The Multiverse Starting from White Deer Plain

278. Postgraduate small discussion class (please order in full)

"Bao Puzi said in "Neipian·Shizhi": "Although taking medicine is the foundation of longevity, if it can also move Qi, it will benefit quickly. If you cannot get medicine, but you can move Qi and fulfill its purpose, you will also get it. Hundreds of years old. However, it is also advisable to know the art of qi. Therefore, if you do not know the art of yin and yang, you will suffer from repeated injuries, and it will be difficult to move your qi.'"

"The meaning of this sentence is that Baopuzi believes that the food elixir, the movement of qi, and the art of enveloping the body are the three most precious things that can lead to immortality."

Bai Gui cited scriptures and said seriously.

The next day.

Bai Gui felt that his three treasures of energy, energy and spirit had been replenished a lot.

"No wonder Baopuzi and Penggu were able to achieve Taoism and become immortals. Both of them are immortals and have the potential to become immortals and Taoism. Then, through the Chuzhong Technique, they can speed up the movement of Qi..."

"It is also said in "Neipian Wei Zhi": Anyone who takes thousands of kinds of medicines and feeds three kinds of animals without knowing the art of taking them will be of no benefit."

"Xiuzhu is only the first step in a hundred days of foundation building, so there are such benefits..."

He secretly thought.

"Uncle, miss, breakfast is ready."

Outside the door, Liu Ma shouted.

The two of them washed up and went down the stairs.

Breakfast was much simpler than yesterday's celebration banquet.

But the Baifu is a wealthy businessman family after all. Even if it is simple, it is not that simple.

"Meihe, as soon as you come back, Xiuzhu's complexion will become much better."

"You and your wife get along well, and I, as the mother-in-law, can rest assured."

"If you have time in the future, come back more often."

Mrs. Bai glanced at Bai Xiuzhu, who had just sat on the dining chair. She was so bright and dazzling, as if the dusty pearl had been wiped away. Then she glanced at Mr. Bai and said.

She looks so good, even a mother like her feels envious.

"What's the matter? Mother-in-law, you look good too."

Bai Gui glanced at his father-in-law and mother-in-law, and silently took a bite of the glutinous rice chicken.

The father-in-law, Master Bai, looks to be in his fifties, while the mother-in-law, who is in her forties, looks to be in her early thirties.

"Look what Meihe said, my mother-in-law is old."

Mrs. Bai covered her mouth and smiled.

"Meihe, yesterday you said that your paper will be published in the "Meiguo History Magazine" in October. I have contacted some old friends last night. When it is published, I will pay you to buy the headlines and bribes from various newspapers. Some news commentators are not only trying to make you famous, but also trying to avoid certain troubles..."

After eating for a while, Mr. Bai got down to business.

"After all, the situation of the Chinese in Ameiken is not very good. We should try to avoid it if we can."

he added.

"My father-in-law has thought everything through, and my son-in-law is very grateful."

Bai Gui thanked him.

In fact, he and Mr. Bai thought of going together, and they had some thoughts on this, but they just hadn't had time to implement it yet.

If a Chinese publishes a paper in the "Journal of Meiguo History", it will definitely cause a certain sensation in the public opinion in Ameiken.

And... because of his Chinese identity, although he can succeed in publishing because of his connections at Yale University, outside journalists may not necessarily sell Yale University's face.

Of course, that’s not to say that Yale University doesn’t have this face. But Yale University will not deliberately stand up for him or use corresponding connections. Yale University will only ensure that Bai Gui can get fairness within a certain atmosphere. No matter how much, Yale University will not do this.

So..., instead of letting public opinion control you, why not choose to control public opinion? !

Mr. Bai is an old fox and chose a safe method.

That is to bribe some famous news commentators and some newspapers to create a positive public opinion profile for Bai Gui first. When the negative public opinion comes, there will already be a certain moat, which will not lead to a one-sided situation.

This is just the worst case scenario.

If everything develops in a positive direction, Mr. Bai's preparation will not be of much use, but if it worsens, it is necessary to prepare in advance.

"You are one of our own, you don't have to worry about the smallest things."

"As long as you are nice to Xiuzhu."

Mr. Bai smiled.

The money paid to buy these famous news commentators is not a small sum, but for the sake of his uncle's reputation, it is not a big deal. Compared with this small amount of money, Bai Gui has made more money by advising him during this time.

"My father-in-law is far-sighted and thoughtful, and my son-in-law is convinced."

"Here, my son-in-law will pick up some food for you."

Bai Gui praised.

Mr. Bai was born as a Jinshi and was once an old man in the officialdom. He was well-informed and could not be compared with ordinary people.

"Meihe, you really suit my temperament."

Mr. Bai laughed heartily. The more he looked at this son-in-law, the more he liked him.

Most literati have more or less bad habits, such as being arrogant and fond of swearing, being aloof and often making others uncomfortable, but Bai Gui is different. He is very elegant and easy-going, and has no arrogance.

About half a month later, the October issue of "Meiguo History Magazine" was released.

Bai Gui's paper was ranked first.

This news stirred up waves and attracted the attention of many news newspapers in Kenya. In the past, academic magazines like this would be reported by various newspapers and magazines, but the news was not very newsy and it was just a routine matter.

But now that an article written by a Chinese appeared in the "Meiguo History Magazine", the gimmick of this matter immediately changed.

Like a cat that smells something fishy, ​​every newspaper office immediately works overtime to make it a headline.

What is surprising is that both major newspapers and periodicals such as the New York Times and the Washington Post, as well as some small newspapers and periodicals, have made positive comments about Bai Gui's paper being ranked first in the "Journal of Meiguo History". , extremely "fair" and "objective".

"Mr Bai, he is a famous scholar in China. He created "Guns, Germs, and Steel" in Japan and enjoyed a great reputation in the Far East. Now he studied at Yale and once again wrote "The Rise of Great Powers" Portugal and Spain. articles, he is a prolific scholar..." - The New York Times

"It is a joint honor for Yale University and this young scholar that such a young scholar stands out at Yale University..." - "Washington Post".

But...inevitably, some newspapers deliberately disparaged the paper written by Bai Gui. However, these tabloids quickly disappeared in the sea of ​​smoke from countless newspapers and periodicals.

Although the highest state of expressing public opinion is that both the positive and negative parties are our own people.

However, Bai Gui’s masterpieces such as the Portuguese chapter and the Spanish chapter on the rise of a great power still need a certain amount of time to ferment. The general public is just watching the excitement. How can they understand things in the academic circle? People who specialize in academics , obviously will not be struggling in the vanity fair, so the sensation caused is limited to the fact that "Chinese papers were published in the "Meiguo History Magazine".

However, it is inevitable that through the "Journal of Meiguo History", the whole world began to pay attention to this young scholar again and was willing to read the articles written by this young scholar.

Although Guns and Pao is well written, it is only famous in Far Eastern circles because of inherent discrimination.

And when the outside world is noisy.

Bai Gui is still reading silently in the library, consulting recent first-hand information, and working hard to complete the next part on the rise of great powers.

It is similar to writing a book on guns. Some information is not available yet, and some research conclusions have not yet been drawn.

Therefore, the rise of great powers in later generations only provided him with a general framework. What he is currently doing is to try his best to fill this framework with flesh and blood.

"Just like Professor James said."

"The research methods of new history are extremely precious. With this method, writing about the rise of great powers is just a matter of time..."

Bai Gui secretly said.

His contribution to history is not only the Rise of Great Powers, but also the research methods of new history.

This is equivalent to establishing his historical status.

He closed the book and walked out of the library.

Shao Qing arrived at Professor James's office.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Bai. Your research paper application has been approved by the school. Congratulations. If you take the remaining credits, you will have a graduate degree from Yale."

Professor James smiled.

The educational purpose of the Department of History at Yale University is to cultivate historians with both intellectual foundation and professional abilities. Bai Gui has undoubtedly met this condition. Since it meets the educational purpose, the remaining credits are just a formality.

The Department of History only recruits twenty to twenty-five graduate students every year, so the amount is scarce.

Therefore, the attention Bai Gui received was unusual.

"Thank you, Professor James."

Bai Gui was not surprised. If the paper that topped the "Journal of Meiguo History" couldn't be used as a graduate thesis, how difficult would it be to write a graduation thesis at Yale University and become a top historian as soon as it came out? This is impossible.

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Bai, as a graduate student who is about to graduate, you are required to give several lectures to undergraduates as a rule. These courses also carry credits, so you can graduate early."

"Of course, if you don't want to teach, that's okay."

Professor James reminded.

"I know something about this."

Bai Gui nodded.

Yale University respects traditional education very much and does not set specific course requirements for students. That is, there are no so-called core courses. It is an easy course selection system. Yale provides students with 80 professional courses and 53 foreign language courses.

Often among these course selections, entry-level courses include small discussion classes hosted by graduate students.

"I was a teacher and taught students when I was in China."

"Teaching small discussion classes..."

"There is still some certainty."

Bai Gui added.

"If you are certain, as a tutor, I can apply to the Academic Affairs Office for you and arrange a small discussion class for you."

Professor James said with satisfaction.

Although Bai Gui can do without teaching, it will inevitably be more troublesome for him as a tutor to write some materials. Now Bai Gui follows the normal procedure, which will undoubtedly save him a lot of energy.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Far Eastern History? I guess there won't be many applicants? As for Western History, there are already several courses offered by graduate students..."

Professor James asked curiously.

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