Taiyuan County, Jinyang City.

Zhang Yan is indeed not very good at governing the place.

In the past, it was better in Heishan, and everyone usually had his own way. Because he was the most powerful, all the commanders in Heishan had to treat him respectfully, and Zhang Yan had the final say in all distributions.

Of course, the same goes for Zhang Yan now. He is still the biggest in Bingzhou.

It’s just that in the past they were thieves and would rob when they had nothing to eat.

But now their identities are different. They are officials, no longer thieves.

If you rob civilians, leading to population loss, or even a large number of bandits, the problem in that place will be even more serious.

In addition, Bingzhou has been experiencing drought and little rain in the past two years, making life difficult.

Not only is the phenomenon of refugee displacement unstoppable, but the bandits and rebels formed by the refugees have caused a lot of trouble in various places.

What makes Zhang Yan even more ridiculous is that there are actually people who call themselves the Yellow Turban Army.

Zhang Yan and others went there under the banner of the Yellow Turban Army.

What Zhang Yan couldn't stand the most was that Zhou Cheng didn't care about Bingzhou at all.

The grain and grass subsidy to Bingzhou is only a small amount every year, which is simply not enough to feed Bingzhou. It is not easy to feed Bingzhou's two to three hundred thousand troops.

What's more, these two to three hundred thousand people also have their families.

Wives, children, young ones, so many mouths to eat.

The first thing Zhang Yan learned after becoming the prefecture shepherd was to report to Zhou Cheng. She kept reporting to Zhou Cheng, asking for food allocation, and at the same time complaining to Zhou Cheng.

It's just that Zhou Cheng is really cruel and refuses to increase the subsidy.

Now most of the refugees in Bingzhou are fleeing to Jizhou.

If this continues, in the next few years, Bingzhou will fall into a situation where the fields will be uncultivated.

At this time, Zhang Yan's counselor Gao Hao said:"My Lord, why don't you ask the court for food?"

"If Zhou Cheng was willing to take care of me, how could I be so upset?"

Zhang Yan shook her head and said.

Gao Hao said:"My lord, you can ask the sky"

"emperor? Zhang Yan snorted disdainfully and said,"He is just a bird, what can he do?""

The imperial court in Zhang Yan's eyes is headed by Zhou Cheng, and the 'capital' is located in Zhenliao City.

It is not the Han Dynasty in Luoyang.

Gao Hao said:"My lord, this is wrong."

"oh? What do you think, sir?"

Zhang Yan looked at Gao Hao and asked doubtfully.

Gao Hao was still talented and learned, and Gao Hao was born in the Gao family, which was a wealthy family.

After Zhang Yan took over Bingzhou, in order to quickly control Bingzhou, he still made some efforts to the wealthy families. Concessions and compromises, using this as an olive branch, won the support of grain, weapons and counselors.

Otherwise, how could Zhang Yan build an officialdom in Bingzhou if he lacked civil servants?

He couldn't just leave everything to his subordinates.

Zhang Yan The people under his command only know how to rob and kill, and not many of them know how to read.

Gao Hao said:"My lord, why is the world ruled by one man now?

Zhang Yan said:"Of course it belongs to Zhou Cheng. He has the most soldiers, the most food, and the largest territory." Gao

Hao shook his head and said:"Although the Han Dynasty is weak, it is still the master of the world. People in the world who dare to abolish the Han Dynasty and stand on their own will have a good end?""

Zhang Chun, Zhang Ju, Yuan Shu, etc., these people are all criminals.

They all want to abolish the Han Dynasty and stand on their own. The more iconic one is Zhang Jiao.

The huge Yellow Turban Uprising was finally destroyed.

Because the Han Dynasty The family is still the co-owner of the world.

The world's aristocratic families, scholar-bureaucrats, etc. all want to maintain the existing system.

Zhang Yan frowned, he is not stupid, there is something in Gao Hao's words.

Zhang Yan asked:"Sir, please make it clear. Gao Hao said:"

In the past, when Dong Zhuo was at his peak, he had overwhelming power. What was his end?" What's more, Wang Mang usurped power. Doesn't the Lord know?"

Zhang Yan nodded.

Gao Hao said:"Although Zhou Cheng has many soldiers and generals, since ancient times, those who bully the weak will not end well. My lord needs to make plans in advance to avoid being implicated."

Is this a hint to me to rebel against Zhou Cheng?

Zhang Yan was silent and listened silently.

Gao Hao continued:"My lord, how can I allow others to snore on the side of the bed? Although Zhou Cheng gave my lord the land to merge with the state, But why not give the lord food and grass? When the lord sends troops to help in the battle, he also contributes to Zhou Cheng, but what is the result? Zhou Cheng sat back and watched the situation in Bingzhou deteriorate, making it difficult for his lord to secure his position as state shepherd. He waited until the time was right to kill the rabbit and kill the dog."

As he said this, Gao Hao made a gesture of wiping his neck.

This was heartbreaking.

_Fei Lu reminds you: Three things about reading -

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