The Mingyu of Prehistoric Times

Chapter 332 Jingwei enters the world

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When Guizi began to spread among the people. Chang'e, the lunar star, sensed it. When she ascended to the lunar star, the spirit of the laurel sensed it and transformed into a moon rabbit. Chang'e established a mysterious connection with the laurel tree. When Hou Yi was reincarnated as an adult, Mingyu sent the boy Songye to the Taiyin Star to take Yimu Guizi with Chang'e. After the Peach Fair, Mingyu took this Mu Guizi to live in Laoshan, and only waited for the opportunity to plant Guizi. Now that all this has passed, the merits will finally be fulfilled.

But it is said that Mingyu passed back the jade talisman in Yingtai Mountain, asking Jingwei to enter the world and go through tribulations to eliminate cause and effect. After Yunlan got Mingyu's jade talisman, she called Jingwei to her practice place.

Jingwei came to see Yun Lan and saw Yun Lan sitting on the futon, closing her eyes and meditating. He didn't dare to disturb him, so he knelt in front of Yun Lan and waited for Yun Lan to finish his meditation.

Half a day later, Yun Lan finally woke up, opened her eyes and saw Jingwei kneeling in front of her, and said to Jingwei with some pity: "Sit down and talk. You don't have to kneel like this!"

"Yes!" After Jingwei heard Yun Lan's words, he stood up and sat on the futon nearby, and then asked Yun Lan: "I don't know if the teacher has asked the disciples to come here, but do you have something to give me?"

Yun Lan nodded to Jingwei and said to her: "The jade talisman passed back by our ancestor the day before yesterday is related to you."

"Oh!" Jingwei couldn't help but be startled. She was only a third-generation disciple in Yingtai Mountain. She didn't understand why Mingyu was worried about her. She looked at Yun Lan with a hint of doubt and asked, "I don't know what's going on. If I can trouble my ancestors, please tell me!"

Seeing that Jingwei was not too surprised, Yun Lan could not help but nod and smile in appreciation. This disciple has been practicing with me for these years. Although his Taoism is average, his mind has been cultivated extremely deeply. I have experienced some disasters, and I will be able to shine in the future if I think hard about it. If her students get good grades, her face as a teacher will also shine.

In Yingtai Mountain for so long, Yun Lan has only seen Grandmaster Boyun Zhongzi accept a disciple, who is a direct descendant of Phoenix. Several other masters and uncles have not accepted them as disciples, presumably because their vision is too high and ordinary people cannot enter their eyes, so they cannot think of accepting disciples. In this way, she became somewhat eye-catching. A mere second-generation disciple actually has a disciple. Fortunately, Jingwei made her feel at ease, and it would not be difficult for her to achieve success in the future.

"You were originally the daughter of Emperor Shennong. Due to a quarrel with the Dragon King of the East China Sea, you were killed by it in the East China Sea. Then you turned into a Jingwei bird, but you were shot by a mountain man and fell into the sea. The master said that The human body was reshaped by the power of the body, and you regained your human form. The mountain man who shot you into the sea also had an extraordinary origin. He was the reincarnation of Hou Yi, the great witch of the ancient witch clan. As a human being, you have given him some karma, and now that the opportunity is coming, I want you to go to the human world, extradite Hou Yi's reincarnation, and return his karma."

After hearing Yun Lan's words, Jingwei understood the reason. She has been practicing Taoism for many years, and she also understands that you must pay back the good deeds you have done. Even though the reincarnated Hou Yi shot her with an arrow, he was able to regain his human body as a result. This was a great cause and effect for Jingwei. No wonder Mingyu had to send back the command talisman to ask her to go to the human world. Thinking of this, Jingwei felt that the great witch Houyi of the witch clan must have some friendship with Mingyu, otherwise how could he get such care from the saint.

"I don't know how the disciple can extradite him. I hope the teacher will make it clear!" Jingwei suddenly asked Yun Lan. This was the first time she had encountered such a thing. I really don’t know how to do it. With her immortality, it would be impossible for her to be the reincarnation of Hou Yi.

Hearing Jingwei's question, Yun Lan smiled and said: "Although Hou Yi's reincarnation was a mortal mountain man, his previous life was extremely extraordinary. In ancient times, lichs were the supreme beings of heaven and earth, and Hou Yi was a member of the witch clan. A great wizard, with a noble status, is no worse than a teacher. You are just an insignificant junior in front of him. To be able to transform into him, for you, although it is to repay the cause and effect, it is also a great blessing. . Just go to the human world. As for how to extradite her, the time will come. "

"This disciple will understand. I wonder when will the disciple come down from the mountain?" Jingwei heard Yun Lan's words and asked no more questions.

"You go back and tidy up, then go down the mountain without saying goodbye to me. When you are successful, come back to Yingtai. At that time, your destiny will be fulfilled, you will be able to restore your previous life, and reunite with Emperor Shennong as your father. The love of women!”

Jingwei couldn't help but be overjoyed when he heard that he could break off his relationship with his father. He quickly kowtowed to Yun Lan and said, "Thank you very much, teacher, for your kindness. Even if I return to my previous life, I will serve my teacher well."

Seeing Jingwei like this, Yun Lan just smiled and nodded. He waved his hand and said, "Go and get ready, then go to the human world."

"Farewell, my disciple. Please take care of yourself, teacher!" After kowtowing to Yun Lan, Jingwei got up and returned to his residence. After tidying up, he left Yingtai Mountain and headed for the human world.

After Jingwei left Yingtai Mountain, he remembered that he had not asked his teacher where to find the reincarnation of Hou Yi. He couldn't help but feel very upset, and he realized that it was inappropriate to go back. The teacher didn't take the initiative to tell her, and she didn't know if there was another mystery. Jingwei didn't plan to go back again, so he just flew to the world.

Mingyu lived in Laoshan, where he lived in seclusion, looking at flowers and plants during the day, and wandering in meditation at night. When Wu Gang fainted under the osmanthus tree, he ignored him. Only when Lady Xianjiu took Wu Gang home did Mingyu pay attention to the development of the matter.

Seeing Wu Gang running away in the middle of the night and Lady Xianjiu looking for her, Mingyu transformed into an old man and met Lady Fairy Jiu on the way. This fairy wine lady rescued Wu Gang and was a truly good person. Mingyu gave her a chance. When he first saw Lady Xianjiu helping Wu Gang, Mingyu specially calculated the fate of Lady Fairy Wine and was shocked to find that she had the fate of golden branches and jade leaves.

Let's say that Wu Gang left Lady Xianjiu's house in the middle of the night. Because of his inconvenience, he stopped and walked all the way, thinking about returning home. Who would have thought that the next day, I would faint again on the roadside due to typhoid fever.

At this time of year, it was the middle of winter, and there were very few people passing by on the road. Wu Gang fainted. He didn't wake up for most of the day, and he was about to freeze to death on the road. But he knew nothing about it. The weather in the morning was pretty good, and the sun was high in the sky. After noon, a cloud of black drifted in, and it became gloomy again. Within half an hour, it started snowing heavily again. Wu Gang fainted and passed by. Not long after, half of his body was covered by heavy snow. In a daze, a cold air rushed into his body, and Wu Gang woke up from the cold again. At this time, he could no longer move, half of his body was numb and had no feeling, and he had a severe fever. I was very thirsty, so I lowered my head and took a big mouthful of ice and snow. Unexpectedly, the ice and snow entered my stomach. I shivered all over and felt that my head was heavy. I tried my best not to fall asleep, but finally passed out.

Amid the dizzy state of mind, Wu Gang heard someone's voice and wanted to call out for help. It was just that the voice was so low that even he couldn't hear it clearly, and he fainted again.

"Chacha..." came from a distance, and two cars were approaching from a distance. The cart was pulled by four deer. The first one was ordinary, but the one following behind was extraordinary at a glance, showing that the owner was either rich or noble.

While driving, the driver who was driving the car suddenly let out a startled cry. He thought he was dazzled. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub his eyes. He looked forward again and finally found that he was not dazzled. He was on the roadside not far ahead. There was a man lying down, with most of his body covered by heavy snow. He seemed to have suffered frostbite halfway.

"Steward, there is a man lying on the road ahead. He must be frostbitten. Do you want to go down and have a look?" The coachman shouted to the steward in the car.

Hearing the driver's shout, he shouted loudly and opened the curtain of the deer cart. The manager stuck his head out of the car. The driver pointed to the front and said, "Here, that's right there. It must be freezing!"

The responsible steward followed the coachman's direction and saw a person lying on the ground in front of him, and he couldn't help but frowned. I wanted to ignore it, but when I thought about my master's character, he would definitely not be happy if he ignored it, so I had to say to the coachman: "Stop the car, let me go and have a look. It's so cold that I don't know if I will freeze to death." If he still has breath, it would be a meritorious deed to save him!"

"Okay!" Hearing Steward Zhong's words, the driver suddenly shook the rope in his hand, and the deer cart stopped. The car following behind suddenly stopped when it saw the front, and the driver couldn't help shouting: "Old Tuoba, why did you stop the car? It's almost dark, and you delayed the time!"

Hearing the driver's shout from behind, the steward who had just got out of the deer cart said, "I met a passerby with frostbite on the road ahead. I want to see if he is still alive. If I delay my journey, I will talk to the owner in detail later." The steward said. After that, he walked towards the person lying on the roadside.

"Why did you stop the car?" came a female voice in the car. Her voice was extremely gentle. It was soft and comfortable in the ears. A woman dressed in light green poked her head out and asked the driver: "Why did you stop the car?"

"The manager said he met a passerby ahead and suffered from frostbite."

After hearing the coachman's reply, the woman shrank back again. There was a woman in beautiful clothes sitting in the car, who was two or three years older than the woman in light green clothes.

"Master, the steward said there is frostbite on the road ahead!" After hearing what the woman in green clothes said, the woman in the beautiful dress frowned and said, "It's freezing cold and snowy today. If we can save it, let the steward carry the passerby up. Che, give him a pill of Yuxiang Pill. When he gets better, ask him where his hometown is!"

After hearing what the woman said, the woman in green clothes responded respectfully: "Yes, Master!" After saying that, she got out of the car and walked to the front to take care of the business.

"There is still breath, I guess it's the cold air that has entered the air, and it's burning." Steward Chong stroked the snow, stretched out his hand to feel the man's breath, and a scorching breath rushed towards him, Steward Chong said in a different voice. "Old Tuoba, come down and help me. This man is suffering from a severe fever, and he is probably being invaded by the cold air."

"Okay!" The coachman, Lao Tuoba, jumped off the deer cart and trotted over to Steward Chong, "Steward Chong, get out of the way. I will carry him into the car." After hearing what Old Tuoba said, Steward Chong stood up and stood up. On the side, let him carry this person on his back. Seeing Lao Tuoba carrying the man on his back, the manager reached out and patted the man's body, knocking off all the snowflakes on his body.

The woman in green clothes came over and saw Old Tuoba carrying the passerby into the car, so she asked the manager: "Can that person still be treated?"

"Miss Lu!" Mr. Zhong, the manager, bowed his hands to Miss Lu, "It's just the cold air that has entered his body. He needs to be recuperated, so it's no big deal. He's also very lucky. If he meets us, if he waits until dark and the cold air penetrates into his body, he may be in trouble." No, it’s the root cause of the disease.” (!) More little ones said, “It’s all in the book of Xing Yue”! The latest chapter of "The Ancient Mingyu" Chapter 332: Jingwei Enters the World is compiled and uploaded by Xingyue Book Bar ()

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