There were corpses everywhere above and below Chenliu City.

Yesterday was another brutal siege.

The Zhou army's fierce attack was as fierce as ever.

However, the Zhou army began to use the death fighting battalion, Xianbei people, and Rouran people, and let these people take the main attack mission.

However, the Zhou army's fierce attack was still blocked by Cao Ren.

Regardless of his own safety, Cao Ren personally led his men to fight on the front line.

But part of the moat has been filled in.

Now Zhou Cheng can directly put the ladder on the city wall, making the attack on the city more efficient.

In addition, there are siege ladders.

In this regard, Cao Ren had nothing to do.

The tower bridge on the siege ladder can be built directly on the top of the city, and soldiers can directly reach the top of the city from the bottom of the city through the siege ladder.

If the siege ladder is not destroyed, the soldiers of the Zhou army will be unstoppable!

At this time, Cao Ren was selecting dead men.

Select dead soldiers to go out of the city, fight their way out of the city, and burn the enemy's siege ladder in chaos.

Under the heavy reward, there will be a dead husband.

Cao Ren selected a thousand dead soldiers and ordered these thousands to fight out of the city and destroy the siege ladder.

It will be daybreak at this time.

After daybreak, the Zhou army will begin to attack the city.

Cao Ren held a gun in his hand and stood on the top of the city, waiting for the Zhou army to leave the camp, and then pressed forward step by step.

Woo-- accompanied by a low and suppressed horn sound.

Zhou's soldiers quickly ran out of the camp, and they quickly formed a square formation of a thousand people.

Dian Wei took the initiative to ask for battle:"Lord, please allow me to lead the army to attack the city today."

Zhou Cheng looked at Dian Wei and said,"You agree.""

"Thank you, Lord!"Dian Wei said excitedly.

Zhou Cheng, Jia Xu, Li Ru, Guo Jia and others climbed onto the high platform again. From the high platform, they could directly look at Chen Liu's city.

Zhou Cheng said:"Kill Cao Zixiao and you will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins!"

Dong dong dong!!!

The war drums are beating, and the speed is getting faster and faster.


The soldiers of Yongrui Battalion picked up the Huanshou sword in their hands and slapped their shields.

Cao Ren looked at the densely packed Zhou army under the city, and he took a deep breath, and then asked people to beat the drums.

Dong Dong Dong!!!

War drums can not only command, but also boost morale.

Cao Ren said:"Today, someone will be here with you, sharing life and death!""

Cao Ren expressed his will to die and defended the city to the death.

The courage of the soldiers is the courage of the soldiers. One soldier is in raging, and the generals are in raging nest. Cao Ren risked his life, and Cao Jun was naturally inspired.

Guan Yu looked at it indifferently.

Zhou Jun had already filled the gap. After leveling the moat in front of us, if we attack again today, it will definitely be a fierce battle.

As the tomahawks of the Death Fighting Camp began to charge, thousands of prisoners of the Death Fighting Camp climbed up the ladders, braving arrows.

"Shoot the arrow!"

Cao Ren roared loudly.

Cao Ren had just given the order, and the arrows had just flown out.

However, Zhou Jun's arrows also shot out.

The arrows from both sides fell on each other's heads, and they fell down one by one. However

, their comrades only glanced at it, and then continued to attack the city.

Dian Wei followed the crowd and quickly climbed up the siege ladder.


Arrows flew, and Dianwei raised his shield habitually.

Just In a moment, Dian Wei's shield was filled with arrows


Dian Wei laughed wildly, and this smile seemed to be mocking Cao Jun's vulnerability.

Guan Yu's eyes froze, and he was holding the Qinglong Yanyue Sword tightly in his right hand.

Chen Dao has been observing Guan Yu's hand holding the sword.

As long as Guan Yu takes action, he will take action.

At this time, the soldiers who boarded the city rushed together to fight.

The two sides hacked and killed each other at close range.

Some people were stabbed to the top of the city, and some were hit by logs and rolling stones when they were halfway up, causing their heads to bleed and their brains to splatter.

Some were hit in the chest with blunt objects, causing their chests to collapse.

Some were killed by random arrows.

Casualties on both sides began to increase during the siege.

Dian Wei holds the iron halberd and shoots the bow from left to right.

Within a short time, six or seven people were killed.

Dian Wei was already fierce, but at this moment, his whole body was stained with blood and his hair was disheveled, like a murderous god in the world.

Not only at the North Gate, but also at the West Gate and South Gate.

This time, Zhou Cheng launched a three-door siege, making it more difficult to defend the city than previous attacks.

"The ones behind rush up!"

"Go faster!"

"Come to the city wall quickly."

Under the urging of the supervising team, Xiangyong and Qingzhuang, with great reluctance, supported the city. Seeing this, Zhou Cheng then said to the guards:"Bei Yan."

"Lord, never take any chances"

"My lord, the war is dangerous, please think twice before acting."

Yang Xiu and others immediately came out to dissuade him.

Zhou Cheng is the core of the Zhou Group. If Zhou Cheng is gone, the Zhou Group will be defeated.

However, Zhou Cheng directly picked up the Potian and rode towards the city.

The city. Cao Ren and others above them did not know that Zhou Cheng had also entered the battle.

At this time, the fighting at the top of the city became more intense.

Cao Ren and others had no time to pay attention to what was happening below the city.

Behind Zhou Cheng, Zhou Wu soldiers and Dare The death camp is following closely behind.

We must destroy the city with one blow today!

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