June 202 AD.

Sun Ce was still attacking Shouchun, but Shouchun City was high and the pond was deep, and there was plenty of food and grass in the city.

No matter how Sun Ce attacked, Yuan Shu still held on.

Sun Ce's army and horses have expanded from less than 30,000 to nearly 60,000.

Among them, Yuan Jun's surrendered soldiers accounted for a large part.

It's just that the loyalty of Yuan Jun's subordinates made Sun Ce afraid to completely rest assured.

Moreover, the daily rations for Yuan Jun's soldiers were also a huge expense.

The grain and grass in Hefei City are also being consumed in large quantities.

Zhou Yu was responsible for supervising grain in Hefei, and Cang Caoyu reported the amount of grain and grass every day.

It is not easy to collect food in Yangzhou now.

Common people fled everywhere, and aristocratic families moved to seek refuge.

The daily food and grass can only go out but not come in. If it is consumed for a long time, it will be absolutely detrimental to the Wu army.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Even though Zhou Yu is very resourceful, preparing food and fodder is currently a headache for him.

At the same time, outside Shouchun City.

With the sound of golden gongs, the Wu army retreated again.

Today, two-thirds of the Wu army responsible for attacking the city were surrendered by Yuan army.

These Yuan Jun surrendered soldiers were driven and forced to attack the city.

They braved arrows, logs, rolling stones, braved flames, and suffered huge casualties.

However, Yuan Jun on the top of the city did not worry about Yuan Jun's surrender. Arrows were like locusts, and logs and rolling stones were like hail.

As the sky gets darker.

Smoke finally rose from the Wu Army camp outside Shouchun City.

This is the only time of the day that Sergeant Wu enjoys the most.

Rice and millet were boiling in the pot. The soldiers looked at the pot and swallowed subconsciously.

However, each of Wu's soldiers could eat a large bowl, while Yuan's soldiers could only eat less than half a bowl per meal.

The difference in weight can be seen with the naked eye.

How can Yuan Jun be convinced by his surrender?

They worked hard for Sun Ce during the day, but ended up not having enough to eat at night.

However, although Yuan Jun surrendered and wanted to flee Wu Jun's camp, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu had already predicted it and sent troops and horses to guard them. If they dared to escape the camp, they would be shot on the spot.


In Shouchun City, Yuan Shu was in the palace, listening to the reports from the ministers.

Although Sun Ce's troops were approaching the city, Yuan Shu considered himself the 'Emperor' and still had to behave like an Emperor.

At this time, Yuan Yin stood up.

Yuan Yin is Yuan Shu's cousin, the prefect of Danyang, and the general of chariots and cavalry. He is the commander-in-chief of the 20,000 Danyang troops in the city.

Yuan Yin said:"Your Majesty, Sun Bofu is so brave that he attacked fiercely for days. The city of Shouchun was almost lost several times. Defending Shouchun may not be a long-term solution." At this time, Huang Yi also stood up and said:"Your Majesty, Yuan Che What Qi said is reasonable. We need reinforcements to attack the Sun thieves and make them retreat as soon as possible."

Huang Yi is Yuan Shu's son-in-law, so his words still have weight.

"The minister seconded the motion"

"The minister seconded the motion."

At this time, more 'ministers' stood up one after another.

In fact, whether Yuan Yin or Huang Yi, they were all 'surrenderers'.

Yuan Shu suddenly proclaimed himself emperor and became the biggest rebel.

Yuan Yin and Huang Yi Everyone knows that following Yuan Shu will not end well in the end.

Therefore, Yuan Yin and Huang Yi made a plan and wanted to surrender.

Surrendering to Sun Ce or surrendering to Zhou Cheng is one of the options.

After all, Yuan Xi He and Yuan Tan were still in Yongzhou. Not only did Zhou Cheng not kill them, he also gave them a city, territory and official positions.

However, Yuan Shu was proclaimed emperor after all, so it was not certain whether Zhou Cheng would let them go.

Yuan Shu looked at Yuan Yin and then at Huang Yi.

The former was his cousin and the latter was his son-in-law.

Now Yuan Shu can trust and reuse these people. However

, Yuan Shu still has to ask Yan Xiang , So he looked at Yan Xiang.

Yan Xiang stood up and said:"Your Majesty, you can send an envoy to Xiangyang. A few years ago, the Wu army attacked Jiangxia and killed Huang Zu. Liu Jingsheng will definitely remember this revenge. If Liu Jingsheng does not move, he can order the young master Return support."

Let Yuan Yao lead his army back to Shouchun and join forces to attack Sun Ce.

If Liu Biao can cooperate, there is indeed a chance of victory.

Yuan Shu thought about it for a while and said,"In that case, I will send an envoy to Xiangyang to discuss with Liu Jingsheng.."

After Yuan Shu listened to the report for a while, he felt tired and returned to the palace to rest.

Yuan Yin and Huang Yi left the palace together.

After Huang Yi and Yuan Yin walked out of the palace, Yuan Yin said:"I We will send an envoy to Liao City tonight. If the Grand Sima is willing to pardon us, we will surrender to the Grand Sima."

Yuan Yin looked around, lowered his voice, and said:"This is a secret, and there must be no room for error."_

Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - Collection

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