Euphorbia warriors have undergone rigorous training. The moment their shields were broken, they took a step forward and thrust out the iron halberds in their hands.

In an instant, several people were stabbed off their horses.

"Crossbowmen at the ready!"Qu Yi shouted in the formation.

The temporary military formation seemed hasty, but there was a certain space and passage within the formation.

The strong bows and crossbows in the formation fired at the rushing knights of the death camp..

Less than twenty steps away, arrows flew out, and many people fell off their horses.

However, Zhou Cheng had already rushed into the formation on horseback.

The war horse stepped directly on the chest of a Yuan Jun.

There was only a crunching sound. , the sternum of the soldier Yuan was trampled to pieces.

Then, Zhou Cheng waved the Sky-Breaking Spear, and the Yuan Jun who were blocking him with shields on the left and right were all chopped away by Zhou Cheng.

"Follow me to break the formation!"

Zhou Cheng's voice was like a huge thunder, which shocked Yuan Jun's heart.

Wherever the sky-breaking cannon passed, broken limbs and broken arms flew everywhere.

Qu Yi can indeed train troops.

In history, Yuan Shao ordered Qu Yi to lead 800 elite soldiers as the vanguard, and then used With thousands of strong crossbows as cover, he commanded tens of thousands of infantry behind him.

Seeing that Yuan Shao's troops were few, Gongsun Zan ordered the cavalry to charge and trample the enemy's formation.

But Qu Yi's soldiers calmly fell down under their shields, waiting for the enemy's cavalry to rush in and were only a few dozen steps away. At the same place, they jumped up together and chopped down; at the same time, thousands of powerful crossbows fired at Bai Ma Yicong. Gongsun Zan's army suffered an unexpected blow, and the whole army fell into chaos. The cavalry and infantry were fighting for it. They fled for their lives.

But Qu Yi's army became more and more courageous as they fought. They killed Yan Gang, the governor of Jizhou appointed by Gongsun Zan, and killed more than a thousand people. They took advantage of the victory and chased them to Jieqiao.

It was also a famous battle of Jieqiao in history.

It's a pity. , there is no boundary bridge outside the eldest son city.

Zhou Cheng is not Gongsun Zan.

And Qu Yi's soldiers have been hungry for a long time and have limited combat effectiveness.

Therefore, Zhou Cheng can easily pass by the formation.

Following Zhou Cheng's death camp , Dawn Cavalry, and Huben Camp Cavalry also passed by.

Although Qu Yi resisted tenaciously, his men suffered heavy casualties. Under the trampling of the horses, the number of soldiers around Qu Yi was decreasing rapidly. At this time, the number of soldiers from the Panshi Camp was decreasing rapidly.

The heavy infantry also came to cover them up at this time.

The shield wall surrounded them from all sides.

The strong bows and crossbows behind the shield wall began to fire arrows at a distance of less than a hundred steps. Qu Yi's men came one after another.

Qu Yi held it. Holding the iron gun and gritting his teeth, he looked at Zhou Cheng not far away.

Zhou Cheng also saw Qu Yi


Zhou Cheng's two legs kicked the horse's belly fiercely. Mo Kuang understood and pounced directly on Qu Yi.

"ah!"Qu Yi roared, and then rushed towards Zhou Cheng.


He slashed horizontally with a spear.

Qu Yi raised his spear to resist, but Qu Yi was slashed and flew out, and the iron spear in his hand also flew out.

Zhou Cheng blocked the spear and blocked it. On Qu Yi's chest.

Qu Yi wanted to draw his sword and fight again, but couldn't get up.

Zhou Cheng said,"Tie them up for me.""


As Qu Yi fought his way out of the city, more than half of the 20,000 Yuan troops were killed or wounded.

The Zhou army also suffered more than 7,000 casualties.

Although most of the 7,000 men were garrison troops, the casualties were greater than Zhou Cheng, Jia Xu, and Li Ru had expected.

I have to admire Qu Yi, he really knows how to train troops.

The next day, the city head of Changzi City was replaced with a large banner with Chinese characters.

According to the agreement with Zhang Yan, Zhou Cheng gave up Changzi City to Zhang Yan.

However, all the population in the city was driven out by Zhou Cheng.

Moreover, Zhou Cheng did not let go of all the baggage in the city and took them all away, leaving Zhang Yan with only an empty city.

Zhang Yan did not dare to object to this.

After all, it was Zhou Cheng who conquered Changzi City.


At this time, it was noon.

In Bingzhou in November, there is a chill in the wind.

As scattered snowflakes fell, they gradually covered the bloody battlefield.

Inside Zhou Cheng's military tent.

There is a large cauldron inside the tent, and venison is cooked in the cauldron.

Dian Wei, Zhang Meng, Liu Tong and others ate meat and fought hard last night.

Zhang Yang, Qu Yi, Dong Zhao and others were kneeling in front of Zhou Cheng.

Although Qu Yi was reluctant, there were two strong men beside him, who did not give Qu Yi a chance to get up.

Zhou Cheng asked:"Qu Yi, are you willing to surrender to me?"

"Want someone to surrender the thief? Qu Yi looked at Zhou Cheng, laughed loudly and said,"Kill if you want. Are you afraid of death?" Zhou

Cheng said:"The soldiers you have trained are all elite. If they can be used by me, they will be made generals.""

"snort!"Qu Yi came from a wealthy family, became famous at a young age, and was proud. How could he surrender to Zhou Cheng?

Not only was he unwilling to surrender, he didn't even bother to look at Zhou Cheng.

"That's all, that's all, it's a pity that good talent can't be used by me.

Zhou Cheng waved his hand and said,"Drag him out and behead him.""

Zhou Cheng doesn't have the patience to capture and control his generals and counselors seven times. If he can surrender to his generals and counselors, he will reuse them. If he is unwilling to surrender, he will kill them directly.

"Here."Two strongmen dragged Qu Yi and dragged him outside.

Then, a strongman carried Qu Yi's head into the military tent.

Zhang Yang and Dong Zhao looked at Zhou Cheng tremblingly.

Zhou Cheng said:"Uncle Zhang Zhi , you surrender to me today, if you rebel in the future, I will kill you.

Zhang Yang knelt on the ground and said hurriedly:"I will never dare to rebel!" Zhou Cheng said:"

In that case, you will follow the army to Yunzhong and order Kaicheng of Yunzhong counties to surrender.""

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