The Modern Age of the Mysterious

Chapter 383: in the dark

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Looking at the morbid smile on Little Leon's face, Sean knew that what was happening here was definitely something bad.

If this boy continues to linger here, I don't know how it will affect his personality and soul.

Not daring to risk letting him stay for a long time, Sean decided to take back Little Leon.

"Moonlight, you pop up a hallway with Curtain.

"Olivia, you brought Leon back.

"If there is any blocking force, I will cut it off!"

Sean spoke very quickly, without hesitation: "Action!"

The moment he and Olivia rushed out of the enclosure, Moonlight had already played a curtain as thick as a velvet curtain.

The curtain was shaped by the player into the shape of a corridor, like a luxury train that stretched forward in the dark...

Under the cover of "The Veil", Sean and Olivia rushed into the wasteland.

The darkness in the wasteland is particularly rich - which means that there is a powerful evil shrouding the place.

Olivia rushed behind Leon at a ghostly speed, and before the sleepwalking boy turned around, she wrapped him around and ran back.

Their movements seemed to wake up the originally calm things in the dark.

Sean heard a crisp snap of his fingers.

In an instant, countless black crutches stretched out from the darkness, and their elbows wanted to hook Olivia!

Sean, who was already prepared, had already firmly grasped the "Blood-Red Pen" on one end of the spiritual essence, and the deterrence from the "City of Two Suns" Shen Yu suddenly opened up!

The broken red streamers floated in the air, and the scorched air choked the throats of all consciousness...

The power of "fear" dilutes those black crutches into an illusion, failing to retain the figure of the delicate girl.

More intense darkness, permeating from the depths of the wasteland, not only wanted to recover the boy who was robbed, but also seemed to want to devour the daring intruder.

The darkness overtook Sean's figure for a while, and before turning back to escape, Sean saw a scene that made him sweat suddenly.

——In the distance, a man in a black suit and a black top hat, wearing a mask that is particularly distinctive in the dark.

A pure white smiling gentleman with a prominent mustache.

"Mysterious Gentleman", the more powerful mysterious mask in the Jack class.

The strange thing is that the mask was covered with blood, and the eyes under the mask were glowing with a sinister red...

In front of him, there are countless small figures.

Judging by the dark outlines of their heads, they don't appear to be human.

The figures stretched out their hands, and the little hands stretched out in the darkness, trying to entangle Sean.

The Lord of Divine Root quickly regained his composure, and the spiritual essence quickly mobilized the power of the red pen. Behind him, a scarlet headless knight appeared, and suddenly swung the broad sword towards those little hands...

Thankfully, the fear is still in effect.

Those unknown things withdrew their little hands.

After Sean had returned to the fender, the three of them ran away at the same time in tacit understanding...

When the scarlet knight dissipated, the group of explorers disappeared.


He brought little Leon, who still had his eyes closed, back outside the house.

Olivia Wind Chime let go of her arm, her frightened avatar seemed eager to return to "home".

He obediently ran into the house and hurried upstairs...

In the eyes of Mrs. Garcia, who had been guarding Little Lyon's body, a gust of night wind blew into the room -- the boy who had run away returned to his body.

When they went upstairs, Sean, Moonlight, and Olivia all had serious expressions.

They still don't know what exactly exists in the former Kensington Park site.

However, it is clear that there is a "spiritual room" out there.

It is an "independent kingdom" created by a strange powerhouse.

And an enemy of that level is by no means a Queen-level counterpart.

"That is to say..." Sean has returned to Leon's door. "It's another big trouble."

Mrs. Garcia looked at the three of Sean helplessly, and then looked at the little Leon who was still sleeping...

To the surprise of the three of Sean, after bringing the clone back, Leon still did not wake up.

Obviously, he is still trapped in the dream world.

"Ma'am, don't worry," Sean remained calm in this situation, "I know someone can solve this problem."


Sean has had the trust and support of Mr. Carl Jung ever since he solved the "drama that didn't exist" and made those crippled souls whole again.

"Any incurable diseases involving sleep or dreams, you can come to me for consultation." The old man once promised, "It will be free."

Obviously, Mr. Jung appreciates Sean who rescued those souls.

A dean of contemporary psychology, and has the mysterious ability to explore dreams, Mr. Jung is also a explorer in a sense,

Knowing through Catherine's introduction, getting the support of this trustworthy elder can be regarded as a hidden benefit from the previous mission.

In Sean's mind, this is no less a major gain than the "Blood Red Pen".

At this time, Sean and the others have come to Mr. Jung's mansion again.

As the observation process involved a mystery, Mrs. Garcia was asked to wait in the living room.

It was almost midnight, and the wife, who had been worrying for many days, was very tired.

With obvious bags under her eyes, she sat on the chair outside the door, but did not fall asleep. Instead, she closed her eyes, folded her hands, and muttered, still praying for her son...

After checking Lyon's state, Mr. Carr took off his glasses, and his expression was obviously not optimistic:

"This child is in a more troublesome situation."

It must be so... Thinking of the evil atmosphere emanating from the wasteland, Sean agrees with Mr. Jung's judgment.

Mr. Jung said bluntly: "Dream exploration can still be carried out... However, my strength alone may not be enough.

"I need your help, gentlemen."

Sean and Moonlight naturally agreed, and sat on both sides of the psychologist as requested by Mr. Jung.

"For a while, no matter what you see, don't panic..."

Even though he knew that the two explorers were already Q-level, Mr. Jung still had reservations about the ability of others to bear dreams.

Under the vigilance and protection of Olivia, Mr. Jung extended the spiritual essence according to his own method and connected with the spiritual essence of Sean and Moonlight.

Then, through the contact of his eyes, Mr. Jung projected his and Sean's consciousness into the dream that Little Leon was experiencing.


Shuttle, shuttle in the dark night sky.

The surrounding sky was starless and moonless, but Sean could feel the cold air blowing towards him...

This is, in a dream?

The cold wind blew across his face, blowing his clothes and making noises...

Feeling so real?

"It stands to reason that he should have woken up and left this dream..." Following Mr. Jung's voice, Sean turned his head to look, he saw the old gentleman wearing a black coat with a shawl, still appearing in the dream Smart and vigorous, "However, for some reason, he was caught in the pull of other forces, unable to wake up on his own will...

"That kind of pulling power, the more I explore, the more I find that it is bottomless..."

For the first time, Sean heard the thick haze in Mr. Jung's words...

"So, we have only one goal for a while—

"No matter what happened in the dream, what happened..."

"Let's just find Leon Garcia, and then quickly take him out of the Don't have the slightest hesitation and hesitation!"

Obviously, the old gentleman has already explained his warning with the attitude at the moment.

In the night sky, Sean and Moonlight looked at each other, and their eyes were a little nervous.

"It's here..." Mr. Jung's eyes looked in the direction of the ground.

He adjusted his posture and plunged into the clouds with Sean and Moonlight.

The dark clouds blocked his vision, and Sean couldn't see anything except the two around him.

Cold water droplets condensed on Sean's skin and clothes, making him feel chilling...

Suddenly, they broke through the bottom layer of the cloud.

And the scene in front of Sean and Moonlight at first made the two "experienced" explorers couldn't help showing extremely surprised expressions.

Gorgeous lights illuminated their unstoppably wide eyes and slack jaws.

The castle illuminated by fireworks, the huge Ferris wheel flickering with lights, the endless circus tents that can't be seen, the colorful balloons that were released into the air amid laughter, and... lingering in this place, extremely happy people.

Beneath them is a huge, flaming playground!

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