"Why didn’t Zhou’s thieves attack the city?"

Yuan Shu stopped at Dingtao. In Dingtao City, he asked the same question more than ten times a day.

However, he still didn't understand.

Zhou Chengcheng's two to three hundred thousand people went south, and they ate horse chews every day, which was a waste. How much food is it?

Tens of thousands of war horses need to eat fine food every day. Just thinking about it is scary enough.

Yan Xiang frowned and replied:"My lord, I don't know about this.""

According to common sense, the attackers are most afraid of fighting a war of attrition.

But when the defenders have plenty of food and grass, they just wait for work.

But Zhou Cheng's approach completely subverted the 'common sense'.

Could it be that Zhou Cheng had too much food and grass?" ?

Furthermore, wouldn’t it delay spring plowing by mobilizing so many civilians to transport grain and grass?

"There must be fraud!"

Yuan Shu was sure that Zhou Cheng must have a conspiracy, so he ordered Ji Ling to strictly guard the city and not give Zhou Cheng any opportunity to take advantage of it.


In a few days, it will be April.

However, Zhou Cheng delayed attacking the city.

Cai Hao is currently confused.

Whether he really surrenders to Zhou Cheng will have to wait until Zhou Cheng sends his army to Jingzhou.

At present, Cai Mao is still an important minister of Liu Biao and is ordered to fight against the Zhou army.

Now the Zhou army is standing still.

This is completely different from what Cai Mao expected.

In Cai Mao's estimation, the Zhou army should attack Puyang now, just like they attacked Chenliu.

Liu Bei couldn't understand either. He really couldn't understand Zhou Cheng's thoughts.

Liu Bei asked Chen Gong, but Chen Gong didn't understand.

According to the analysis of the current situation, even Zhou Cheng also wants to delay.

However, is it really beneficial to Zhou Cheng to delay like this?

During the three-party confrontation, Cai Mao wrote a letter and brought it back to Longzhong, asking Huang Chengyan, Zhuge Liang and others to resolve the confusion on their behalf.


Longzhong, Zhuge Liang's thatched cottage.

Zhuge Liang is sitting down with his friend Meng Jian.

If historical development is followed, Meng Jian was already in the Cao family at this time.

However, Cao Cao was digging everywhere in Runan, which aroused Meng Jian's disgust.

Because Meng Jian is from Runan.

Therefore, Meng Jian did not choose Cao Cao, but continued to wait for the Ming Lord.

Recently, the war in Yanzhou resumed, and Meng Jian went from Runan to Longzhong to look for Zhuge Liang.

"Gongwei, this is Cai Degui’s belief. At this time

, Zhuge Liang handed Cai Mao's letter to Meng Jian.

After reading it, Meng Jian murmured:"It goes against common sense."

Zhuge Liang said:"Yuan Zhi, Shi Yuan, and Guang Yuan are all thoughtful and far-sighted people. If their masters were mediocre and stupid, they would not follow suit.""

Meng Jian nodded. They are good friends. The characters of Xu Shu and others will never ignore the lord doing stupid things, let alone follow the stupid lord.

"The army is moving south, with an empty rear. If we don't fight quickly, we don't retreat as soon as possible. What's the purpose? The Zhou thief's behavior is puzzling."

Meng Jian muttered.

Zhuge Liang laughed softly and said,"Can the plot of Zhou's thieves also stump Meng Gongwei? Meng

Jian heard this and knew that Zhuge Liang was making fun of his performance. He didn't care and said,"Please Kong Ming answer my questions."

Zhuge Liang said:"In my opinion, this is also a strategy that kills three birds with one stone."

Meng Jian frowned and said blankly:"Killing three birds with one stone?""

Zhuge Liang said:"Besiege but not attack. Although there is food in Puyang, 70,000 soldiers are also surrounded in the city and cannot move. Yuan Shu's 150,000 troops and horses consume a huge amount of food and grass every day. If the two sides confront each other, then It is necessary to adjust grain from Yangzhou, Yuzhou, and Xuzhou, and then find a place to store grain."

Hearing this, Meng Jian's eyes lit up and he said:"If we attack the place where Yuan Shu is stationing grain,"

"This is one of them. Zhuge

Liang said.

Meng Jian continued to listen.

Then, Zhuge Liang placed the chess piece in his hand on a corner of the chessboard and said,"The north of Zhou is empty and its rule is unstable. If the clan, aristocratic family, or wealthy family rebels, what will happen?"

Meng Jian said:"His clan will be destroyed.""

The genocide of the Liang family is the best example. The men and women of the family, from babies to the elderly, were never spared.

Zhuge Liang said:"This is the second one."

If clan thieves, wealthy families, and aristocratic families take the opportunity to rebel, then take this opportunity to eliminate them.

Zhuge Liang believes that Zhou Cheng must hate the aristocratic families and wish to destroy them all.

However, in the world now, most of the Resources are still in the hands of aristocratic families.

If aristocratic families unite as one and fully support a prince, then the princes can rise rapidly.

Wang Mang is the best example.

Even if Liu Xiu does not appear, others will come out. The leader.

The scholar-bureaucrats who are ghostwritten by the wealthy families are responsible for providing money, food, and people. The wealthy families of this era.

It is not surprising that a wealthy family maintains thousands of servants and thousands of guests. People like the Mi family A merchant's home has over ten thousand servants and countless customers.

With the support of aristocratic families, it is difficult not to rise.

When Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and others raised armies, they all provided their own money to recruit soldiers. The local wealthy merchants supported people, money, and weapons. Armor, etc.

Therefore, even if you are disgusted with the wealthy families, you cannot get rid of them directly without reason.

Meng Jian asked:"What about the third one?"

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