The Male Main’s Uncle Is Openly Obsessed With Me

Chapter 44: Seahorse Dragon Bone Soup

If it was said that the rewards of the aunt's paper at the beginning only made people see her Hao, then the appearance of the audience behind and her wording made people have to think more.

Especially in this live broadcast room, nine out of ten people came here after seeing the Amway of some two people.

[The lucky audience who was drawn? 】

[Roommate? 】

[I seem to know something...]

[Me too...]

[What are the secret signs upstairs? Tell me together, catch my Xiao Xixi and don't let go! 】

[Hold away our house and An An~]

[I really think that one day I will stay in the same live broadcast room with my wall to watch the same host live broadcast, rounding up is me and Xiao Xixi He. 】

[What daydreaming upstairs? My wife is in my bed now! 】

Seeing that the audience's topic is getting more and more restrictive, Su Yayan can't help but cough in order to prevent her live broadcast room from being blocked, and draw the audience's attention back: "Ahem, thank you both I’m very happy that the audience’s rewards can be helpful. The rewards can be done according to their ability. Okay, let’s get back to the subject, let’s introduce the medicated food we are going to make today."

As soon as Su Yayan's voice fell, a few messages floated on the screen asking whether he still made the medicated diet for the treatment of dysmenorrhea today, and whether to draw a lottery?

"Because I have made a medicated diet for the treatment of dysmenorrhea yesterday, in order to stop my male compatriots from saying that I am partial and unfair, today I decided to make a medicated diet specifically to improve the hidden diseases of male compatriots."

Many viewers who watched the live broadcast were a little disappointed when they heard this. After all, most of them watched the previous video of Amway and Su Yayan of the other two bloggers, but now they say they don’t do this...

"However, looking at the number of online users in the live broadcast room exceeding 10,000, everyone supports me so much. I will make a tea that is simpler than before. It will treat irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea and even amenorrhea caused by stagnation of Qi and blood The effect, interested friends can pay attention to it later."

The audience was in the same mood as riding a roller coaster. They thought they wanted to leave when there was no show, but they were hooked back when they heard this.

[Is it so amazing? look forward to! 】

[Amenorrhea also effective? ! What kind of tea is so magical? Can you do it now, want to see...]

[Curious what is the new medicated meal that the anchor is going to make today, and what kind of man’s hidden illness... Isn’t it the one I thought? 】

The vast number of female compatriots once again joined the bullet-screen army, and the poor male compatriots mingled among them, and the scattered questions were drowned in dense messages.

"Then let's make the first medicinal meal-seahorse keel soup. The ingredients needed are pig keel, which is the back of a pig, a carrot, and..." Su Yayan pointed to the ones placed in the bowl. Dry goods, "Hippocampus."

[Hippocampus? What it is? Looks so strange? 】

[This thing is dry, it looks a bit like dry goods, but it looks a bit like an animal, so what is it? Never heard of it. 】

There are endless questions in the live broadcast room. Su Yayan is not in a hurry to answer, but first cut the pig keel into pieces and filter the water, then peel the carrot and cut into pieces, wash it with the hippocampus, and put it in with the pig keel. In the stew pot.

Su Yayan did these actions very quickly, especially when he was cutting bones and radishes. After a few brushes, the things were processed, and the audience in the live broadcast room was taken aback for a while.

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