The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 461: Down Town Past (3)

"Do you want to play a game with me?"

Pan, who was in a daze, couldn't believe his eyes - the "big man" he had always wanted to approach but was afraid to approach, Peter Rich, was actually standing in front of him at this moment.

Although he was carrying the light from the barrel of fire, Pan could still see the smile on his face with straight teeth.

"Huh?" Peter tilted his head, "You can't speak?"

Pan quickly shook his head: "But... yes, I can speak!"

Because of the excitement, the high-pitched voice was a bit strange.

Pan cleared his throat and stood up—he was thin and short.

"I can talk," the ugly child in front of him blushed, "I also want to play games with you..."

It seems that because of his inferiority, his voice was lowered.

In the distance, Peter Barry's friends all turned to look here. They knew what Peter was like and wanted to learn from him, so they all restrained themselves from booing and laughing.

Hearing the other party's answer, Peter smiled even more clearly: "Okay then. Let's play a game now."

Seeing Peter's gesture, Pan obediently stood up.

Peter took a few steps to the side, pointed to his own shadow that fell at Pan's feet, and said, "This game is called stepping on the shadow.

"If you can step on my shadow, you can join our conversation." The little boy raised his eyebrows, "Want to give it a try?"

Pan lowered his head and seemed to be hesitating, but suddenly stepped on Peter's shadow.

The boy took a step to the side, just to avoid Pan's feet in old leather shoes.

"Wow, undeclared war. Okay."

In order to be able to step on Peter Barry's shadow, to be able to join the conversation, Pan began to try to step on Peter's shadow, foot by foot.

The shy child suddenly seemed active.

Seeing this scene, a few of the friends who were watching from a distance also had smiles on their faces.

Pan stepped on one foot after another, while Peter kept dodging deftly.

His shadow is like an agile deer, which has always been able to escape the hunter's pursuit.

Until Pan was so tired that he was panting and supported his knees, he couldn't step on the other side's shadow.

He looked up, his dirty little face full of regret.

And Peter Barry was still smiling.

Thinking that Peter was making fun of himself, Pan turned around and wanted to leave, but heard Peter make an "ouch".

He looked down and saw that the footsteps of his departure just stepped on Peter's shadow.

He turned around in surprise and saw the face with a "helpless" smile: "It seems that we can only let you join us."

After he finished speaking, he took Pan and walked towards the fire barrel.

As if in a dream, Pan squeezed into a group of children who looked older than him.

With the light of the fire barrel, everyone could see the face of the child who had been hiding in the distance.

After seeing Pan's appearance, Mike Downs finally knew why the adults in the lower city were alienating this child.

It can be said that Pan looks a little ugly, even a little strange.

He has curly black-brown hair, and his eyes are wider than normal.

The pupils are also oddly shaped, like the eyes of a goat.

But at this moment, there was a smile on his face, slightly diluting some abnormal facial features...

"Well, according to the rules, you have to introduce yourself." Peter sat back in his seat, resting his hands on his thighs, and said easily.

Under everyone's attention, this shy child did not dare to make eye contact with anyone, just lowered his head and spoke in a very low voice: "I don't remember..."

"What did you say?" Foley put his hands around his ears.

"I said I don't remember..." Pan looked like he was about to run away, but still said in a slightly louder voice, "I only remember my name is Pan."

Peter looked at the child with some rarity: "Don't remember? Have you lost your memory?"

"Amnesia..." Pan raised his head, as if he only dared to look at Peter, "It should be amnesia."

"You don't even remember your parents' names?"

Pan shook his head vigorously...

After this question and answer, everyone gradually knew the current situation of Pan——

He lost a lot of memories inexplicably. Now he lives alone in a room with no adults to take care of him. He relies on the help of his neighbors, and he goes to the street to sell newspapers and pick up scraps to survive...

Hearing Pan's life experience, all the children fell silent.

Some of them are always resentful about their origins, but at this moment they have to admit that the situation of the ugly child in front of them is much worse than they are.

At least, they can still have a full meal now.

But Pan has always been hungry and full.

In the continuous questioning, Pan gradually got rid of the initial shyness and was able to express more freely.

In the end, his words made everyone cast sympathetic eyes on him.

For some reason, at that moment, the fire seemed to dim a little by his side. Pan lowered his head and said somewhat depressedly: "Actually, everything is nothing... Cold, hunger or darkness, all of which can be endured...

"My biggest fear is actually being alone."

"Like a night that never dawns,

"This night seems to have lasted a long time..."

As if to express the fear hidden in everyone's heart, the children sitting by the fire stopped talking.

"So..." Or Peter broke the silence, "You just sit far away and want to join us?"

Pan nodded.

Peter's tone was a little more relaxed, as if he wanted to ease the too low atmosphere: "Then, you are welcome to join."

Pan seemed to be in disbelief. He sat up straight, his eyes sparkling: "I, can I really play with you?"

Seeing Peter nod, the youngest child jumped up and cheered awkwardly.

Almost everyone laughed, except for Mike Downes, who had no smile on his face.

He stared silently at Pan's face flushed with excitement...

For some reason, Mike doesn't like Pan.

It's not because of his weird looks, he just has an inexplicable sense of disgust...

However, Peter said that he was welcome to join, and Mike could only remain silent and accept it.

He respected Peter's opinion. He decided to try to accept this strange child in the days to come.

It is precisely for this reason that Mike is very concerned about Pan - he often secretly observes this child with a tragic background.

After paying more attention, Mike first confirmed that Pan didn't lie about his background and living conditions.

In addition, he often sees Pan alone in a daze.

Sometimes facing the wall, sometimes facing the empty alley, sometimes standing in the corridor to go home.

Occasionally, when he was in a daze, there would be a very frightened expression on his face...

These bizarre behaviors led Mike to speculate that Pan had indeed suffered from horrific amnesia.

Due to frequent actions together and because of Pan's several positive performances, he finally got Peter's cookies and joined their inner circle.

Since it was confirmed that Pan didn't hide or lie about his situation, Mike acquiesced to this arrangement even though the disgust didn't subside.

On the first night of joining the core group, Pan was taken to their "secret base" for a routine "ceremony".

After lightly ascending to the rooftop, everyone got a candle.

Holding lit candles in their hands, they followed Peter and walked towards an empty, abandoned house on the rooftop.

At that time, there was a crescent moon hanging in the sky, the night cat was calling in the corridor, and the singing voice of the drunkard drifted with the evening wind.

In the flickering candlelight, Pan opened his eyes wide, feeling extremely new to what he was about to see next.


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