The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 531: put together

Sean moistened his throat, and asked in a stable voice as if confirming, "You just said that the painting did not depict the three explorers repelling Wendigo, but that they summoned it?"

The old man's original words are "creation", but Sean can understand that ordinary people cannot distinguish between "creation" and "calling".

The old man put down the teacup, and his eyes behind the thick lenses showed a little joking: "Yes."

Yueguang shook his head, blinking his eyes again and again: "You should have been only ten years old at that time. Did you get confused because you saw such a monster, and mistakenly thought..."

Jiamer will wave his hands, then lean back, hug his head, and move his body like a child, he shook his head repeatedly: "No, I won't be mistaken.

"I wanted to try to get out of the woods that day, and then I saw some carrion in the woods, I remember very clearly, there were moose, wolves, and even some smelly mice...

"Just when I was thinking about whether I could find edible meat inside, I heard a movement, so I hid behind a stone in the distance.

"The three explorers - the hunter, the dark wizard and the singing woman appeared," apparently Garmel didn't know the correct name of the mask, "and they were still arguing in a low voice about the consequences of doing so and so on. of……"

"Then, after a while..."

Camel's eyes widened slightly, and his soul seemed to instantly return to the snow forest sixty years ago.

"Not long after, I saw them reciting a spell that I didn't understand together, that thing..." The old man covered his eyes with his hand in tattered wool gloves, as if trying to avoid something, "The thing stood up. .

A monster made from the carrion of moose, wolf and rat.

Walking furious hunger.


"I don't know why..." The old man tried hard to control his breathing, trying to tame the fear that had been tossing him for years, "After seeing that thing, a burst of anger rose in my heart...

"I want to attack others, I want to bite flesh.

"I feel like I've become a wolf that's been hungry for days..."

After saying this, Mr. Garmel seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and his body was sluggish, and he kept covering his eyes with his hands--I don't know if it was to block the light or to cover up his expression.

The three of Sean sat silently, looking at the old man whose breathing was disordered because of his memories.

They originally wanted to explore the truth, but found that they had walked into a deeper fog.


"If what Garmel said is true, what does all this mean?"

Moonlight was lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling—they said goodbye to the old painter after the old man's mood calmed down and returned to the Berg's tavern.

Sean was silent, and the pianist continued: "Why did those three explorers summon an evil divine thing?

"They were trying to master Wendigo's power, so what evil rituals were performed?"

If you think about it this way...

Moonlight suddenly sat up and turned to Sean's face with a terrified expression: "Did they deliberately let everyone get lost?!"

Moonlight quickly got out of bed, sat next to Sean, and lowered his voice: "In order to create Wendigo and gain some kind of evil power, they deliberately led a team of more than sixty people into the jungle, causing everyone to get lost. , making them inescapable sacrifices?"

Unable to deny Moonlight's conjecture, Sean slowly turned his head and stared into his partner's eyes - at this time, although Olivia was in the next room, she was listening through the crimson bond.

"Then," Moonlight felt that he couldn't sit still, stood up from the bed, and paced around the room, "then, like Mr. Garmel, someone knew the truth, and in order to take revenge, they began to search for the evil deeds committed in the past. The explorer, or the descendant of the explorer?"

If you think about it like this, then their previous "revenge conjecture" fits perfectly.

The death of Evan Burns is to repay the debt of his ancestors.

Sean was silent for a while, then slowly said: "All of what you said is possible, but...

"However, why were there more than twenty people left to walk out of the forest in the end?

"Since they summoned Wendigo, they should harvest all the remaining souls and make this divine thing stronger-after all, in this conjecture, their purpose is to pursue power, isn't it?

"Also, the North Entry Brigade has been trapped in the forest by the heavy snow anyway, and no one will know the truth if Wendigo harvests everyone. Why should there be more than 20 survivors, and people like Mr. Garmel Is there such a witness in the world?"

Sean's words made Moonlight fall into contemplation again. After thinking about it, he couldn't explain the question raised by Sean, so he could only piece together various possibilities: "Maybe, when they were implementing the last step, the rescue team Arrived, in order not to expose the matter, they can only stop..."

Sean held his head, looked at the ceiling, and said nothing.

There is not much problem with the whole story of Moonlight, but Sean just feels a little unnatural.

Many details are incomprehensible.

For example, if Wendigo is summoned, what specific benefits can the three explorers get?

And, he couldn't believe in any case that this "evil plan" was interrupted because the rescue team arrived...

However, right now he doesn't have any ideas.

Maybe it was a tiring day, and soon, Moonlight stopped thinking because of fatigue, lying on the bed as if he was about to fall asleep.

Just as Sean was closing his eyes and listening to the believers' "Midnight Confession", he and Moonlight both heard the sound of the door downstairs.

The two looked at each other and turned over. As soon as they got dressed and walked out of the door, they saw the possessed Pansha walking up the stairs step by step.

There was some snowfall in the evening, and his hat and coat were still stained with unmelted snow flakes.

Looking up, he saw Sean and Moonlight coming Pan Sha happily opened his hands, his voice was obviously a little tired: "It seems that you guys have a better day than me..."

"What happened?" Yueguang asked, "Why did you come back so late?"

Pan Sha sat on the chair and began to peel off his boots: "The forest ranger in the town was the last witness to the teacher's trail. According to her description, I went to the forest to find him...

"It turns out... ah," Panza took off one boot with force—the socks inside were wet and seemed to be frozen, "and got lost in the woods—"

"I'll tell you!" Jack raised his head, his tone slightly frightened, "The woods near Lake Mistani are a little strange, it's easy to get lost!"

Sean and Moonlight exchanged glances: Apparently, they both thought it was a bit risky to be possessed by Pansha to enter the woods alone.

After all, what happened in the forest that year has not been clarified yet, so rushing in doesn't know what to expect.

Fortunately, the reckless guy was lucky.

"Let's cook, don't catch the cold." Sean suggested in a low voice.

Panza nodded gratefully, took up his boots, and walked lightly.

He finally came to the unextinguished fireplace, put down his boots gently, felt the residual warmth of the fire, and seemed to have finally ended a difficult day, and sighed with enjoyment.

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