The Male Main’s Uncle Is Openly Obsessed With Me

Chapter 33: Only female numbers are allowed

Su Yayan glanced at the feedback on the screen and saw that the cooked eggs in the pot had almost been dyed dark, and turned off the fire.

"Today's live broadcast ends here. I just saw a lot of people leave a message that they are in their menstrual period. Today, this motherwort boiled eggs will be given to the three viewers in the live broadcast room as a small benefit. To be fair, use it directly. With the lottery equipment in the live broadcast room, you can participate in the lottery after 30 seconds after sending the "Little Kitchen of Words". This time, the male compatriots should not rush to it, and give the female compatriots more opportunities."

As soon as Su Yayan said this, he immediately caused dissatisfaction among a few male compatriots in the live broadcast.

[This is not fair! Why can't men participate in the lottery? My daughter-in-law is in her menstrual period recently, can't I take it back to her? I am not convinced! 】

[That is, my sister is in her menstrual period recently, so why can a girl be able to grab it, but a man can't grab it? Dear sisters, sisters, aunts and aunts, you have given up! 】

[My mom...]

[My girlfriend...]

[The distant cousin of my second uncle’s aunt’s house is also...]

However, in the blink of an eye, the style of painting in the live broadcast room has changed suddenly. From exploring whether Su Yayan’s sweet soup tastes good or not, is it really effective for dysmenorrhea, he has become a male compatriot who proves that he also has a girl in his menstrual period that needs care. I hope that the anchor can treat him equally. Don't just open the door to female audiences.

As soon as Huo Chenhuan heard that Su Yayan wanted to give out the things he made by himself, and still used the lottery method, he frowned and said in a low voice: "Although I don't like sweets very much."

Yu Ziyan: "Huh?"

"But it's good to taste it occasionally."

"..." Yu Ziyan, who received the crazy suggestion from his young master, was all ill.

Master, be more sober! Even if the soup was made by the young lady herself, everyone said clearly, it is for girls in their menstrual period, girls!

You are a big man who joins in the fun, and you are not afraid of drinking problems!

With a twitching mouth, Yu Ziyan silently remembered the Legal Department in his heart. If it weren’t for their slow work efficiency, it would not be his turn to stay in the old house today. He could not meet the embarrassment that made him overwhelmed. situation.

"Ah, it's too late this time, wait for the next time. I'll ask the technical department to give you a black box in a while to ensure that you will have a copy of all the prize draws in the live broadcast of Madam Madam in the future."

Huo Chenhuan's expression improved, and then he added: "Only female accounts are allowed, I am an exception."

Yu Ziyan's eyebrows trembled when he heard the words, a little frantic.

At that time, Su Yayan didn't know that the lottery in her live broadcast room was about to be "black-boxed", and since then, the audience wearing the male trumpet has almost been cut off from the lottery.

The reason for this is simply that someone can't see other men eat the things she made by herself, and the jealous jar is turned over.

Thirty seconds was no more than a blink of an eye, and the lottery carousel in the live broadcast room started on time, and three spots were quickly drawn from the thousands of viewers watching the show.

Surprisingly, these three places all happened to be in the same city as Su Yayan.

"Congratulations to the three spectators with the ID name [Did Auntie Leave Today?], [Momo is my wall head], and [Mingming Ruhan] got a copy of Motherwort boiled eggs from the same city express. Please pay attention to check it. In addition, I also wish to be in Friends who are sad during their menstrual period are all well and painless, see you tomorrow~"

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