The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

293. The Secret of the Fairy Sword World (please order in full)

"No! This is not only the jade pendant owned by Jingtian and Xuejian, but also owned by Tang Yu, Xiaobao, Anu, Qing'er, Jiujianxian, and Shushan Swordsman..."

"What a coincidence that this jade medal appeared in my hand!"

"Destined, also means... does it mean it's destiny?"

He thought in his mind and tied the jade pendant around his waist.

Although this human face pendant has great power, Bai Gui doesn't like things that are beyond his control.

He had just used Guishan Ce to divine fortune, but the fortune and misfortune were unknown.

"Prepare your horses, I want to go out to the Golden Immortal Temple."

Immediately afterwards.

He went straight out of the wing.

Walking to the stables of Jinxianguan, he said to the groom.

"Taoist Master Bai, it's not yet time for the dawn drum to sound. There is probably still Wuhou patrolling outside Chang'an City Square."

"If you go out now, you will inevitably be questioned by Marquis Wu."

The groom said in surprise.

Morning bells and evening drums.

Bells and drums are set up in every street in Chang'an City, and bells and drums are rung every time the curfew ends. It is recorded in "Tang Lu Shu Yi": "Every night in the capital, shops are set up in the streets, and people walk at night. If the drum sound is no longer allowed, people are prohibited from walking. At dawn, if the drum sounds, they will listen to it."

Therefore, if you violate this rule and go out after the door is closed or before the door is opened, it is a night violation.

Even court officials cannot go out at will.

Those who want to go out must hold a certificate from the county or the village. In addition, any travel before the curfew will be severely punished.

The public security of the capital is controlled by Wuhou and bad people.

"How long until the dawn drum sounds in Shengyefang...?"

Bai Gui glanced at the sky. It was probably the fifth watch, about two or three quarters of the Yin hour. Although he has lived in Chang'an for a long time, he is not very clear when the dawn drum will be played in Shengyefang.

Even if it is clear, no horseman living in Shengyefang knows it better.

"It will take half an hour!"

the groom replied.

"I'm going to ask for the princess's order. Please prepare my horse for me."

Bai Gui turned around and walked straight towards the back courtyard.

Because of the human face pendant, he suddenly lost his composure. He had just finished building the foundation in a hundred days and had reached the stage of raising a holy fetus. He was so happy that he lost the usual plans.

Otherwise it wouldn't be such a mess.

Although court officials cannot travel at will, it also depends on which court official they are. As the Prime Minister and Assistant of the dynasty, Marquis Wu would not dare to intercept them without permission. Not to mention a princess with a first-class official position, a high-ranking nobleman like this can pass without hindrance just by asking for a decree.

"The princess is still resting..."

"But the princess has already mentioned that if Taoist Master Bai meets in person, there is no need to wait long."

"Please wait a moment, Taoist Master Bai. I will go into the room to ask for instructions from the princess."

The female official of Luohuayuan in the back courtyard stopped Bai Gui. After bowing, she hurried into the courtyard and went to report to the princess.

It is not so easy to meet the princess, especially at night. However, there are always some people who have privileges, and Bai Gui is a special case in Jinxian Temple.

The female officials and maids of Jinxian Temple all know that Princess Jinxian attaches great importance to Taoist Bai. A few days ago, she donated a lot of sesame oil money to Haotian Temple for Taoist Bai. And Taoist Master Bai is not some nameless mountain Taoist priest. He has a bright future, a face like a jade, and eyes like bright stars. Anyone who is a little smarter knows that Princess Jinxian is probably interested in Taoist Bai, so even if she has not given this order , will also rush in to ask for instructions.

What's more, Princess Jinxian really ordered this.

Lean less.

Princess Jinxian hurriedly came out of the Luohua Garden, wearing a blue robe, with no makeup on her pink face.

"Brother Bai Dao, what's important?"

"Although you can pass with my decree in your hand, you will inevitably be inspected by Wuhou Pu in each place. It would be better to save some time if you go out with me."

She offered her opinion and said.

There are 108 squares in Chang'an, and each square has a Wuhoupu. The large-scale Wuhoupu has a staff of thirty people, and the small-scale Wuhoupu has a staff of five.

"My incompetence has made the princess worried."

"I have an urgent matter and need to meet with the master. The master is the master of the Zongsheng Temple, and his divination skills are far better than mine..."

"As for what happened, the princess may understand it after arriving at Zong Sheng Temple."

Bai Gui hesitated for a while and did not tell the truth.

The reason why he wanted to leave Jinxian Temple in such a hurry was because he wanted to meet his master Hou Shaowei.

Hou Shaowei is the leader of Lou Guan Dao, and his divination skills are much better than his dabbler who just practiced Guishan Ce. He should be able to explain the origin of this human face pendant.

Although it’s okay to see you sooner or later...

But who knows whether what will happen half an hour later or even longer will be a blessing or a curse.

Too passive!

As for whether Hou Shaowei wants to seize the human face pendant because it is a treasure, there is no need to worry. First, Hou Shaowei was his tutor. After being conferred, he became his direct disciple, with both honor and disgrace. Second, he was not only a disciple of Haotian Temple, he was also the imperial court's bookkeeper and a double-listed Jinshi. , although his status is not very high, he is not a nameless person. After seizing the treasure, there will be too much trouble; thirdly, Bai Gui does not care too much about this treasure. He is the seed of a true immortal and is destined to become an immortal and achieve enlightenment. More This human face pendant may not save him the hard work, so this treasure may not be so valuable. Hou Shaowei wants it, and he is eager to give away this hot potato.

Yes, the human face pendant, in Bai Gui's opinion, is a hot potato.

There are too many causes and effects involved.

"In that case..."

"Brother Bai Dao gets on my phoenix chariot, and Wuhou from Wuhoupu will not stop me."

Princess Jinxian saw that Bai Gui was unwilling to speak openly and did not force him.

The two got on the phoenix chariot.

The phoenix chariot has a lot of space, so they won't be close to each other.

"Brother Bai Dao has reached the realm of immortality?"

The phoenix chariot left Shengyefang.

Princess Jinxian was a little reserved at first.

She had never been in a car with a man.

But as the phoenix chariot drove along, it gradually became more comfortable.

But now she smelled the strange fragrance on Bai Gui's body, her body was fragrant, and within three or four steps of Bai Gui, her whole body was melting and filled with yang.

It's so weird that it's hard not to notice.

Princess Jinxian had practiced Taoism since she was a child, and she immediately judged the state of Bai Gui's internal strength at this moment.

"Jinxian congratulates Taoist brother for his success..."

"I will definitely become an immortal from now on!"

Princess Jinxian was secretly surprised. She had known for a long time that Bai Gui was a true immortal seed, but she didn't expect that it had only been a short time since she was incarcerated, less than a month, and she had reached the stage of raising a holy fetus.

"When the three treasures meet, those who have mastered the great medicine first will return to Huangting, the place where they gave birth." - "Wu Liuxian Sect"

Chen Niwan said: "When a man is pregnant, he is a fetal fairy, just for the toad's light to be round every night. If he wins the true destiny of heaven, he will have the jade clear sky in his body."

After a hundred days of building the foundation, when the work is completed, a strange fragrance will arise in the body.

And when you reach the realm of raising the holy fetus, the three treasures are perfected, the energy is full, the essence is full, and the spirit is complete. The person who has attained the Tao will have a harmonious and harmonious body. Even in the dead of winter, wearing single clothes, you are not afraid of the wind and cold.

"I looked at the sky last night and seemed to have some enlightenment. I saved many days of hard work in one night."

"Princess doesn't need to be seen outside..."

"I read the Confucian classics to cultivate my awe-inspiring aura. I also read the martial arts classics to settle down and settle down. Then I read the Taoist classics and understood the mysterious principles, and then I was able to achieve the success of building the foundation in a hundred days."

Bai Gui nodded and said slowly.

What he means by this is that he has read Confucian scriptures, cultivated his nature and Qi, practiced martial arts, and cultivated both life and life. The three treasures are much more perfect than ordinary people's essence, Qi, and spirit. Now he has been taught by Zong Sheng Guan, which lasted twenty years. It's not a rare thing to succeed in several days.

Confucian classics nourish qi and nature, while martial arts scriptures nourish life.

The "hundred days" in the "hundred days of foundation building" is just a virtual reference, and does not necessarily mean that it will take a full hundred days to build the foundation.

"Brother Taoist, what you say makes sense."

Jinxian is also aware of it.

It is much easier for powerful people to enter Taoism than for ordinary people. Similarly, it is impossible for a person like Bai Gui, who is a top scholar in both civil and martial arts, to practice literature and martial arts without any help when he enters Taoism.

While the two were talking, Feng Chaan arrived at Baoningfang.

During this period, although some people from Wuhoupu tried to stop him, they immediately backed away when they saw the official title card.

Rules are set by people, and a first-grade princess can ignore the curfew.

Even if there is a punishment in the end, it is the emperor's business, and they, the Wuhous, cannot go beyond the rules.

Got off the phoenix chariot.

Bai Gui took a look at the sky. Although it was still dark, there was already a ray of light in the eastern sky.

Knock on the door.

The pyrotechnics disciple who was about to sweep the court came out. When he saw Bai Gui and Princess Jinxian standing outside the door, he immediately saluted.

"I've met Princess Jinxian and senior brother."

he said.

"Has Master woke up?"

Bai Gui asked.

He asked knowingly.

His master is the master of the Zongsheng Temple, and he also practices the "Purple Cloud Wonderful Edict". It is essential to get up early every day to do homework and perform rituals, so that he can become more and more diligent in his Taoism.

So Hou Shaowei must have woken up at this moment.

In fact, if he could meditate instead of sleeping, there is no reason why Hou Shaowei couldn't do it.

"The master of the temple is leading the disciples to do morning lessons. Senior brother, please come in."

The fire engineering disciple said.

Enter Haotian Temple and clarify your intention.

Hou Shaowei led Bai Gui into the quiet room. He frowned slightly and said, "I have heard about this human face pendant. It is said that it is a treasure left by heaven to the human world. Unfortunately, I have only heard about it and never seen it."

As he spoke, he took out a box with a sapphire tortoise shell in it.

"Your human face pendant is yang, it is a male statue."

"My master is borrowing this pendant today to perform divination on the Yi of Guizang. The Yi of Guizang is based on the Kun hexagram. Kun is pure yin, which symbolizes that all things are hidden in it..."

After that, he painted the sapphire tortoise shell with red ink.

He also took out the candle from the ever-bright lamp in front of Laojun's hall and cast a spell. The candle with only the fingernails immediately turned into a roaring flame, burning the sapphire tortoise shell.

"Fu Ce determines the number, and the burning turtle observes the omen." - "Historical Records: Biography of Guice"

Seeing this, Bai Gui felt warm in his heart.

Sure enough, this master is worshiping the right person.

There are three ways to use tortoise shells for divination, one is to use tortoise shells and copper coins for divination, the second is to eat ink, and the third is to burn. To eat ink, you draw a pattern on the tortoise shell before burning it. If the cracks match the pattern, it is a good sign. If it does not match, you will have to figure it out again. The burning method is to ignite the thorns and then burn the tortoise shell to see its texture.

The first method undoubtedly saves money and trouble, but the divination effect is not satisfactory.

Bai Gui could tell at a glance that the sapphire tortoise shell used by Hou Shaowei was full of inspiration. It was probably expensive to make and was a natural treasure.

"Since fellow Taoist disciples are here, why don't we come out to meet you."

When Hou Shaowei saw the cracks in the sapphire tortoise shell, his eyebrows narrowed and he raised his head and looked out the window.

"Taomen in the world are one family."

"I saw that this little brother was destined to come to Chang'an to worship, so I gave this thing to him. Don't worry! This thing will not bring him disaster, but will bring him a good thing..."

A man in a black robe and cloak appeared outside the window, floating outside the window, and said lightly.

Hou Shaowei looked at Bai Gui, as if asking Bai Gui what he meant.

The cracked tortoise shell just now is a good sign.

"Although this thing is a treasure, it falls into the hands of a poor Taoist, and he is panic-stricken."

"Although the treasure is good, I am not willing to accept this blessing, so I still ask Master to dispose of it."

Bai Gui felt calm in his heart and took off the human face pendant from his waist. Holding it in both hands, he bowed and brought it to Hou Shaowei.

The sapphire tortoise shell shows good luck.

But a good omen doesn't necessarily mean a good thing.

Turning bad luck into good luck is also a good omen.

He didn't want to experience the danger of turning danger into good fortune.

Now that he has Guishan Ce and the hope of becoming an immortal is right in front of him, what is the use of this thing?

Besides, according to what he knew, the human face pendant must be combined into one in order to be useful.

He is such a "scumbag" and is destined to be unable to use the power of the human face pendant.

Extreme wisdom hurts the body, but deep love will not last long!

In addition... from the scene just now, we can see that Hou Shaowei has no intention of harming him and has a lot of protective intentions for him. Since he does not know the risks of this matter, then... it is obvious that he will be handed over to the teacher who cares about him. It will be more reasonable.

"Children can be taught."

Hou Shaowei showed approval and recognized Bai Gui as a disciple even more.

The human face pendant is a treasure. He just said that it is a relic from the heaven. When others see such a treasure, they will try their best to take it for themselves. However, Bai Gui is not moved by this. It is really commendable that it is handed over to him as the master.

He took the human face pendant from Bai Gui's hand.

"Lou Guan Dao is the Taoist lineage of Taiqing. Apart from protecting the Li Tang royal family, we, Lou Guan Dao, will not be involved in any disputes in this world."

"Fellow Taoist, please understand..."

"Since I, the disciple, do not intend to take this human face pendant, I would like to ask fellow Taoist to take it back."

Hou Shaowei threw the object out of the window and said lightly.

"Not connected with cause and effect..."

"With this kind of character, there will be successors to Louguan Dao!"

"If a poor Taoist could have such a mind as a Taoist friend and disciple in the past, I am afraid that the day of enlightenment would have been a hundred years ago."

The man in black robe and cloak sighed.

He took the human face pendant, nodded slightly, and disappeared.

After a while.

Hou Shaowei's face was heavy, "I didn't expect that Shushan would want to be your son. Fortunately, you sent this object to Haotian Temple in time. Otherwise, even if you are a true immortal, if you take over this cause and effect, there will be no hope of becoming an immortal in this life..."

"This world?"

Bai Gui caught a message in Hou Shaowei's words, but he was not sure. After all, there are many interfaces in the fairy sword. In addition to the human world, there are also interfaces such as heaven, demon world, and demon world.

"Chang'an is the most benign place. When the disaster overturned, Chang'an was never damaged."

"Taozu Taiqing..."

"Lou Guan Dao..."

He thought to himself.

The legendary Fuxi was born when the Huaxu family stepped on the footsteps of Lei Zu, and this is also recorded in historical materials. He is the school secretary, and he has read through most of the secretary's documents. But he understood that this plane was created by the three emperors Fuxi, Shennong and Nuwa.

Fuxi is the Emperor of Heaven!

Is there something wrong with the historical data?

No, there can be no problem with the historical data.

"What is Da Luo? One certificate lasts forever!"

"The historical records of Fuxi, Nuwa, and Shennong in the main world are similar to those in this world, and there is no mistake. However, the history created by this world has never been written on paper..."

Bai Gui vaguely guessed something.

He knows some of the plots of this plane.

But in the world of fairy swords, there has never been Taishang Daozu, Laozi, Louguan Dao, etc., is it because they are not famous? Not necessarily. If Laozi did not preach, how would Taoism be explained?

And Chang'an stands here. If he wants to overthrow the world, Chang'an will be destroyed first, not other places.

"Master Hou, who was the man in the cloak and black robe just now?"

"Which Taoist priest from Shushan?"

Princess Jinxian narrowed her beautiful eyes and asked.

It’s not like she doesn’t know where Shushan is. Shushan is very famous among Taoists. She has been practicing Taoism for so long. If she doesn't even know where Shushan is, it will be in vain.

"The twenty-third generation leader of the Shushan Sect—Xu Changqing!"

Hou Shaowei held the fly whisk, flicked it gently, and revealed his name.

He trailed off.

A white-haired Taoist looked down from the clouds, then opened the gate of heaven with a sword, and rose with the morning glow.

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