor, weapons and military supplies of the human side in the war."

This involves property. Many weapons and armor are considered to be captured by the Dark Iron Dwarves themselves. It is very difficult to get them to spit out again, and it is useless to have the king's order.

The bottom line that Bovar initially confessed to Vanessa was to use the so-called orders to place orders for the Dark Iron Dwarves and hire them to create brand new armor and weapons. The VI Corps needed to be rearmed, as were those captured soldiers.

It's up to you to buy or cheat, as long as you get the equipment back.

The New Order of Azeroth

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