Zhou Cheng continued to add troops to the city, and the death camp did not live up to its kindness to Zhou Cheng.

One by one, they fought desperately, and some soldiers' stomachs were opened and their intestines flowed out, but they still continued to fight selflessly.

Yuan Jun in the city had never seen such a life-threatening warrior.

And inside the mansion, there were also doctors and craftsmen who followed them out.

"Guard the doctor!"Liu Tong yelled.

There are doctors in the army, and only injuries and illnesses can be treated. Under Zhou Cheng's command, doctors are the most respected profession among soldiers.

At this time, the seriously injured soldiers of the death camp were hugged one by one. When they arrived at the rear, the doctors began to stop the bleeding. They used red-hot blades to hold down the wounds.


The seriously injured soldiers were in heart-piercing pain and screamed endlessly.

However, when the seriously injured soldiers were sent to the rear, someone immediately Make up for it.

After a while, another batch of seriously wounded people were sent down.

Some of the wounded died before they even had time to be treated.

Missing arms and broken hands are too common.

Although the streets are not wide, they are not suitable for large corps to spread out. However, the number of Yuan Jun was more than ten times that of the death camp.

Moreover, there was still a steady stream of Yuan Jun coming for reinforcements. The death camp successfully attracted Yuan Jun's attention. Soldiers holding torches were everywhere in the Prefectural Mufu. Here. At that time, Yuan Shao was already wearing armor and sitting in the court. Ju Sue, Tian Feng, Shen Pei, Guo Tu, Feng Ji and others were all in the court. From time to time, soldiers came in and reported the latest battle situation. Yuan Shao asked angrily:" The Zhou thieves in Wu Mansion have not been wiped out yet!" Although the tunnel siege does have the effect of a surprise attack, in the past sieges, there was a precedent of digging down the city walls. Therefore, the Yuan army who defended the city was particularly vigilant. They also rushed outside the Wu Mansion in the shortest possible time. , and surrounded the Wu Mansion. However, so far, the death camp that entered the city has not been eliminated. Street and street fighting cannot begin. The two sides face each other and fight at close range. If one side is brave and not afraid of death, then the war will be It would be very cruel. At this time, Tian Feng said:"My lord, Jia Wenhe and Li Wenyou are all top strategists. This night attack is unremarkable. There must be fraud in it!"" The words woke up the dreamer. Feng Ji and others hurriedly came out and reminded:"Lord, patrol the city and check if there are other entrances in the city." It's like whack-a-mole. If your attention is attracted by a cunning mole, it's easy to ignore other places. Yuan Shao's heart trembled and he said hurriedly:"Go patrol the city quickly!" However, everything was too late. Since he was digging tunnels into the city, Zhou Cheng would not just dig one. In fact, Zhou Cheng dug four tunnels. There were east, west, north and south. At this time, one tunnel in the west of Jinyang City was In the alley behind the market. Thousands of soldiers have been prepared. This group of soldiers wearing black armor, holding round shields in their hands, with knives, long swords, strong attacks, and powerful crossbows, seems to be dormant. The beasts in the darkness are ready to attack at any time. From the dress of this army horse, it is not difficult to tell that they are the 'Zhou Wu soldiers'. The newly formed new army by Zhou Cheng, the sergeants in the army are all elites of each battalion. Then there were the elite of the death camp. At this time, the leader of this new army was Dian Wei. Dian Wei twisted his neck, and then held the iron halberd with both hands.

"Follow me and kill!"

Dian Wei said in a deep voice.

Unlike the death camp, they would make a big noise after entering the city.

Zhou Wuzu has always been 'low-key'.

When they entered the city, they sent people to investigate and if they found anyone passing by, they immediately dealt with them.

When encountering Yuan Jun's patrol, he immediately hid.

It was not until the entire army was ready that he took action.


Nearly a thousand Zhou Wu soldiers suddenly appeared on the street.

They happened to ambush a Yuan army.

The general commanding this Yuan army was killed by Dian Wei with a halberd before he could figure out the situation.

Then Dian Wei seized the war horse. , riding a horse, shouted loudly:"Kill!"


Zhou Wu's soldiers and horses shouted loudly.

As the elite selected by the whole army.

They carried shields and wore heavy armor and rushed forward to meet Yuan Jun's bows and crossbows.

From the beginning of the attack, they continued Yuan Jun was beheaded.

Zhou Wu soldiers wearing black armor turned into butchers in the night.

They advanced rapidly on the streets, setting fires everywhere on the way, causing panic in the city.

Moreover, they killed all Yuan Jun whenever they encountered them.

In Jin In the west of Yangcheng, no one can stop it.

In the north and south cities of Jinyang, Zhao Yun and Taishi Ci each led a group of Zhou soldiers to fight out.

The death camp was responsible for attracting, and the Zhou soldiers were responsible for storming and creating panic.

Jinyang The Yuan army in the city did not know how many Zhou troops there were in the city.

They only knew that there were Zhou troops in the east, west, north and south.

Moreover, the Zhou troops were in the streets, killing everyone they saw, and they were invincible.

What was even more disturbing was the people outside the city. The siege troops. The

Zhou army outside the city completely ignored the night and attacked the city with all their strength.

Zhou Cheng pointed at the top of the city with his breaking spear and shouted loudly:"The first one to climb the city will be rewarded with a thousand gold coins!""

There must be brave men under heavy rewards.

What's more, every one of Zhou's soldiers is eager to make contributions.

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