Although they couldn't believe it and even began to suspect the place, Yuan Yao and Yuan Yin still followed Zhou Cheng's order and left Zhenliao City and went to Yuzhou.

Yuan Yao was appointed as the shepherd of Yuzhou.

Of course, this is in the name of the emperor.

However, Liu Xie will definitely be furious when he finds out.

It's just that Zhou Cheng doesn't care about Liu Xie's feelings.

Liu Xie is a canary, as long as he is kept in the Han Palace in Luoyang.

Zhou Cheng usually ignored him, and Guo Huai completed the task of imprisoning Liu Xie.


Mid-October of the year 202.

Liu Bei adopted Zhuge Liang's strategy and led Zhou Yu's army step by step into the designed trap.

At this time, Zhou Yu still adopted the method of cross pursuit.

Part pursuit, part rest.

Even if he falls into a trap, he can attack from both inside and outside, not only to rescue, but also to defeat Liu Bei.

Zhou Yu had his own self-confidence, and Zhuge Liang obviously took advantage of this.

On a hillside, Zhuge Liang pointed to the mountain pass in the distance and said:"My lord, the terrain here is undulating, which can hide ambushes. The valley in the distance is like the mouth of a fallen urn. My lord can lure them here. Lead the Wu army into the urn."

Liu Bei looked in the direction pointed by Zhuge Liang, and it looked like a fallen wine bottle.

The entrance to the valley is about 200 meters long. As long as the valley is blocked, Zhou Yu's army will be cut off. At the same time, he will be in a dilemma.

"What if Zhou Yu fights back with all his might? What should be done?"

Liu Bei is not a person who obeys blindly. He still has his own opinions, so he asked Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang replied:"We need to send a general who is good at fighting."

This answer is too much...

Liu Bei just frowned, and before he could say anything, Wei Yan took the initiative to stand up and said:"My lord, I am willing to go!"

"Article length, you……"

Although Liu Bei also felt that Wei Yan was capable, this was not an easy task.

Facing the Wu army's internal and external attacks, whether Wei Yan can hold on is the key.

When Wei Yan heard this, he knew that Liu Bei was not good, and he was eager to make a contribution, so he said:"My lord, if someone dares to issue a military order, if the valley is lost, please kill Wei Yan."

At this time, even Guan Yu, who had always looked at Wei Yan, felt a little jealous of Wei Yan. Changed.

This guy is really a genius.

Zhang Fei laughed loudly and said,"Bring me some wine.""


Sun Yi led the army and was still in pursuit. However, when they reached the valley ahead, Jiang Chao, the general beside him, hurriedly said to Sun Yi:"General, the terrain here is dangerous, like a toppling urn. If you dare to If we pursue him, we may be ambushed."

Jiang Chao was of the same clan as Jiang Qian. He had practiced martial arts since he was a child and was familiar with the art of war.

Sun Yi was ambushed by Liu Bei once and lost a lot of troops, so he did not dare to pursue rashly at this time.

However, he could not just watch Liu Bei run away, so he said:"Zhang De, you lead a thousand troops and chase him into the valley to find out the truth.""

"Here. Zhang De then turned around and shouted:"Come with me.""

Zhang De led thousands of troops and chased him into the valley.

In the valley, Liu Bei's army was resting and burying pots to make rice.

After Zhang Fei discovered Zhang De, he led his army to kill Zhang De.

After Zhang De confirmed it, he did not dare to fight. He turned around and retreated.

After Zhang De came out of the valley, he told Sun Yi what he saw with his own eyes.

"Burying a pot to make rice? Sun

Yi held the knife with a look of confusion on his face.

Jiang Chao said:"General, don't fall for the trap. There must be a deceit in it.""

How is it possible to bury a pot and make rice at this time?

Sun Yi nodded and said:"Could it be that you want to lure our army to attack? An ambush must be set up inside."

However, in order to be on guard, Jiang Chao said:"General, you can send people over the mountains to explore the situation and distinguish the truth from the truth.

Hearing this, Sun Yi nodded and said,"That makes sense.""

So, Sun Yi sent his Shanyue soldiers who were good at climbing over the mountains to investigate the movements of Liu Bei's army.

At the same time, Sun Yi quickly informed Zhou Yu of what was happening now.

However, Sun Yi's approach was completely As expected by Zhuge Liang,

Zhuge Liang was ready to let Sun Yi fall into the trap.

Because when Sun Yi sent a scout, they found that Zhang Fei only led nearly two thousand people and stayed in the valley, while Liu Bei's army took the opportunity. 'Escaped'.

As for the ambush? Sun Yi's scouts did not see it.

However, after seeing Liu Bei trying to escape, Sun Yi knew that he had 'fallen into a trap'.

Sun Yi said angrily:"How dare the big-eared thief Bully me! Someone must be captured!"

In Sun Yi's opinion, Liu Bei was convinced that Sun Yi did not dare to enter the valley.

Because Sun Yi was ambushed not long ago._Please download the novel without underlining

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