The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 437: midnight bell

Latest website: At this moment, in the castle district, in front of the fountain.

Grey Dollings, with a mysterious smile on her face, glanced at Sean's group and stopped at Fagar Taylor's face.

Yueguang dared to swear to God, he clearly saw the girl in front of him who had not grown up after ten years, her eyes with a hint of evil, when he saw Father Taylor's face, there was a little...


Yes, it is confusion.

For a moment, Moonlight 1902 thought that the girl who had disappeared for ten years recognized the shelter of the orphanage.

However, that confused expression disappeared in a flash, as if the last quarter moon that appeared by chance that year was obscured by dark clouds in an instant.

Grey Dollings, still failed to recognize Fagar Taylor.

Sean Dickinson turned his head to look at the old priest with concern.

There was some sigh and helplessness in the eyes of the old priest. However, he just shook his head.

Originally, he came to "Midnight Paradise" to investigate the reasons for the disappearance of the three brothers and sisters. Fagar Taylor did not expect to see them again.

Unexpectedly, they were still standing in front of him with the faces of ten years ago.

Calm like Taro, he was stunned for a long time before returning to his true colors.

After calming down, Father Taylor decided to keep his head down—

He knew that revealing his identity would mean the failure of the overall plan.

So, he wouldn't walk up excitedly to call their names.

Until he really finds a way to rescue the three siblings, he will keep a low profile and play an uninformed person.

"Welcome to—" Grey led the two younger brothers, their voices synchronizing, "Peter Pan's castle!"

"We are the family of the owner of the castle, and on behalf of him who is waiting, we would like to extend our sincere greetings to all the distinguished guests who are here."

The word "family" stings the old exorcist. Fagal Taylor bowed his waist and coughed into his clenched fist, no one could see his eyes and expression.

At this moment, the dead wood sage and the Tacheng apprentice who arrived later have climbed all the steps and came to the fountain.

In the distance, on the central axis tower of the castle, the huge clock illuminated by the lights, the hour hand moved with difficulty, and finally overlapped with the hour hand that was pointing to the sky.

Bells and fireworks sounded together.

The three sisters and brothers turned around excitedly and looked at the night sky that had become splendid.

Of the faces illuminated by fireworks, only one in a fedora turned back.

Sean, he saw the Ferris wheel sticking out at the foot of the mountain, and the market area surrounded by a ring at the moment, shining like a gorgeous gold necklace...

The clock strikes at midnight, and the final fireworks display seems to have ignited the afterglow - there are cheers from far away.

And closer, in the dark forest, he saw a little bit of starlight - addicts, holding their candles, staring in the direction of the castle, and singing that speechless song.

Fireworks exploded, cheers from afar, faint singing, these sounds converged in Sean's ears.

He suddenly had a different feeling - as if the abstract things of time and journey were condensed into a concrete feeling at this moment.

Every "present" is a collection of past and future time and space, irreplaceable.

The feeling of being lit up suddenly made the tree-shaped symbol of "God Root Space" light up for a while.

Sean's soul edge quietly permeates and expands...

The short-lived fireworks ended, followed by the chorus of children's voices behind them, and in the distance, people seemed to stop boiling.

The three siblings in black clothes turned around and faced Sean's group again.

"The bell rang at twelve o'clock, and the gate of the castle district was closed...

"Congratulations, everyone, becoming the last three teams to advance to the Castle District today."

Amid the applause of the crowd, the pair of master and apprentices stood up straight.

"As promised by the Lord of Paradise, the team that is promoted to the castle area is eligible to compete for the ultimate prize of the open day..."

The three sisters and brothers turned around with a smile, and made a show gesture toward the top of the fountain...

It had not been turned on, and the light in the center of the fountain suddenly lit up, illuminating a cast statue overflowing with golden light——

Before that, Moonlight thought it was just an ordinary gilded statue.

Light flows on the golden surface. The solid gold Peter Pan statue, wearing a fitted suit, slightly open his hands, seems to be inviting people into this paradise that only opens at midnight...

The 55-pound gold statue, worth $22,000, is illuminated by fountain lights in a unique and charming color.

Father Taro even noticed that the dead wood sage and the apprentice of Tacheng immediately stood up straight——

Only then did he realize that money in the ordinary world turned out to be more attractive to explorers.

If their goal of saving money is not for secular life, then such a huge sum of money is enough to change their careers as explorers——

This figure is consistent with the lowest transaction price that has ever appeared in the extremely rare A-level mysterious heritage transaction records.

Not to mention, it can almost support the expensive three rounds of spiritual rituals...

The irony is that people who are mysteriously detached from the ordinary world, but because of the current rules and the hope of power and promotion...

to be bound even tighter by the products of the world.

In today's world, it is probably not an easy task to find a searcher with pure motives.

The grand prize in front of him also made Sean think of his "expensive" plans.

The moonlight with a rather innocent temperament has long been confused by the color reflected by the golden image. The smile on his face seemed to remind him that he seemed to think of some unrealistic scene...

Father Taylor still lowered his head and coughed lightly.

And although Olivia stared at the golden light, there was no desire in her red eyes, she just looked at it calmly.

For what just happened, Max, who was standing on the edge, hardly had any reaction or sound, and just let the residual fire on the mask burn quietly.

"Next, you will meet the owner of the castle - Mr. Peter Pan at the welcome dinner." Grey Dollings duly took everyone's attention off the golden statue, "At the dinner party Before, you need to go to the Huafu Hall to choose your own dresses..."

Two puppets in crimson "butler" uniforms led Sean and the other team towards the castle.

On the way to the castle, Sean observed that in the darkness by the roadside, there were still bright red eyes watching.

With blood-stained masks, the explorers who were forced to serve here as corpses seemed to have fallen into some kind of beasts, leaving only the instinct of destruction and battle.

After entering the castle, follow the butler puppet to the right corridor until you reach a hall full of various costumes.

"You have fifteen minutes." The puppet closed the door as he left.

"These clothes..." Although she was obviously interested in these dresses, Moonlight was still cautious, "Is there any problem?"

Compared to Moonlight, Sean just did nothing—his spiritual essence was swept away like hair, and he didn't find any curses or forbidden techniques on his clothes: "Ordinary clothes."

Moonlight shrugged and stepped forward to pick out his clothes—obviously taking the position of the team's image consultant.


Thirteen minutes later, Sean's team stood in front of a huge mirror wall.

Looking at everyone in the mirror, Sean has to admit that Moonlight is more than one step ahead of himself in terms of outfits.

Fagar Taylor in the mirror was slightly restrained. Outside the black stand-up collar shirt, is a black coat of extraordinary workmanship, lined with a white silk scarf, and the diamond-shaped rosary wrapped in his hands, still indicating his identity as a clergyman.

Max, who had been silent for a long time, also silently changed into his clothes. It was a stiff black suit jacket with dark red embroidery. The embroidery of the jacket and the color of the tie actually echoed his burning mask.

Moonlight chose an all-black shirt and suit for the first time, except for a satin pearl white tie that was as eye-catching as the silver moon in the night sky.

Perhaps it was the intention of the "grey wolf" that gave the pianist his creativity. Sean's tone was dark gray, and his straight shoulders and chest fully supported the dark gray wool suit. In order to "show respect", Xiao En took off his fedora hat and combed his black hair back, inexplicably giving him a shrewd and dangerous aura...

When Olivia Wind Chime came out, the men present couldn't help but let out a low sigh.

Even the "remaining soldier" Max who didn't seem to be interested in everything around him turned his eyes and watched quietly.

With a slender waist and graceful curves, the Seiko girl walked out from behind the dark red curtain wearing a black low-cut dress.

The skin of the alchemy material has a color that makes people linger, the scarab brooch embellished on the black collar reflects a green halo, and the golden earrings echo the pale gold in the ruby ​​eyes.

The lower half of the skirt is like a bud. Considering Olivia's dynamic, Moonlight did not choose the long skirt that is common in women's dresses, but a short skirt that showed a pair of slender legs.

Holding the green leather handbag in one hand, Sean was surprised to find that the Seiko girl, who used to have a shy demeanor, turned out to be bright and indifferent tonight.

"'s Peter Pan's dinner."

Sean turned his head and looked at Moonlight and Father Taylor in turn. His eyes finally fell on Max, who had been quiet but seemed to be brewing something.

He took a deep breath, bent his arms and invited the only lady present to take the lead out of the costume hall.

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